Sunday, July 26, 2009

It's Giveaway! CLOSED!

Yep, it's official.
The August issue of American Patchwork and Quilting has hit the newstands and I am ready to give away a kit to make the little quilt I chose for my ad.
A kit to make Wooly could be yours in no time flat. Leave a comment and spread the word. Post about the giveaway and get an extra entry. Don't forget to let your friends know that if they let me know that YOU told them about the giveaway you get a third entry, yep, three chances to win. One for your comment, another for spreading the word (please link so I can go and check it out... Last time I had a giveaway some shady characters left comments about posting and then didn't post . That would be called??? Oh, that would be CHEATING! We'll have none of that! LOL!) Spread the word, share the lovin' and you could be the lucky winner of this great little kit.
All the fabrics for the top, backing and binding are included. Flats for the background and flannels for the applique. You add the buttons. It's a fun weekend project...
You know what to do, leave a comment and spread the word. If there are over 50 entries I will gve away TWO kits... the more, the merrier is what I say!
GP will choose a winner Aug. 7th...T-Choco's Birthday!
Please, PLEASE make sure you have an email associated with your comment. I would like to contact you if you win; but I wont hunt you down to give you a prize so... if you want to win and actually receive the prize you must leave an email address or have one on your profile! =)


Debi said...

I would love to win this!!! Love your new website too!

Unknown said...

Love the updated site! It is very user friendly. Great job!

Ronnie said...
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Ronnie said...
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Ronnie said...

Wonderful website!!

Marie said...

So glad I found your blog again. I love reading avout JeanPaul.Love the new sie, very pretty. I would love to win your giveaway. Have a great day.Hugs, Marie

strawberrycream39 said...

Brenda, your new store is beautiful! I already placed an order! LOL I love this kit and would love to win it!! :-)

Wendy said...

Ooohh yummy kit! Would love to have one...wink..wink!! Hope alls well with you and yours...Really like your website...but how do you manage to part with anything? I'd want to keep it all for my very own-self...hehehe!!

Anita in Florida said...

Love that sheep...great giveaway, thanks.

Mama Boots said...

Hi Brenda,
I would love to win the kit as I love sheep and I knit, too.


Blackcats said...

Oooo...this kit would be so at home here in "Olde New England"! I love your new website! It has that warm, cozy feeling; like an old friend! Great job you did on it!

Anonymous said...

What a neat website. It is much easier to navigate. I love the wool project give away. I would be the perfect project to take on vacation in August. Love it!

kathipink said...

Thanks for such a great giveaway!

Lorraine said...

Your new blog is real nice. I would love to win your giveaway. Thank you.

WoolenSails said...

What a generous giveaway. I won the last one, so it is someone else's turn;)


Charla said...

Oh my goodness! Just what I'm looking for...I'm redoing my dining room in houses and perfect! I've got my fingers crossed, I'm hoping to win :)

Loretta said...

Bless your prim heart for this giveaway! Love what you've done with your site.

Once a mom... said...

What a great giveaway! And wouldn't it look soooo cute in my house! Good job at linking the webiste and blog. The new website is wonderful!! Looking forward to shopping soon.

andsewon said...

Love it. New shop is awesome!
My slow dial seems to be doing okay for the moment so just lookin and lookin!!...;-)
Will do a post today on my blog..will borrow your giveaway pic.

scrapatches said...

Brenda ... cute wallhanging!

Your new online shop is wonderful ... so much easier to navigate. I enjoyed looking at all the new fabric and patterns in your shop. You have some nice new stuff!

best wishes ... :-) Pat

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh, I love this! What a talent you have!

Anonymous said...

Your new websie is wonderful and adding a Give A Way was a extra bonus. You are so generous. I'd love to try and win this wonderful kit. Thanks so much.

Kathleen said...

Hi Brenda,

Congrats on the new website. I'm going to go check it out right now!!

oregongirl said...

Congrats on the new website! What a wonderful variety of fabrics you have. The sheep kit is a cutie and would be fun to win.

primitivebettys said...

Congrats on the new site! :) I would love to be entered in the giveaway... and love it more to win! Thank you!



House of Mouse said...

This quilt is just too cute. I love it and now I have a new site to check out. Very cool.


Lori said...

Thanks for the fun giveaway! I always enjoy your site and this is an added bonus! :)

Countryquilter said...

Such a cute kit. I hope I win it and it's beginner freindly because I just started doing applique.

Lotta said...

lovely little kit you have put together! I hope I am the happy winner of it,
Lotta in Sweden

Kaye said...

Our Wooley Buddies Leader would sure love that kit. I would love to win it and give it to her. Her name is Sandi. I have been a follower for a while now, especially when I read you were in New Hampshire. My son amd dtr-in-law live in Henniker NH

Anonymous said...

That sure would make a lovely decoration for fall. Please add my name to the pot!
Krousegirl2 at aol dot com

Karen said...

great kit. Love it. Love your website. Just found your blog and website.

Anonymous said...

