Wednesday, January 12, 2011

It's a Winter Wonderland in NH!

So why not have a Winter Wonderland Giveaway? Hello!

Yes, we've been hit hard with TONS of snow in my little state but I'm thinking, "it's all good". We're home, we have food, we have electricity, we have cable TV! Woo-HOO! Doesn't take much to make me happy these days and I'm sharing my Winter joy with all those who choose to see their cups as half full, and giving away a Sweet Sixteen bundle of Winter Wonderland Flannels. Twenty-two pieces in all, prints and plaids of yummy Maywood flannels that will surely chase your Winter Blues away and remind you of the beauty of this magical season.
To enter all you have to do is tell me why you love SNOW... If you hate the snow or have nothing nice to say about it well, just don't enter the giveaway. We'll have no party poopers!

Anonymous entries will be deleted. Ladies, if you don't want me to know who you are then why do you want me to send you a prize? I don't get that! If you have a no-reply, just be sure to leave an email in your comment.
To all FB followers, you can enter this giveaway even if you entered the FB giveaway, yes...there are two bundles one on FB and one here... I'm good like that.
I'll draw the winners on Friday night, after we are all shoveled out.

If we reach 100 comments on this post I'll throw in a third Sweet Sixteen Bundle of Winter Wonderland Flannels...because I think everyone secretly loves the white stuff, they just don't want to admit it!
Come out of the closet you snow lovin' folks, I know you're out there!!! Let's celebrate this Winter Wonderland! Happy Noreaster!
If you do not have an email on your blogger profile or you have a not enabled your profile and you have not left an email in your post your comment will be deleted! I wont "hunt you down" to give you a prize... sorry, not gonna happen!
Multiple posts will also be deleted.


Terry said...

What beautiful fabric! Thanks for the chance to win some! I like to watch the snow fall, and I like how clean and fresh everything looks right after it snows too. That's about it! LOL

~Laurie~ said...

It's good to see my friend Terry comment first :)

You can enjoy the snow in person - we just moved to West Texas so we could enjoy the snow from afar!

Winter Wonderland would be a perfect momento from my life in New England ;)

strawberrycream39 said...

I love snow. I should hope so, since I live in central NY! We get 120" a year. It's beautiful, it's quiet, and it's serene. What could be better? Thanks for the chance to win your fabulous giveaway!

Sandie @ crazy'boutquilts said...

Oh what fun fabrics! I agree with you~ warm house, lots of hot choc and the snow is all good! Fun to play in and beautiful when it is all pristine. Thanks for the fun!

Mary Tullila said...

I love the look of snow.. it reminds me that through Christ, we are washed clean... yes Whiter than snow!! I love the sound of snow when it crackles under my feet.. reminds me to walk upon a firm foundation and reminds me too that I need to stop to hear its music. I love the sparkle of snow as the sonshine puts it brushstrokes of star dust upon each flake in the shimmering glow. I love the feel of snow...crispy & rosey cheek making upon my skin with each blast of winter breeze. Yup....those are a few of my favorite snow things!!

Robin said...

Gorgeous flannels! I love the snow 'cause today I got a sewing/snow day from work because of it! it's also beautiful as it's coming down!

Maggey and Jim said...

I love snow for the warm fuzzy feeling that it gives our home.. It makes me want to bake and cook.It also is so pristine when it first falls and so silent..I love to make snowmen and see kids sleighriding enjoying a snow day from school.. Thanks for the great giveaway and good luck to everyone.

Brenda said...

I love the white crisp beauty of the new fallen snow. Everything is so pretty. I love the forced home boundness of a snow day. No where to go but just be home with family.

Chantal said...

I was born in South Africa and grew up without EVER experiencing snow. We moved to Texas eleven years ago and I hoped I would eventually see snow. We do every now and then. It so brings out the kid in me, and I love every little flake that falls. We are lucky here because we don't have too much of it and don't get to shovel the sidewalks. So, I don't think I will ever get tired of it.
Thanks, Brenda, for the chance to win some stunning fabric.

JulieF1962 said...

Snow makes everything clean and quiets the noise. It's peaceful and beautiful.

Karen said...

I love how white and bright the snow makes everything! And that my beloved husband loves to plow it so I can get out! What's not to love! Great fabric!

free indeed said...

