Take Pepper the Puppy Dog (PPD for short), now there she was was living the life of a latchkey dog just a few years ago and all of a sudden she finds herself thrown into the "emotional support animal" role. Sometimes I have to wonder what she really thinks of this job....

She gets squeezed and screeched at (yes, he does a little screeching when he hugs her to death and asks her in his loud voice, "Why are you staring at me Pepper?"...

and I wonder if she is thinking, "Was that really necessary?", LOL! Boy, she's a good dog to put up w/ his "love!"...
she is just adorable
looks like she loves him unconditionally and is happy for the attention even if its a bit loud ;)
Hi Brenda,
Dogs are great for kids...we have a lovely soft gentle shepherd and yes you can even take his food away from him and cream fly bitten ears when he's eating...its such a shame Liam is allergic to his saliva, they would be sooo good for each other.
GP is obviously interested in her too
Hugs, Sharon
She looks like she's saying"whats the matter with you...I know what I'm suppossed to do"
She is adorable!
What a sweet dog and they are so perceptive..She will take good care of him...
That was great! We all know Pepper loves it!
No Pepper do not wonder if all this was necessary...she doesn't know any different, all they know is LOVE and she is LOVED! What a good friend for your son! This short story touched my heart and brought me to tears thinking about your son and his good friend! ~~Sheri
Looks to me like Pepper just loves her job and is totally devoted to a wonderful young man who's heart is filled with love for her. Who knows maybe GP is showing us the right way to love a pet, maybe we all need to squeeze and screech as we cuddle our furry friends.
They know what we need and I'm sure Pepper loves him just as much as he loves her.
She is so cute and don't rescues make the best pets.
It looks like both PPD and your son have a great deal of love for each other! One of my friends is a sp ed teacher and the owner of a therapy dog which she takes to school with her every day. Glory, her dog, brings such joy to her students. . . she really helps them in all sorts of ways...the biggest way is just by being their big furry friend (she weighs about 70 lbs.)
One day I will get some photos of me on the BOSU ball....the pix will be blurry cuz it's hard to stay still will balancing on it! :)
Have a great weekend! Dana
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