'Tis the season for regifting. Fa La La La La
Oh, you know there is a that one gift that you wish had never been under the tree. That gift that you cannot bring your self to throw away because you know it was given with so much love... but man, where are you supposed to put that thing? Or why did she think you were two sizes larger than you really are? Do you seriously look that fat? Ouch!
I believe that regifting can be the relief to your troubles. You can regift a heartfelt gift and never feel guilty about not appreciating the gift because you know that someone else will enjoy it. It might not be your color, but you know someone who would absolutely croon over it... ah, the joy of giving.
It never stops.
While unpacking one of my sister's moving boxes we came across this cutie. It's a hand painted box I gifted her many years ago. It was one of the first pieces I painted and it is far from perfect but wicked cute. However, she has had it and loved it for many years and doesn't have a place for it in her new home. My idea was to purge it and she agreed, but then SHE came up with the idea that it should go to a new home, so here it is up for grabs. Let the regifting begin!
This little box has a black over red distressed body and its compartments are lined in red wool.
The top is painted mustard and has a gentleman carrying a pumpkin. It's painted in the Peter Ompir style. I have no idea whose pattern I used (It was a long time ago) but it is not my original design.

I just painted it. It has been used and loved, and looks just like it did the day she received it.
It's so cute.
To enter the giveaway just leave a comment and tell me what you could not bare to purge and decided to regift. Can't wait to read it. I will choose a random winner tomorrow. See you then! Brenda