This Giveaway is now closed. thank you to all who entered.
The winner will be anounced on Sunday!
Let the fun begin! This should be the easiest giveaway ever...your chances are awesome. There are only three days to post your entry (add a link on your blog and I will give you THREE extra chances to win; seeing how it's only three days before the giveaway it just makes sense to me. Three/three...see? Ah, never mind, I've had too much Diet Coke today, I might not be thinking straight! LOL!)
OK, so Williraye fans will recognize the WEE Halloween collection. It includes a little girl/witch with her cat and a Jack O'lantern . They are tiny (Girl 3" x 1.5" x 4", Cat 2" x .5" x 2.75", Pumpkin 5" x 2.5". The one pictured is mine, the one I will ship to the lucky winner is brand spanking new, in its box! Also a lovely little candle mat that I made myself and embellished with Hillcreek Designs hand dyed buttons (Thankyouverymuch!) with a yummy Pumpkin Patch soy candle by Pilgrim's Primitives AND, a gorgeous mini Indian Corn bundle that I picked up at Lull's Farm just this afternoon. If you are not from NH, I'll have you know that Lull's Farm is one of the most wonderful farms in our area, they grow everything your Harvest Home could ever need...Indian corn in all colors and sizes...pumpkins in all sizes, sweet corn, vegetables, peaches, apples...everything (OOps, did I go off on a tangent again?, sorry...must be Mimi-time, code for bedtime, LOL!). I'd send you a pumpkin too but they're too heavy so that you'll have to get yourself, but other than that, I think this little treasure trove should make your heart happy. Leave a post, spread the word and remember with only three days to go, you're almost a winner already, woo-hoo! Oh, I did the math, this stash retails for $40 (and that's without the handmade candlemat there... that one's "priceless", LOL!) I feel so sneaky with a three day giveaway, is that wrong?'s fun! Woo-HOO!
Before you post a comment please be sure that you have an email attached to your username, or have added your email to the comment. I will not hunt you down to give you a prize! I will email you, if you don't have an email... well, someone else might enjoy your prize and that would be a bummer, eh? ;)

OK, so Williraye fans will recognize the WEE Halloween collection. It includes a little girl/witch with her cat and a Jack O'lantern . They are tiny (Girl 3" x 1.5" x 4", Cat 2" x .5" x 2.75", Pumpkin 5" x 2.5". The one pictured is mine, the one I will ship to the lucky winner is brand spanking new, in its box! Also a lovely little candle mat that I made myself and embellished with Hillcreek Designs hand dyed buttons (Thankyouverymuch!) with a yummy Pumpkin Patch soy candle by Pilgrim's Primitives AND, a gorgeous mini Indian Corn bundle that I picked up at Lull's Farm just this afternoon. If you are not from NH, I'll have you know that Lull's Farm is one of the most wonderful farms in our area, they grow everything your Harvest Home could ever need...Indian corn in all colors and sizes...pumpkins in all sizes, sweet corn, vegetables, peaches, apples...everything (OOps, did I go off on a tangent again?, sorry...must be Mimi-time, code for bedtime, LOL!). I'd send you a pumpkin too but they're too heavy so that you'll have to get yourself, but other than that, I think this little treasure trove should make your heart happy. Leave a post, spread the word and remember with only three days to go, you're almost a winner already, woo-hoo! Oh, I did the math, this stash retails for $40 (and that's without the handmade candlemat there... that one's "priceless", LOL!) I feel so sneaky with a three day giveaway, is that wrong?'s fun! Woo-HOO!
Before you post a comment please be sure that you have an email attached to your username, or have added your email to the comment. I will not hunt you down to give you a prize! I will email you, if you don't have an email... well, someone else might enjoy your prize and that would be a bummer, eh? ;)
How cute! I hope I win :-)
Adorable! This would look just lovely in my entryway. Please put me in for the giveaway. I added a link to you on my blog.
What a great display.. I would love this on my sofa table! Thanks for sharing... I will post it on my blog.