Normally, we have all kinds of snow here in northern Maine, but this year it is eluding us. The local snowmobilers are very disappointed; no trails open yet. Won't be good for businesses either if the outsiders don't come. Anyhoo, I LOVE when it snows! I loved when the kids got to stay home from school. It puts me in the cozy mode and I just want to bake and sew and be domestic! hehe. Wood in the stove, the kettle gently whistling...ahhhh! That's what I love about snow....

Barb said...

I think snow is soooo mystical when it falls... We had these huge bay windows that you could stand in in Missouri, at night when it snowed my husband would turn the outside lights one and we would just watch it beautiful

Chocolate Cat said...

I love snow but we don't get any here! It gets nice and cold and wet here but no white stuff unfortuantly! Thanks for such a great giveaway, I'd love to win!

kathleen said...

I love snow! I love to ski, cross country and down hill. I love coming in after all that activity and settling down by the fire, a glass of wine or cup of hot chocolate and a little hand work. Life is good.



marie said...

I love snow but we don't get very much of it here in the NW, our last "storm" brought 1/4" and it was gone in 3 hours when it turned to rain. I was sad as we have wonderful hills to go sledding. So, snow fabric would make me happy. Thanks.

Kelli said...

The fabric is so fun! I LOVE snow because I've had bad allergies since I was a kid and when the weather is under 30 degrees I am SO happy and feel great! I say "Bring it on!" It is so pretty and I'd love to have it year round! Thanks Brenda!

Betsy said...

Brenda, I have never used flannel. Thank you for the chance to win.

Sherrill said...

I LOVE the snow because it RARELY falls here in Texas! How's that? LOL Thanks for the giveaway!!

The Attic said...

Beautiful fabric.

Let it snow! I love the way it makes everything sparkle. My pooch loves to make dog angels.


I love that fabric, and I would love to have a chance to win it. I love the snow. It reminds me of all the fun I had when I was a kid. My brothers and I never missed a chance to sledride or built forts. It also reminds me of pure white fluffy clouds. Hugs, Linda

Beth McConnell said...

OMGosh the fabric is sooo pretty. I love snow because it makes everything quiet and calm. Even at night, it is bright. I would love to win!! Thanks

Deb Antonick said...

I love Snow! In the winter of course! LOL. My favorite thing about snow and winter is getting cozy by the fire with my coffee or hot chocolate and pull out my stitching. All of this is done with the curtains wide open so I can see how pretty it is. Happy Winter!
Deb Antonick

Friendship Crossing said...

I think snow makes everything that is sort of 'dead' and 'ugly' in winter look amazingly beautiful again.

Love those fabrics and for letting me join in!

Rosa Robichaud said...

Goodness gracious - I read your blog ALL THE TIME!!!


Why do I hate the white stuff? 'Cause I gotta work and I HATE starting my work day, shoveling!!!

And, it messes up with "plans"... fun stuff gets cancelled...

I got a 1/4 day of "snow day" today, and it's STILL snowing, as I'm typing this (s'now 10h15).

Can you say "Boot Camp"??? I'll be shoveling till the cows come home tomorrow morning! LOL

Thanks for the blog give away!

Rosa Robichaud

Lucky-1 said...

I have never seen snow, BUT I love it because,

I dream of snuggling up with my hubby and a warm drink by a fireside watching snow fall outside.

Beautiful fabric and thanks so much for a chance to win.

Jocelyn said...

I think Snow is absolutely beautiful to look at. When I lived in NY, the first snow was always so pretty. Thanks for such a great giveaway.

Allenz said...

Southern Arizona doesn't get much snow. I think it has snowed once in the 20+ years I have lived here. But when it did it was wonderful to watch the children that were born and raised here and had NEVER seen or experienced the wonders of SNOW.

QuilterLaura said...

Oh wow, is this ever the give-away for me! I LOVE snow. Always have, always will. I think I am the only one sometimes with all the complaining I hear from December until spring! I think it is so beautiful...and I even love shoveling it! I also love those fabrics. I have just a couple pieces from that collection, but would LOVE to add more....thank you so much!!

JoyceG said...

I'm a central Massachusetts girl now living on the Puget Sound in Washington State. I miss real snow - we get snow once in a while here, but it's not in quantity, and it doesn't stick around. I miss that quiet, muffled sound when you step out into heavy snow, especially at night, and I miss the bright blue sky that often follows a blizzard - we rarely have blue skies here in the winter!

