I will transfer them to a large basket and give the a whirl to make sure everyone get a fair shot but ultimately GP will chose the winners and Trash is looking to be far ahead of the rest offering him candy from the UK if he picks her name, LOL! I hope he can be counted on the do the honorable thing , but I will check his pockets for "extra" entries, lest he fall prey to temptation (hey, it happened to Adam! LOL!). Some women, yeah, I'm talking about you Ms. Trash over there, hahaha~
Bad Blogger, Bad!
Can GP be bribed with German chocolate ?? LOL
Lol... how about a Wisconsin cheese bribery?? Lol, somehow I don't think GP is going to like that as much as chocolate :o)
No bribes from me Gp. I know you will do the right thing and pull my name out of the basket. Bad girls Liz and Colleen for all your bribes and trickery! LOL!
Brenda, tell Gp Happy Halloween from Washington State.
Ohhhhh wowowowowow
THanks alot of writing. Bet your little fingers are really sore...Poor thing...
You are just wonderful to do all this for us blog buddies.
Hope i win hope i win hope i win....LOL
Incredible! You certainly got the word out about your great giveaway!
Caipirinha brasileira??LOL
Well, as the old song goes, "(I) ain't too proud to beg..." Could you just put my name in one more time for auld lange syn?? :P
How fun is that!!? 500 anxious women waiting for their names to be picked - pins and needles don't cover it - try pictchforks and swords!!! LOL!! can't wait until THE day!
Wow that is an amazing amt of entries! Do you have hand cramps? :-) Maybe we should be bribing you~ :-))
Well you can't blame Ms Trash for having a go LOL
ohhhhhhhhhhhhh it takes a bribe. Puff Tacos from San Antonio....will that do it....grin
Hmmmm I can give a yummy treat to GP if he picks me, and some for you too ;), if you do, it isn't a blackmailing, lol
I don't do blackmailing hihihi, but Dutch candy are so SWEET !!!
Soooooo...... THAT'S how a person wins!!!!
Okay, here's what I've got:
Maple candies - 2 or 3 different kinds, even!
And possibly some maple cookies, too!
OH WAIT A SECOND!!! Will you throw our names out of your witches cauldron if we try to bribe you?!?
Hmmmm.... on 2nd thought, you best forget what I just wrote!
Happy Halloween, my newbie friend!!!!!!
And the drum begins to roll.....
ooooooooooohhhh~!~ so much competition~!!~
i happen to be doing a blog giveaway over on my blog if you are interested . . . and i know that sounded like a bribe but truly it wasn't~!~
love what paynterfamily4 had to say~!~:pitchforks and swords~ha~!!~
You have certainly had a lot of enteries lets hope that i am pulled out of the basket well i am a basketcase anyway lol
Hugs Janice
Ooooooooooh...... wakey, wakey!!!!!
It's SUN-DAY!!!!!!!
*hoping from 1 foot to the other*
Someone's NAME needs to be drawn!!!
Wow, that is a lot of names.
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