I have no blog, but maybe you'll enter me anyway. I love giveaways.
Ohhh, I love Willyraye!!! Have done several of Country Lore'spatterns adapted from their fun folkart. I don't have a blog, but plllleeeaaase enter me !!
Thanks much! Chroistine
This is too cute! Would look great under my Halloween Tree!
Awesome!! I love Williraye! Thanks for giving me the chance to win! =o)
Why does this happen? Have you set things up so that any post about giveaways doesn't show up in my blogroll? It is a plot isn't it?
I would love to join in if I may please.
OMG, I'm putting in my 3 cents! (get it? - its a 3 day post) - love your site -
Willyray how wonderful. I woul love to win. I miss NH.I could put him with my NH display.
Just utterly adorable!! I would love to win. Please include me in the giveaway. Thanks so much.
Ooooo gorgeous're toooo generous! I'd love to be in the giveaway, Thankyou...W x
i am another non blogger, but i do tell my friends about your website. if i won the lottery (no chance, i've never bought a ticket!), but if i did i would order 3 of everything for all my friends!! thanks for providing all of us with wonderful fabrics, patterns and fun. i'm drooling at the post office everyday waiting for my order! patti
I just love Willyraye and your website. It makes my day when I receive your emails. Thank you!
Boy I could use a little Yankee Fall!
Missing NY ever since I moved to NC, It is finally getting fall like here and woo hoo!
I will be breaking out the fall decor today! Hope I get to add this stuff to it!
Pick me, pick me, pick me.... I don't have my own blog, but I did e-mail your website to my two quilting guilds. Does that count???
Awww, they're so cute! I don't have a blog, but I hope I have a chance of winning anyway. ;-)
I love it. I don't have a blog but would love to win anyways. It would look so nice in my livingroom.
I'd like to win too!! I enjoy the fun of Halloween!
I'd love to win Brenda! Fall is my favorite season, too.
Fall is my favorite time of the year and I love a give away! Your display is too cute. I hope I win!!!
I just love Willyraye. I don't have a blog but please wnter me. It's a prize worth greating a blog for!
I just love Willyraye. I even created a blog and entered a link to your site. I finally quit procrastinating!
What a wonderful video..They are an awesome couple and love their work.
Also, would love the giveaway, who wouldn't?? Don't have a blog yet but PLEASE enter me. Love your blog and shop, one of the friendliest ever.
Hello from the NH seacoast! This display is just so cute...fall is my absolute favorite season. Love your site (and blog) and check it often. If you ever open a brick and mortar store, I'd definitely be heading south for a visit!!! Please enter me in your giveaway.
Thanks! Barbara
Just delightful!!! I have been a Willieraye fan for over 15 years!
You are very sneaky, lol.
I love their pieces, very fun.
I can't believe what a lovely giveaway. I love Willieray.
Williraye are my very most favorite collectibles! Oh, how I would love to display them with my collection.
Thanks for the chance to win these awesome holiday characters.
Great giveaway, Brenda! Please enter me in the drawing! :-) That would look great in my entryway.
This would great on my hutch. Love your blog and your PPP site too.
Mary Ann Dove
Love Williraye! Halloween and fall are my favorites. I like the Jim Shore withches too.
Please enter me in your giveaway. WHat a cute blog you have!
What a great display. I love Williray and I treasure the few pieces I have. I do not have a blog but I hope this is my lucky day. Love your website and your products.
Brenda ... I love your blog! I just hit your playlist to enjoy the music while reading and I am going to be dancing to "Walk Like an Egyptian" all day ... lol! Your festive fall decorations are so adorable. Oh ... and Lull Farm is wonderful place to visit on a cool, crisp, sunny autumn day in New England. Fall is my favorite season. I admit I hope I win the gorgeous goodies ... I have my pumpkin all ready and waiting. ;-) Good luck, everyone! Thanks, Brenda ... Pat
WOW That would look beautiful in my front bay window!!! Thank you .thank you for giving us all a chance to win..God Bless ^j^ Bev
I love all things Autumn/Halloween, you found some really cute stuff. Please enter me in your giveaway. I enjoy reading your blog & seeing all the cute things you finish.