How sweet...can't wait to see my issue of the magazine. Congrats!! I've posted a link on my blog for you. I know what you mean all to well about people saying they had....I check and I'm no where to be found.
Also...I'm in the siggy swap with blocks are finished. Have a look!

Anonymous said...

I love the site, great fabrics too! Thank you for the chance to win this great kit too!

Jocelyn said...

Great giveaway. Great kit! Thanks for the giveaway :-)

Cathy said...

The new website is great! I love these little quilt projects. Hope I win!

Nettie said...

I just LOVE little wool lambies!
Would so like to win this cute kit.. Wool is so yummy to work with.
Thanks for the offer.

Kaaren said...

Pick me! Pick me! Pleeeeease!

Now I'm outta here to check your new website!

Carrie ~ Cricketwood Prims said...

Yeah!!! We love giveaways and I will post about yours. Now I need to go peek at your new website.

Stephanie said...

Hello Brenda, congratulations your new blog and your new website is great. I have set a link on my blog for your giveaway :-))
greetings steffi

Cathy said...

Love your shoppe and I absolutely love the giveaway! Hope you pick me!!!!


Jill said...

I would love to win your darling kit.

Michelle said...

Hello Brenda,
I'm so far from you in France, but I love your website and your good choice. It's easier to naviguate. I hope to win your giveaway, so pretty !
The blankets of my sheep are developping as expected ... but not all done.
Thanks for your enthusiasm !

Unknown said...

I would love to have this for my sheep collection!
Great job on the website. I have always enjoyed your website, and now it's even better :)

Gayle said...

I'm a wool addict and would LOVE to win your sweet little kit! I haven't received my new AP&Q in the mail yet, but it should be here any day, and I'll be sure to look for your new ad.

rosanne said...

Love the website and the halloween fabrics, Halloween is my fav holiday! I would find it an absolute honor to be the chosen winner!

Carol said...

Hi Brenda, I would love to be entered in your drawing. The little woolie is soooo cute.

cntryways said...

Brenda this is the first time I had been to your site. It is great! I learned some things I did not know about Autistic people. I have a Donws Syndrome son so know of problems with every day life.


Ronda said...

Love your new web site. Also loved your old website!! One of my favorite country primitive quilt shops is closing in Maine this weekend and it's nice to know there's still some place that caters to my taste. I wish you all the best with your shop and new site(even if I don't win the giveaway!!) :)

Deborah from Valparaiso said...

I love the whole website...all the products are awesome! The wooly kit is adorable.

Amy Elizabeth said...

Oh wow! How cute. Great website too! Amy

Unknown said...

It is sooo much easier to navigate within your new website, as compared to the previous one. Thank you from all computer-challenged quilters! After reading all the posted comments, it will not be easy to choose a winner for the wooly kit. However, although I will be adding to your chagrin, please also enter my name!

Cecilia said...

I've never worked with wool before, but would love to try with your "free" wallhanging.

acecraig100 said...

How cute! I would love to win. I found out about your giveaway from Melissa - Cornbread and Beans Quilting weblog. She had a great post about your new website.

Victoria M. said...

What a wonderful giveaway. I love this sheep and would be thrilled to win a kit for it !! I'm posting about this on my blog too. Thanks.

Pat said...

Someone is going to be lucky!!

Kim said...

Great job on the new site!!
Great project to work on too!
Thanks for sharing..

Priscilla said...

I don't see my original post so I guess I didn't do it right! Love the new website. I have a special fondness for sheep too! Great job.

Carlie said...

Your kit is so cute. I'd love to win it. Just came across your blog and I really like your designs. keep up the good work!

lamberama said...

love to win this

love lambs and wool

perfect colours would look nice in

my sewing room

love your site hope to visit again


Unknown said...

I would love to win this. I think your new website is great!

Nancy said...

Oh, I can't remember if I have commented on this post for the giveaway...please forgive this old lady if I have,

Love the new website... and the pattern

Babs said...

Love the kit! Would like to have it in my possession! I also would enjoy another block swap with Pumpkin Patch Primitives

Teresa Marie said...

This kit is so adorable and I would love to win it! I shared the love on my facebook homepage.

sewfunquilts said...

Thanks for the chance to win the kit. It's sew cute!

sewfine said...

The updated website is fantastic! Love the kit!! :-)

Quiltbirdie said...

I can't tell "ewe" how much I'd like to win this!

Bella Pink said...

Brenda put me in the hopper for this kit! I LUV your new website and I plan to quilt my country pumpkins soon so I can send you a "completed" photo! regards, arden

Janet said...

Oh, how very lucky the fortunate
Northeasterners who live within drivable distance of your store and classes! Your website is wonderful for me.
Please enter my name in your drawing and I will keep my fingers crossed.Janet

BillieBee (billiemick) said...

I've been checking but kept getting the old webpage....yeah!

New site looks really nice....enter me please.

LindaTN said...

Love your new website! Thank you so much for the chance with the giveaway.


Dawn said...

I would love to win this kit!! Your website looks great!

Betsy said...

Brenda this is just adorable. Carrie sent me over.

