I decided I have to make a Tree Bird Quilt, I just have to. With this little cutie as my goal I am stealing time from my crazy schedule and getting it done. The best way to "steal" time from myself is to carry my project around and that's what I have been doing. I traced and cut these while waiting for GP to get out of the shower...he takes LOOOONG showers, so I was able to get all the leaves cut out and traced, and the rest of the applique traced (onto fusible web).
On another short break I got all the other stuff cut out. I think it was while I was waiting for something else. I feel like I spend half of my life waiting, on hold or in line. Is that just me???Oh now I remember, I was watching the news at noon...that's what I was doing. Lunch break!

Anyway, I finally have everything cut and while ironing a shirt I fused on the pennies and the wings. Hey, the iron was hot and I was already there...So this is what I have so far.

You can order the patterns to make your own, HERE! Fast, Fun and easy...just what any busy Mom needs, because God knows we have no time.
There is no rest for the weary!
Silly question: On the wool I take it you do not have to turn under the edges like on cotten/quilt applique? It is pretty but I have been intimidated to try it.
Wool will not unravel if it is felted. Just wash and dry your wool to felt it and you should be good to go. No need to turn under, unless you really want to. =)
This is gorgeous. Pattern? Geez. I just want to know where to buy one already made...sigh...
So darling!
I just love this one, simple but so beautiful.
Can't wait to see yours finished.
I love that!! Can you make me one Brenda?? Please!!!! lol
I'll make you something. It's a surprise of course.
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