Is this a gorgeous wool quilt or what?!
I'm in love; I need to make this quilt. I saw it and thought of three places where it could hang in my home. That ever happen to you? Well, it sometimes happens to me with quilts I can't make, but this one is easy enough for beginners so I can actually make this in one and not just wish I could. I just ordered the patterns for it, they should be in next week. Woo-HOO!
Just wanted to share my joy; it's the little things that make me happy...
this one will surely cure the Winter BLAHS! =)
This Pattern has sold out but has been reordered. Please do check back for availability!
I love this! The colors are so ME. I can't sew a stitch, but if I could I would find a way to weave my family tree into this. It just says "ancestry" to me.
Keep us posted on your project. I'll be cheering you on.
Ladybug Creek
It's really fantastic!! the drawing.... and the colors! Great!!!!
Ciao, Laura
I ordered this pattern just before Christmas and I LOVE IT! Now I am on a search for the wools....do already have the fabric for it? I just love it!
Take care!
I love your projets
It most definitely is a winner, Brenda. Love it!
I know lots of people love this one, so it should be a hit. I love working with wool, very relaxing and easier on the hands.
I realllllly love this pattern - it is stunning. However I could never do it in those boring drab colors! You know I would have to funky it up a bit ;)
I love this quilt! I'm going to have to get this pattern as well!
Oh B! It is a stunning quilt! Can't wait to see yours done!
I can see you tooo....LOL...good thing you are not still in your jammies!!! LOL! That quilt is beautiful...! Have fun making and and show some pictures when finished!
Oh boy, Settler's Pride is absolutely stunning! I love the colours, blocks, how it's put together, just the whole darn thing! Now,I have to find a way to get it to Canada!!!!
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