Anna said...

I love the snow because my dog Enzo goes crazy! He does cookies all over the front of our property and then I bring him in and dry him off in his very own quilt!


Suzanne said...

I love the way bare, leafless branches of trees come back to life when covered with snow from the first new snow of Winter. What makes a more beautiful picture than a landscape covered with the first snow of Winter?

Debra @ Life is a Stitch said...

I love the fabric! & I love the last two blog posts were about snow - real and fabric! You can check it out here:

I like the freshness and the quietness that comes with the deep blanket of snow.
Thanks so much for the chance - and keep warm!

WoolenSails said...

Oh, I just love that fabric and I love flannel, it is all I wear in the winter, lol. Ok, yes I wear pj's, not like anyone sees me;)

I love snow, I love to cc ski and might try it this week to see how I do. My dog loves snow too, lol.


Brenda said...

Launa wrote:
"Brenda, You know I don't do FB nor blog, but I LOVE SNOW........"
and I truly appreciate your continued support and long friendship Launa. Good luck!!!

Deb R said...

What a beautiful flannel quilt the Maywood fabrics would make. I can see myself snuggling up in it after snowshoeing through the fields on a snowy day.

Maria McCabe said...

Such pretty fabric! Thank you for the chance to win! I love the peaceful feeling that is everywhere when snow is falling, it is almost like all of nature is in awe of the beauty of it.

Kathy B. said...

Snow is nature's way of covering up messes left behind by people. We live in the southwestern part of New York state, commonly referred to as the "snowbelt." I wouldn't trade it for any place else in the world. A snowy day gives me a good excuse to stay indoors and do whatever I desire (like sewing!)

Ulla said...

What beautiful fabric! I love snow because it look's so clean and beutiful. I also love skiing and you need snow to do that :-D

suunnittelija @

Miranda said...

Snow is just gone, after having almost one month a white landscape overhere. I love it! Just like your beautifull flanels, witch remind me of my my favorite season. Jummy, jummy, send me somy! Greetings from rainy Holland

Marie said...

Brenda what beautiful fabric and a wonderful give away! I would love to have the fabric in my stash. Growing up in Florida I never experienced sno wand then I was lucky enough to mee the man of my dreams and move to Ohio where i got to see and live with it first hand. The first snow fall is the MOST beautiful site to me, Makes me thinkof god, nature and all the things beautiful! I love your blog Brenda and all the great posts about GP are heart warming.Keep up the weight loss journey , your a real atreasure in my my book of firends! HUgs, Marie

WvHmmngbrd said...

Snow reminds me of the big blizzards we used to get back when I was a child in South Dakota. Playing, making snow forts, ice skating, and once in a while an actual snow day off from school! Nothing compared to today when one or two snowflakes and they call school. Thanks for the chance to win!

Barbara said...

Hello fellow New Hampshire'ite! I LOVE the snow...everything looks so beautiful, clean and pure. I especially love the coziness of being inside all nice and warm and just watching all the beautiful snow falling. Of course, you're never to old to hope for a snow day off from work too...LOL! Thank you so much for the chance to win that gorgeous fabric!

Anonymous said...

Lots of snow here too and today everything is frosted...just beautiful and the perfect time to sew something wintery. Thanks for the opportunity to win such gorgeous fabric.

Shelina said...

What I like about snow is that it is bright, and makes the winter less gloomy. It adds a quiet, and makes even the dirtiest streets look pretty. It is fun to make snowman, a snow family, a fort, etc. And then you really appreciate the warmth inside the house.

Robin C said...

what do I love about snow? it has to be the silence that comes to the earth as the white flakes fall from heaven to me it seems as if God is whispering "rest my child and dream of me".

Donna said...

I love the sparkle of sun on snow. There is just nothing more beautiful!!

PS Thanks for the giveaway!

Sylvia said...

When I look outside and the trees and everything is covered in snow and frost I think it's the most beautiful thing to see there is.
Making snowmen with my kids and ice skating was so much fun. Now I watch the neighbor kids sledding on the hill behind our house and it makes my day.

Linda said...

I love snow because it is quiet! I love snow in the south because it melts quickly....usually....except this week!

Sunny -- aka Matriarch said...

