Marie, who spent her weekend playing with wool and working on her Wool Crazy Background is the Winner of my "ME Time Giveaway!" And her prize you ask? Well, I painted this Treenware Scoop a little while back. It is an adaptation of a John Sliney (another one of my Favorite Folk artists!) pattern. The Sheep stands on hills of Pumpkins and her saddle reads "Pumpkins for Sale". I hope she loves it....
Congratulations Marie! I'll have this in the mail in a day or two. Thank you to all who shared their weekend fun with me. B=)
Update: Marie, your Treenware Scoop has shipped. It should be there soon, enjoy! B=)
Oh is that cute! Congratulations, Marie :o)
She'll love it! It's great!
That is so beautiful, I am sure she will love it.
Lucky girl!!! I love it!
Great job, Brenda. Sheep and pumpkins...can it get any better?
Congrats, Marie.
Congrats Marie! I can't believe I missed the giveaway - teaches me for staying off the computer for a day.
LOVE it!
I need to stay on top of it!! I missed this one! Too much time out on the town! XOXO!
Hey! I think the winner is me. Pumpkins are my all time favorite things. After living in south Fl for 45 years and having pumpkins start to rot after a week (even uncarved)it's a pleasure to put out pumpkins in early Oct and have them last till Thanksgiving on the porch. Tell GP thank you for picking my name, he deserves a extra hug. Will be looking forward to seeing it in person, I just love it. Thanks, Brenda, you did a beautiful job with your painting.
Marie in Oregon
Very cute. It pays to do things for yourself. Congrats to Marie.
Oh I'm jealous! That is so cute! :-) Your son is too funny!
I was so excited to see my name pop up in my "blogs I follow" updates and even more excited to see what was to be had but unfortunately it was not for me. Unless of course there was a mix up somehow. Serious congrats to the other Marie! :)
Congratulations to Marie!
That is a very nice painting.
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