He isn't finished yet, there is still linework to do and some shading but all in all, a good show for a few hours work. I am hoping to finish him tomorrow. Nothing like a completed piece to remind me of how much I love painting.
I hope you spent your day doing something that makes your heart happy...nothing makes my heart happier than a day of painting! If you've never given the brush a try....well, you just wouldn't understand! LOL!
A better pic will follow once it is complete. Stay tuned!
So what did you do today? Anything FUN????
No, laundry does not count as a fun activity; and cooking, nope, that's a "no go" too....LOL! Only fun, "I did this for ME!" stuff counts...c'mon, think hard...what did you do for yourself today?
If your answer was "Nada!", then remeber, there's still one more day this weekend that you can claim as your own. Go ahead, take the day and do something fun. You know you want to.... so do it! LMK what you're up to! B=)
PS..I will have a painted piece to giveaway. No, not my Santa... a secret piece! I will ask GP to draw from among those who share what they did for themselves...only selfish, "I did this for myself" entries qualify. LOL! Yeah, I encourage "Me" time, what can I say???LOL!
OOps. I'll draw a winner tomorrow night. You have one more day to do something for yourself...so go ahead and do it, and then tell me about it....I can't wait to read all about it!
Oh, I love that and love to paint too. Is that her pattern? Well, today I finished making a quilted cover for my BFF. I bought a Gone With The Wind Panel (because that is her all time fav) Hope to see more of the painting..Great job
Oh yes, and for myself I colored my hair.. It looks so good and feels so much better............
I played Beatles Rock Band when I should have been working ;o)
Sewed all afternoon... that was for "moi"... *grin*
And tomorrow, I'm going out for the afternoon. Us (girl) cousins try to get together once a month more "girl" time. Tomorriw, it's a potluck and there'll be a lot of laughter and chit-chat.
Tks for the "draw"!
Rosa Robichaud
Sat on my butt, watched tv and sewed on my BOM's I found on the web.
Hi Brenda,
I love your Santa...don't know what a dummy board is though... I must admit I find painting very relaxing and I haven't done any for ages. Bit hard with Liam about, but you have reminded me how much I need to get back to doing some now that Liam is going to school. :)
Its 4pm Sunday...so what have a done for myself this week-end. Does going to weight watchers count or blog hopping LOL
I have having quite a lazy day today though, even though the house is a mess :)
Yup it was all about me today...I painted and took a walk! Love your Santa..you are a girl of many talents!
I love painting and like other comments I haven't done it for awhile. I love your Santa he is awesome and I bet he will be even better with your linework done. For myself...I took over the big TV and I watched the Bachelor from last Monday..while I stitched and then I started blog hopping and have had quite the day doing nothing! Go me!
I knitted on a scarf today. I only recently started knitting so it something new and enjoyable. I love to paint too so i do understand. :^)
I painted all afternoon :0)
and then sewed all evening :0)
lots and lots of me time
- great painting - shading is my favourite!! It adds 'life' to a design.
Me too!
I actually did painting yesterday for the first time in ages and similar to you it did make my heart happy. It was only a wee little mask my children gave me for my birthday but I had fun. My shading even turned out well! Your dummy board is delicious and I think my favourite bit is the beehive.
It was all about me yesterday because I also set up and held a birthday party for me!
I wish I had done something absolutely wonderful for myself, but I was helping my mother in law move into senior housing....quite a feat if you know my mother in law lol. But then last night I stayed h ome, watched "House" and "Criminal Minds" while I sewed and read my Wool Crazy book to get started. By the way....where exactly do you live that you can drive to The Quilted Acorn...
Your Santa is coming out great! I can't wait to see it when it's done. I have been making things for my home the past couple of days. Anytime that I can spend quilting, antiquing or decorating is what I consider to be FUN time.
It's hard for me to find time to do things for myself, but yesterday I sat down with a stack of quilting magazines and I pulled out the patterns I wanted to make. The rest of the magazines are going to my next quilt guild meeting. Thanks for the giveaway! :0)
I spent the whole entire day with a group of cross stitching friends, I was only going to stay for a couple of hours this time, we meet once a month, but I said what the heck, I'm stayin! Your painting is wonderful!
Today I am going to make a diaper holder for a friend of my daughters... not fun...although it is sewing.
Then I am going to make 5 flannel pillowcases for the grandkids for Valentines Day. I LOVE to sew for the grandkids and see their faces when they open something JUST for them....
Then I will work on my Civil War paper piece blocks JUST FOR ME!!
And what is a Bundle Board?
Oh I love your Santa! I used to paint, years ago~ and then got into quilting. :-) I remember the fun of having a brush in hand! I managed to sneak in a bit of sewing yesterday and plan to work on blocks all day today. :-) ~its a 'every man for themselves' kind of day~ there is plenty of food in the fridge and when anyone gets hungry, they can fix their own plate. LOL ;-)
Love your Santa, I used to paint for many years, but when we moved and no teachers or classes available I turned to quilting. This weekend has been about "me". I'm spending the time cutting all the applique pieces for Wool Crazy. The background was agonizing trying to decide which color should go next to it. It's done and it will be what it is.
Marie in Oregon mariebeers@msn.com
your Santa is lovely, yesterday was a me day, hubby took me out and bought my a Cricut Expression, so I came home and played with that for awhile (I love toys hehe) I then spent the rest of the evening working on my L & L Celtic Summer, she is almost done.
I would love to be able to paint like that....so wonderful to have that talent!!
Wow Brenda, you are good! That is one awesome looking Santa! I did do something just for me...well several things...I went to a Craft Show today and finished two quilts! Quilting and crafting--my perfect weekend! :-)
Adorable Santa!!!
I made a quilt top this weekend! Still has to be quilted, but its a big start for me!
Pic on my blog....
Thanks for the giveaway
I actually got out the sewing machine and set it up on the kitchen table and sewed!! BLISS!! I miss that! Got 10 rows finished on my quilt!! 14 more to go and I can put it together!! Wohooo
Take care!
No more entries! GP already selected his winner....B=)
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