When I asked GP what he wanted for Christmas (again, because WE -not Santa, would be buying him his gifts this year), he informed me that he wanted a computer program. Woo-HOO is what I thought, and then I started searching for said program. Well, it turns out that you can buy a laptop for less than the cost of this program. OUCH! Hmmm.
I need to discuss this w/the big guy (AKA Dad, LOL!). So, I say nothing and decide how I'm going to approach the husband with this "situation", because of course GP has only told me. Anyway, GP drops me another reminder when we go to the Apple store and tells me that "THIS" is not the program that he wants for Xmas, and that the one he wants is only available online because it is a "Full version". But Oh, I am ready with..."GP, we'll have to see if we can buy that one because it's VERY expensive, and we might have to save for it". He looks a little crestfallen but not upset so I think, whew! That wasn't so bad...
OK, now brace for it... GP goes out w/Gino on the Saturday and once again comes home like the cat that swallowed a tweety bird and tells me, "I talked to HIM." and what did Santa say? Yep, you guessed it...he will bring him Final Cut Studio, the full version edition! ARGH!!!!
Note the look on GP's face, that's called Satisfaction...
Yep, sometimes you just have to go straight to the top to get what you need!
That’s too funny! He looks ecstatic! I don’t think Santa had any clue!!
No Jess, Santa does know and is just looking at GP in admiration at the smooth way you parents got snowed ;-)
That is the funniest Santa photo ever! GP looks so happy and Santa looks hilarious!! Great story!! Hopefully the bank of Dad will be open for Christmas haha!!!
Hmmmmmmmmm I like GP's strategy......go right to the top to get what you want.....forget the middleman. I shall try that one....on the property at the Cape......LMBO!
Oh my...I just looked that program up, $999? Well at least you can get free shipping! LOL Great story Brenda, GP knows where to get results!!
Ouch, that is going to hurt, lol.
Hey, if he can actually use that program, then he deserves it, haha.I still haven't figured out how to use photo shop, like I should.
The look on Santa's face is CLASSIC. It's kind of "what the heck is going on?"
Oh, and my parents did Santa photos with us until the year my older sister got married (I was 23 that year). So Santa isn't just for kids! Because when you stop believing, the presents stop coming (according to my parents anyway!).
Oh my...love the look on his face, and Santa's! Hope it all works out for everyone...Hugs!
Do you believe it.. What a character.. He is a hoot. and so smart.. The best time of the year.. Happy Holidays to you and your wonderful family..
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