Very slowly! Remember this little corner I showed you? HERE!
Well, this is what it looks like today! The cabinet is chock full of Moda Charm Packs, Jelly Rolls, Layer Cakes, Sweet Sixteens (Maywood Flannel cut fabrics) and even a few Fat Quarter Bundles. No, I cannot show you inside, if I open the doors it might not close again, LOL!!!!

I have to upload these goodies but you know, it's just little old me and this is a big job ladies. Please be patient.
As you can see, I'm definitely moving in; corner at a time!
Looks great! Can I come stay awhile?
I'll be right appears I'd feel right at home!
Are you sure this is just a 'virtual' shop Brenda? It looks much nicer than most 'actual' shops I know.
Gorgeous stuff. Hurry up and get it on your website so we can shop!!!
I have the perfect spot for that cabinet in my family room! or should I call it the lobby :) Just in the event that you run out of space... it can always be relocated to TX!!
A very pretty display! Looks great.
Hi Brenda,
Thanks for popping by my blog. I fell in love with that quilt pattern the minute I saw it .... and that's my first proper bit of applique.
Congrats to the 2 lucky winners of the 'Wooly' pattern - wish it had been me!!
take care
It looks great, love how you set it all up.
I love your new corner!
I agree with T-Jessy. I think that even though it looks good in that corner, the cabinet would look great in Texas! :)
Is this your shop or your house? Either way I LOVE IT!!!!! You definately have the decorating flare girl! When you are done, can you come do my place?
Big Hugs!!!
Love the look of your shop, I'd come if I could fit through the screen!!
I'll browse your cool new website, its full of eye candy!!
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