They are gorgeous!! Wish I had a blog to link to! This is my fav time of year and have just started getting decorations for it. These would be a great addition@ Cheers!
Wow what prize. That's a really cute Halloween table top setting. I'd love to win that.
The display is really cute. I just received my fall stars kit and think they will look really good with these as well.
This Halloween set is adorable. I am working on a Halloween wool mat for a friend, because Halloween is her favorite holiday. This would be perfect to add to it!!!
Thanks, Sandra in VA
This is TOO adorable!!! I would LOVE to have these !! Please enter me in the drawing!
Adorable! You are too kind to give away something so cute!
I would have just the place for this. Hope I win! I would love your candle mat and treasure it!
Now how did ya know I am a Willi Raye collector? Lol. Brenda, thank you for your generosity in giving this prize and what I am sure will be a wonderful mat created by you.
Cute giveaway. Hope I am not too late to enter.
I already have my pumpkins, one is decorating the dining room table! Now they just need some company and these would be great!!!!
Fun, fun, FUN!! I love giveaways and I love your stuff -- the perfect combo for me! And I *do* have a link to you in my blog! Let the giveaway proceed! :)
Too cute! count me in!
How lucky they are to live such a non-stressed lifestyle! Enjoyed the youtube clip, their art is wonderful!
Would love to own a piece of their work!
Love halloween my favorite holiday.What a great giveaway! Would love to win!
I love your website and reading your blog. I also love Willierayes!! I have them in almost everyroom and that one would be great on my mantel.
Lynne Sowerby
You are such a kick Brenda! You're high on pumpkin pie aren't you? These are too cute and would go with my pumpkin lights!...arden
I would love to enter your sneaky give away! love it..thanks for the chance and I am adding you to my blog right now. Blyn
hi, i would love to win this, thanks for the month of giveways, maybe iwill get lucky..
I don't have a blog but I do have email and would love to be entered in the drawing. In deep south Texas where I live we don't have much of a fall season but I decorate for autumn anyway. My email address is
Dang!!!! did I post in the wrong post?. Ok, ok, ok oficially I'm lost,was thinking you deleted me from your giveaway, LOL, no comment.My email's, escribeme ahi chica!
OMG!! I forgot my email and I CANNOT live without a chance for these adorable Willyrae pieces!!
Hi Brenda, l love to read your blog and boy what a giveaway, so please enter me for the giveaway and make my day,
Sue ....
Can't wait for my box with the Wool Star Kits to get here. Made it back to Florida from N.C. !!! These are just too cute! Nice to talk to you on the phone! CT
Thank you for posting a giveaway. Perhaps I will be the lucky winner this time. We'll see...
Outstanding giveaway!! Really gets me in the mood for the fall season.
Thanks for the chance.
Sue Cahill (sbonetsue at yahoo dot com)
OMG! Yes i am putting in my two cents! My Mom turned me on to your site and sure would love to win! I dont' have a blog but hope this gets me one entry!! Her and i ordered the star pillow kits and cant' wait to get started on them!
Choose me?! At least enter me for for your wonderful giveaway. Love decorating for fall and Halloween and your gifties would look great in my house...
the display is just so Fall! please enter me in the giveaway
Hi Brenda! What a great idea to have a give away! I am new to quilting and just received a kit from your company!! I love all the extra personal touches that you have added and I will continue to be a loyal customer even if I don't win (but I hope I do!!) Thanks for giving me the chnace to win!! Good luck everyone!! :o)
Barb Belanger... (Sorry not a blogger...)
Did I get my name in on time? I love those little critters!!
hope I am not too late. Love your site!
This giveaway is closed. No further comments will be accepted for the drawing, Brenda
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