A HoHoHo Kit!
This is the cutest penny rug ever. It has everything in it to make it as soon as it arrives, even the floss is included! It must have gotten lost at some point because I had no clue it was there. Isn't it great when you find stuff you didn't know you had? If I had the time to make it I would hoard it, I would... so shoot me! LOL!
I wont be making up this kit again so I am sad to see him go. Isn't it gorgeous? I love it; but I know he'll find a good home.
I just had to share, I love finding unexpected treasures... don't you?
This cutie has found a new home, Sold! =)
I love that pattern too. I had a swap for my quilt group and ended up making my own santa items for her since she loved them. Then I saw that and wish I had seen it sooner to make for her.
Brenda could you please email me with the price? It would make a perfect swap gift for one of my Christmas swaps.
How wonderful! I LOVE, LOVE, wool projects....makes me want to start one!
You should start poking around there some more, maybe a bag of money will fall on your head??!!! LOL
I really like this one too. Love the sheep with Santa.
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