Still no Barbara... If you know Barbara please do tell her to claim her prize today! I will draw another winner tomorrow if she doesn't come forward today. Hope she doesn't miss out on this wondeful prize.
Hey, stop hoping she doesn't show up! That's not nice, y'know! LOL! Man, you guys are bad!
really not hoping she doesn't show up. Honest!
Me too!!!
What a fabulous giveaway! I guess I can't pretend to be her! lol
I think it's time. Another winner is called for! I think that you need to just break down and go with it, guilt free! I support you! No alterior motive is involved.
Hope she doesn't show at all, lol, if you can't find her, well, pick me hahahaha :P
Hey Brenda I am changing my name will that be okay?? Have a great day I love my order from the shoppe. Hugs, Marie
What a predicament, hoping she sees this so she can claim her wonderful prize or hoping she doesn't, so we have a chance at it;) I really do hope she sees this, I know if she doesn't and realizes she lost out, she will be sad and I hate to see people sad:(
Can you tell I am in a mood today, lol.
Oh my! Sounds like a 'second chance' drawing is definitely in order to me! She'll be missing out on a fabulous giveawy!
I could change my name to Barbara, Brenda. Would that count?
We know we are BAD...but the giveaway is so GOOD! lol And I don't think I even knew about it in time to try! lol Love your blog!
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