I'm once again taking a leap of faith and taking GP on a Happy Birthday vacation. I know, I know, his BD was in Oct. but after much deliberation and planning we singled this week as being the most likely to be "less crowded" at his chosen destination. As if last year's trip to Disneyland had not been hard enough (it always sounds easier than it really is, and he never seems to realize how hard it is to make HIS vacation fun), this year he wanted to go to
Disney World. Oh yeah, the BIG one.
So, off we go on Monday to show him the magic. He is sooo excited and I am so worried. My sister will once again be my wing man; I am so blessed to have an extra set of hands to help me on this adventure. I know I could never do this alone. These trips are not for the weak of body or spirit. They are hard work, they require lots of planning, lots of scheduling and lots of foresight. You have to be aware of GP and what is happening in HIS surroundings at all times.

It's hard to explain but here's a visual, when walking through a crowd, one person must go in front, GP in the middle and one behind him. The person behind him is in charge of blocking people of walking in front of him or bumping him off course, the person in front of GP is in charge of making way for the two others to follow in single file. You must make sure that you don't walk too fast, lest you lose the followers, or two slow causing a pile up... you must find the shortest distance and make the fastest time (Because of the noise and crowd) because the folks behind you can't see anything... UGGG. It is sooo stressful. If you get caught in a mob (aka parade, fireworks, or just people standing around watching the water show)...it can get ugly fast, real fast. We were lucky that by our fourth day we had a system that worked like an assembly line but by them we were exhausted too. These will probably be the longest days of the year for both of us, but more likely than not, they will be the highlight of Gene's.
I swear, if his is not living on the edge, I have no idea what that is!
Have a great time!!! you know your getting too old for those rough rides. I'm just sayin. lolol
I know we have NO idea what kind of mental work this will be for you....good luck and God keep you safe and sane. I hope GP has a good time.
You guys have a great time!! I'll say a little prayer for you on this end :)
What an awesome mom you are.....
Try to have a good time. You will be in my thoughts and prayers hoping that all goes smoothly for all of you. You're such a wonderful Mom to make sure GP lives his life to the fullest, he is a lucky young man!
Blessings to all of you~
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