I guess knowing what sewing machine you have is a BIG thing for some folks but I honestly don't know much about machines. I just like the ones that go BRUUUMMMM, BRUUUMMMM instead of CLACK,CLACK (that's literally the sound my Singer made. REALLY!)...don't laugh at me!
So I bought the one Sandy said was going to purr and that was that. I did not however buy one like Sandy's because she has a BIG Girl machine. Hers purs AND does tricks. LOL! No, I don't know what kind she has...I just know that my machine wants to be like her machine when she grows up, LOL! Another digit ($$$$) and I could have one like hers but I like to stay in the triple digits, thankyouverymuch!
Anyway, I had to take my little Brum,Brum (her new name now that I have shocked the world) to be serviced because if she made any more noises she would qualify as a clunker. Well, I decided to "look around" and look what I brought home...

OK, and if I could only remember their make and model maybe I can play with the Big Girls...wonder if I need to know the serial numbers too...HMMM??? Well, I do know that they both go BRUMMMBRUMMM when I press the pedals, LOL! Does your machine go BrummmBrummm or do you actually KNOW the make and model of your machine right off he top of your head??? C'mon, be honest! Do you???
Oh you made me laugh! I don't even remember the make of my machine, honestly I have to look to tell you. I am so not a machine snob, as long as it works and does the basics I'm good to go and at that it also cost me $$$ three figures!
Oooooh, she's a beauty :-) Don't worry, the only thing I know about my machine is that it's an Elna...which is why she's called Edna. Enjoy your new friend!
LOVE LOVE LOVE your cupcakes too :-D
Yay you! I am loving that you snapped the line straight back at her. I don't know what number mine is either but it DOES go brumm, brumm ;-)
Oh your new one is as cute as could be, I must admit I do know because my sweetie bought me the 4 digit one in 1990, I still love it and yikes, they are $$$$$$. But then so were all his hunting, very necessary, important can't live without tools.
And I use mine more than 10 days a year!!!!
Enjoy your little cutie, but really if you know its a Bernina then so what, I was going to faint when you showed the Janome, I thought that was your Big Girl Machine...LOL.....
OK Back to work......your so funny!
I confess. I do know the make and model of my machine but just recently when I wanted to order an extention table for my machine. They asked me at the shop what the model number was and I looked at them dumbfounded. Aren't all Bernina's the same? Nope! So I had to call home and get my DH to look for the model number. Now that's the only reason I know it.
Cute little Janome, Brenda.
It wouldn't be fair if I told you that I had worked for Pfaff at one time...so yes, I know exactly the make and model of my THREE machines. :-) As for mortgage payment....I could have purchased a car! LOL Ejoy your new ride.
Well I love your new toy. I especially love that you didn't break the bank to get all the great features that (I think) are MUST haves for my own machines (the needle up and down, speed control, blanket stitch, etc.)
My machine btw is an Elna and I know the model because it took me two tax refunds to afford the darn thing. It takes care of me and I love it because of it. Your new baby is so darn cute!
Oh you made me laugh out loud. I had a machine that went clackity clackity, and my dear hubby bought me a Bernina for Christmas one year, and it hums..... It did not have three digit $$$$ but it still hums.... such a pretty sound. And I do know the name, but not the serial number. And I'm not tellin'.
Gee.. I am such a geek that I enlarge pics just to see what kind of machine someone is using.
Your new one is a Janome AQS2009. It is a cutie!
I went thru pages of your older posts trying to find a pic of you Bernina -but to no avail. I did see that you have a NICE Bose sound dock for your iPod. (I have one like it - I love it!)
For the Record, I have a Brother NX450Q sewing machine.
Hee hee! I forget mine too, although I know it's a Kenmore (made by Janome). I love my machine even if it's not super-fancy...I can barely handle what it can do anyway! LOL Anyway your new machine is super cute! Enjoy it!
Hey I have a Janome too! I love Janome - so great:) And I have to ask - was I the quilter who "confronted" you because it totally sounds like me haha!!
I don't know the model of mine either. All I know is that it is a Kenmore and I got it in 2000. Its not the base one, but a half step up. And I love it. Does most of what I need it to do.
I have to tell the truth...I do know the make and model of my machine, but I used to work in a sewing/quilt shop that sold machines. And crazy as it sounds...I still love checking out all the different brands of sewing machines.
Congrats on the new machine. It really makes a difference having a nice machine to quilt with. My sears one went clackety clack, haha. Love how the new machines run so smoothly.
LOL! I don't know what kind of Bernina I have, either. I think it has "quilt" in the name somewhere. And it cost more than my first car.
It does no fancy tricks. Or at least, if it does, I don't know how to make that happen.
I was without my machine for 6 weeks, got an inexpensive other brand. It was extremely clack-clacky and I ended up returning it.
A lot of my friends have 'little' Janomes and just love them to death (as a second machine). Congratulations!
I confess too I do know the make and models of my 2 machines...but until last weekend I didn't know one of them had several editions. That was a first for me when the salesman asked me what edition I had!!...I have been informed it is a millennium edition.
Uh oh, I know the makes and models of my machine(s) -- yes, with a "s".
Even hubby knows the latest make and model because he had to say "yes" to me buying it.
Now I'll go to my corner.
OOOOOO she is pretty!
I am bad i have a number of machines. I love them all,that is why i can't get rid of them. Though I did give one to my daughter.it was the bernina.
I sew on my pffaf at home and when I go out to sew i take my Janome760which i just love!!! i also have a feather weight, and another old singer. the only one that I can recall the number on is the Jamone.The others I have to think what model that are and then I don't useually get it correct. LOL
Glad you like your new one. If I had to get a new one I would get a Janome.
May you have many hours of happy sewing.
I love Bernina's and have 3 actually. One is a 200/730 TOL til the 830 came out. I have to admit, I paid $$$$ for it and I bought it used.
You've made my day.
I don't think I'm a machine snob but I do know the name. I sew alot and it was $$$$. But, it's my only luxury and mine purrrrrs!
A very funny post today! I have a Bernina QE something or another. Remembering numbers, including phone numbers is not my forte. And I have a Pfaff but don't remember the number on it either. And I used to have another Bernina but gave it away to someone who needed a decent machine when I got a new Bernina. And I don't remember the number on it either.
Ohhh, I've got to admit that I do know the make and model number. I don't know why really, and I certainly wouldn't think someone else should know these things! I'm just good with numbers; I remember them. Not good for much in life, but once in a while I remember a phone number or address that saves my life, lol. Who are we to question the gifts God has given us? My baby is a Janome too and she purrrrs! Just enjoy it!
Lol... Love your machine :o)
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