GP uses "scripted" language to communicate/ make conversation. Scripted language is when you memorize complete sentences and then apply them to your everyday conversations.
For example, if he comes downstairs and there is someone there he will
say to that person, "OH! (this is his approach word- this is where he will halt, extend his hand to shake in greeting) Hello, please allow me to introduce myself. My name is Gene Paul. What's your name?" This is scripted language that allows him to step forward and interact in a safe, non threatening way with others. He will not be anxious about the other person if he faces his fear right off the bat, so he has a script for "meeting new people" that he applies when confronted with a "social situation" that might cause him anxiety. He has many other sentences for many other situations, this is just the first one that comes to mind.
When he says "classical music is good to relieve stress" he is not referring to HIS stress, he is telling me what he has read, which is why I think it's so funny. Stress? I would explain stress but that would be too complicated so I just smile and count my blessing! Scripted Language beats Silence, any day!B=)
Hahahaha! Yo-Yo-Ma at stadium concerts levels. Your boy is rocking the music.
Oh Brenda I love when you post about your precious son, thanks for allowing us into his learning world. Many hugs, Marie
LOL...I thought from the title that you were about to tell us that he is learning to play the cello. (I have a friend who homeschools, one of her four is learning cello)
That is pretty cute! LOL is right. He probably comes up with some pretty interesting scripts. Is that a conscience thing, has he learned to use script to confront fearful situations, or did he just start that on his own? Very intriquing to me!
I love GP!! And I love his scripted talking too - it's always fun to hear what he has to say!!
I would love to meet GP (and you, of course!). He sounds like a fun person to be around. And he has great taste in music! :-) I remember that story you told us about how you said something in Spanish and he went up to you and said, "Translate, please." That always puts a smile on my face when I think of it!
What a great post! Your son ROCKS!
I agree with GP! Yo-Yo Ma's cello can take me awa from the word. In fact, I was listening to him just yesterday on my iPod!
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