Only four days left. Have you posted about the giveaway? Did you tell your buddies to mention you in their comments? I'm very excited to be giving away these two kits. I LOVE, LOVE , LOVE this little quilt. It is sooo much cuter than the picture will ever depict. I just know the winner will have a great time making it and then treasure it forever...
I wont be making any more of these kits for the shoppe any time soon (my plate is just too full of inventory that needs to be uploaded. Yes ladies, the patterns will all be back soon!) which makes these a real find. I'm psyched. Someone is going to have such a good time! W00-HOO!
Wow!!!! Great give away!!!! I hae checked out your new website, it's very nice and user friendly. Please enter me in your give away, I don't have a blog, but I so enjoy yours!
I need to finish all the quilts I started and I still have the one I won from you before, and plan to do that for this fall. Finished another punch tonight and if it cools down this week, maybe I can sit in my sewing room long enough to finish some quilting.
What a great give away Brenda. I have finnally had time to read my blogs and really enjoy yours. I would love tohave my ame added to your list for the giveaway. Have a good day my friend.Just read about the leak so glad you got it fixed before it got your beautiful fabric.Hugs, Marie
Hi there! I entered your giveaway but thought the drawing was supposed to be today, August 7th, as you wrote under the giveaway post. Someone's birthday today?
I love this little quilt too!!! it is absolutely gorgeous...just waiting now!!!
Hola Brenda, me agarraste, jajajaja!, para que veas que no sólo me paso leyendo blogs, dentro de unos días pongo unas fotos, durante en el día, me paso muy ocupada, haciendo quilting, nunca he puesto el paso a paso, cuando lo hago. Viste las fotos de las cosas que he hecho?, para que no pienses que sólo pienso en sorteos, de dónde eres?, me asustó tu comentario :P
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