Jessy is my gauge as to "What Not To Wear"... and trust me, I have no doubt she would turn me in to the What Not To Wear show people in a heartbeat, she'd sleep like a baby after she did me wrong too. She's a cold hearted Fashionista, that baby sister of mine... and these might just push her over the edge, LOL! But I can't help it...
OMG! I'm one of THOSE quilters! Unlike socks with little quilt blocks that read "I 'heart' quilting", you just can't hide these dangling blocks, LOL! It's like coming out of the "Quilter" closet.... I don't know....I'm going to sleep on it... and I wont answer the phone when Jessy calls me. hee-hee...
PS...Maybe I could just wear them when I'm at the Pumpkin Patch...only GP and the UPS guy would see me.... =) Oh, but the ladies at Brighton might not approve of my Non Brighton accessories... there's the brand loyalty thing... LOL!
Well I LOVE them - I say get them!!! They are quilt-a-licious!!!
go for it.. they are you !!
Those are fabulous. Wear them with pride I say!
You only live once, so make the best of it and have a great time. Go for it, your customers will love it.
Oh those are perfect! I'd wear them!! :0)
I'd love to wear those - and proudly!
So cute.
I wouldn't hesitate,, they are lovely.. Go for it
OK..........I love them......I'll find some that say "I love to paint"..........and we'll go out on the town together!!!!! What do you think????LOL!
OMG....can't spell tonight...........HUGS.......Lynn
Tooo funny!!
I'm with you. I love them!!!
I have that exact charm for my charm bracelet! I love it!
Go for it! I love them and show them with pride for the love of my hobby.
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