Sandy was a quilting away all the time I was in TX; she was a quilting maniac! LOL! Which totally explains how she made two HUGE quilts to give as gifts and sent off two more to be quilted while I was there. I was on vacation so no quilting for me, hee-hee.
I have yet to unpack my suitcase but I did sleep wrapped in my sisters arms last night, so to speak. I was warm and toasty in Sandy's great big hug...my very own Pumpkin Patch Quilt. Thanks Sandy, I love it...
OMG! I almost forgot to mention that my other sister gifted me TWO sets of gorgeous flannel jammies... you should see the mess on my kitchen table...I had to tear through the suitcase to dig them out. Now how was I supposed to sleep under my new quilt in my old PJ's? LOL! I'm so bad, I literally pulled out my new PJ's and left the mess. I piled it high and it's still waiting to be dealt with. But I do have my gorgeous red snowman jammies and my new quilt.... so I'm feeling pretty happy right about now, LOL! Thanks for the jammies TChoco. They were like icing on my cake! I love 'em... Hope your Xmas was full of love and laughter. Family, it's a good thing! B=)
That is a beautiful quilt! You are so lucky to have a sweet sister! Happy New Year!
Happy New year to you Brenda!, you got lovely gifties, congrats! :)
Oh, drooling here on my keyboard. That is gorgeous. Love, love, love it! Happy New Year!
Glad to see you back, miss reading your blogs. That is one beautiful quilt and such a wonderful gift.
Very nice!
Holy cow, what a busy time you've had since coming home! Yay on the quilt - you know I love-love-love the fabrics, and the pattern is perfect!
Happy, healthy and prosperous 2010 to you! ♥
Hi Brenda. Looks like you had a wonderful Christmas. The quilts so pretty and even nicer knowing your sister made it for you.
Hugs...Tracy :)
Lovely quilt and new Pjs. Brenda you would have been so snuggly ;)
happy New Year. Glad you had a wonderful time in Texas.
Jammies and a quilt....two gifts that say love, love, love!! Beautiful quilt Brenda. I can see how you are so very excited about receiving it from your sister.
Sounds like you had a wonderful time over the holidays! Happy New Year to you and yours and all the best for a healthy and happy 2010!
The quilt is beautiful!!! But you didn't post a pic of you in your jammies!!!!! LOL Glad you had a nice Christmas and received figts filled with so much LOVE!
I love this quilt that your sister made for you. You are very blessed to have such a sweet sister!
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