I love snow because of the silence when it's falling and the hushed, soft light of nights when snow is thick on the ground. I love finding deer tracks outside my front door in the new-fallen snow. I love the warmth of the scented candles shining softly against the window, reflected by the snow on the outside sill.
Sunny Hemphill
(I'm on FB under my REAL name)

Sharon said...

I love snow, while it is coming down then right after...before it gets disturbed. Love the silence and peacefullness...calmness (unless of course it is a full blown blizzard) Love playing in it...sledding is so fun! I can't imagine living where it never snows!

Unknown said...

I live in Cape May NJ, usually we do not get much snow but we have had three storms already. It is beautiful to look at. I enjoy when we can get a snow day and stay home and sew. My friend gave me your web site today, it is my first time BEAUTIFUL things. I LOVE wool. I think I am going to get into trouble here. Thank you for the give away. Happy New Year

QuilterMary said...

I may live in MD but I'm FROM New England and LOVE LOVE LOVE snow. Nothing better than sitting inside watching it fall outside and doing some handwork. THanks for the giveaway!!

Kim said...

Love the snow it just makes me smile! It looks so clean and fresh. I live in Canada so we get snow here too. I like that the seasons change it always feels new! Thanks for such a great blog! Kim email.

Gloria J W said...

Snow...what snow. I'm from sunny North Queensland Australia, so we don't have that sweet, downy, soft, feathery, beautifully fluffy stuff. can tell I don't know that it is wet, and can be slushy and looks like it would be a pain to shovel!! But your fabrics...well they are to die for...and well worth trying to make out that I know what I'm talking about. Rainbow smiles..Gloria

Wanda said...

Thanks for the chance to win the lovely fabric, here in the south we get very little snow but this year we have already had two snowstorms simply love the way everything looks so pristine!

gmp said...

I love, love, love this fabric! It would make a beautiful quilt to be wrapped in while watching the snow fall outside. Winter is my least favorite time of the year! I don't like having to go out to clear off my car, or driving around when the roads are bad. And, living on Long Island, we do get the brunt of most of the storms as they come through. But, Spring is right around the corner!

Anonymous said...

snow days!!! I get time off work so I can sew and "play"!

ladydi47 said...

Thanks for the chance to win this beautiful fabric!
I love to open the blinds in the morning after a snowfall and everything is sooo bright!
Diana B.
crb underscore deb at bellsouth dot net

Chandra said...

What a beautiful flannel quilt the Maywood fabrics would make... I have been moving to my new apt through our snow here.. 8 inches and this looks just lovely to quilt up and snuggle under. Ahhhhh! Thank you for the chance! =)

Sue Baddley said...

We are CONSTANTLY with snow. I've in northern Utah were, actually, it's snowing right now. Gotta love these mountains. Our license plates read, SKI UTAH! This fabrics is so cute and would make a fabulous winter quilt. Thanks for the giveaway!

Christine said...

That's lovely fabric! :)

I look forward to the snow all year long. With the first snow, comes nights by the fire with a cup of hot cocoa, waiting for the holidays to arrive. I love the way it quietly covers everything in a blanket of white.

Thank you for the giveaway!

Angela said...

Snow to me is a blanket on the earth. Letting everything rest and be refreshed.

Kathy said...

I love this fabric and I love your website! I wish I could go fabric fondling after seeing this beautiful wintery fabric collection!

Sarah Vanderburgh said...

Thanks, Brenda! Seems like I'm sharing my snow this year:) I live in northern Ontario Canada and can count on one hand how many times I've shoveled snow this year. Usually I run out of fingers to count on in November!! Hope it doesn't last too long for you.

Gail Huber said...

I love the 'warmth' of winter! Thanks for the chance to play for a prize!

Unknown said...

We got the snowstorm here in SE Mass. too! Snowstorms are so much fun to watch from the cozy warmth of my living room sofa! Plus, since we're snowed in, it gives me an excuse to retreat to my sewing room to do some quilting!

Annie said...

I'm the one who loves the snow!!! As a fellow Yankee we have gotten a lot this week and I find it comforting to sit inside and watch it fall. It means time to put on the slow cooker and get comfy. And I really love to watch it snow when it's dark - something so magical about it. If I have to shovel you will find me waiting until it's dark!!!

Babs Williams said...

I Loooooooove the flannels! Hope I win some!

Beth Upstill said...

We had snow all of two minutes this past Saturday. I would love a little snow!