According to freedictionary.com this means:
to accept the unpleasant results of something you have done, pay the price.
According to me it simply means: OWN IT!
Yep, I went to TX where my Mom waited for me frying pan in hand and pork in the oven... If you've ever had Puertorrican food you know exactly what I'm talking about and you are just grinning. If you have never had Puertorrican food, well, I don't know why on earth you would be fat, LOL! Yeah, it's bad for you. HAHAHA.
After only one week in TX, and shortly before Christmas my subconscious was already screaming and saying, "STOP! STOP!" but my Mom continued to pull out favorites from her recipe bank and well, you know what they say, "You don't eat this every day..." Or is it just my Mom that says that? HMMM. I hope not, LOL! Well, let's just say that when I had the first nightmare, that I had gained TEN pounds, I started to think maybe it was time to start eating out. You know it's bad when Wendy's is the low cal option... but being the good daughter that I am, I ate all of my Mom's food, and then some of my Sister's Lasagna, (are you seeing a pattern here? Do I have a crappy support system or what? LOL!) and pretended I was not being BAD, really BAD!
As soon as I got home, knowing that the day of atonement was fast approaching (Ahem, can you say personal trainer?), I dusted off the Nutrasystem boxes and and thawed out the frozen veggies, I hooked up the H2O I.V. and prayed for a miracle.
God, knowing I am good, granted me a reprieve and just five days after arriving home I am happy to report that I held steady. Weight loss zero, weight gain ZERO! Hello! (No, I am not telling her how I paid the piper, I did my time and I am now back on track. Hooray!
Have you paid the piper yet?
LOL omg Brenda!! My heart goes out to you!! I've been fighting a losing battle myself, so I can certainly relate! And it is SOOO EASY to fall back on old eating patterns...'specially when they involve food made from a beloved family member!! so it's ok to indulge...and then get back on the bandwagon! Wish ya the best and I'll be fighting that battle right along side you for 2011!!
We could call ourselves The Pumpkin Watchers...oh I crack myself up!
Hi B!! Looks like you got your Christmas miracle...you got to eat your Momma's awesome food and not gain any weight! yaahooo. Your family is just gorgeous, looks like you all had a great time in Texas. Happy Anniversary to your parents, WOW 48 years seems like forever doesn't it? My parents celebrated their 45 on Christmas Eve. We should both be proud of our parents for making it!! LOL
Take Care, Melissa
I don't have any scales but just by the way my clothes are fitting....I am screaming right along with you.
Good luck!
Congrats girlfriend:)
Depending on how you look at it, I was lucky.
Was too miserable to eat much this month, lol.
Oh girl, I know how you feel, the Holidays were so bad for me, (food wise only). I'm back on track also, no more weight gain, I worked so hard in 2010 to lose 45lbs. that it is NOT going to find me again!!!
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