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad that I found your web-site and booked it as a favorite. I'ld love to have my name entered into your giveaway.
Now I heading back to your website to look at all the wonderful patterns.

Sue said...

I hope I win but if not congrats to the winner. What a wonderful prize.

lej619 said...

well it looks like you got more than 50 signed up.!!! yah
I will let my friends know and make sure they mention my name.
oh you can see me on flickr (lej619) and facebook also lej619

hseabreeze said...

Thank you for offering this kit, I love your site and blog. Hope you have a great week.


Unknown said...

Brenda, I love, love, the primitives, especially the ones with sheep. Sheep remind me of my childhood on my grandparents farm. My grandpa would bring lambs up to the house for my sister and I to bottle feed. It is such a wonderful memory. Your new website is great. Congratulations.

Melissa said...

Love the new site. I've got to do some serios shopping on it soon. Thanks for entering me into the giveaway. It is going to look great in my new house! Contact me at:

Carol Radcliffe said...

OMG, I just realized that we haven't said much all summer. We all must be busy bees....I know I am!!!
I love giveaways!!! Even though I never win, it gives me motivation and ideas! I just love it! Thanks so much, Brenda!!!

Mystica said...

Glad I fould your blog thru Lola! Would love to win this though I dont know whether overseas visitors are eligible.

Mystica from Sri Lanka

Sherry said...

Your website looks great. I sure love this Wooly kit. Thanks for offering the chance to win.

Christie said...

I just saw your ad in my newest APQ magazine that I got in the mail on Saturday, and loved it. Now, today, I see you are having a giveaway! How fantastic is that!?! I would love to win one of the (2) free kits! HUGS... and stitches.
P.S. Lola sent me!

Karen said...

Adorable - please throw my name in the hat. I'm off to check off your site :)

Hugs - Karen

~*~ said...

ME Me Me!! PIck me! *jumps up and down enthusiastically* Love the new lay out!! it;d BBEEEAAUUTTIFUL!


I'll be posting on my blog for an additional chance! (If I post on twitter too--does that count as another blog? :P)

Keep up the great work!!

Unknown said...

I would love to win this...

Vicki in CO said...

Great new website! This kit would look wonderful hanging above our stairs...... :)

Susan in SC said...

I blogged about your entry on my blog. Throw my name in the hat as well!

mom2d @ charter . net

Tammy said...

I've just discovered your website and blog, would love to win your pattern. looking forward to seeing your add in the magazine as well.

Karen said...

I see you are in the Signature swap! I have also joined in the fun!
Congratulations! I will look forward to my August issue of APG magazine.
I have linked my blog to yours. Please enter me in your wonderful giveaway!

Unknown said...

OMgoodness! I would LOVE this for my 9 year old Asperger's daughter, Ally. She would really like this. God bless you richly!

lindafich3 said...
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lindafich3 said...

I LUV your website! I am sure I will be ordering soon!

NDQuilter said...

I love your new website. So many neat things here to look at. I would love to win "It's Giveaway!"
R :)

Paulette said...

It would be fantastic to win this! Good work on the new website, very nicely done

Paulette said...

It would be fantastic to win this !! Great new website.

Anonymous said...

What a great website. I cannont wait to visit often, especially since i've bookmarked it!!!
Such an adorable sample.....

Sue D said...

Oh, oh that's my birthday!
Perfect project to get the creative sewing mojo going.

Jess said...
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Jess said... Sandy was nice enough to tell me, that because I don’t have a blog, I don’t qualify for the giveaway!

But she was just trying to up her chances! Sneaky!

I promote by word of mouth and Direct Mailing [emailing that is!]! That has to count for something!

I'll take my chances with my one entry this time, hey, it’s my birthday, maybe I’ll get lucky!! We’ll see if by the next give away I'll qualify for two :o)

I really love the new website! I have to tell you about my marketing Idea!

Jana said...

Love your new website. Fall, autumn leaves, and pumpkins are some of my favorite things.


Anonymous said...

Good job on your new web site. And, your giveaways help to keep things fun and exciting. Keep up the good work!

Pat said...

I love this! And your site is great - very nice! Thanks for the opportunity to win...

Betty's Blocks said...

Thanks for a wonderful blog and website. It is always inspiring . Betty

Barb said...

I LOVE this lamb! I would LOVE to win! Thanks for the opportunity!

Unknown said...

This is so cute! Please enter me in your giveaway.

Mary on Lake Pulaski said...

Very cute creation and great colors too! I would love to win and make this!

Simplify4Life said...

I would SO love to win this. Simplify is my motto and my house colors are navy and red. Soo adorable. Love your site!


May Britt said...

I sure love a giveaway. I would love to win in yours.

Nancy in Norway said...

Like your blog. A giwaway is allways fun to enter. Cross my fingers to win.

Strlady said...

Not sure if there is enough space for my comments!! But I get two entries because I posted about the giveaway!!

New Beginnings...

fivef said...

Love sheep, love your site, need to learn to simplify. Please enter me in the giveaway.

kammy said...

I am sooo excited, I saw your ad in the magazine! I love primitives and have just started learning how to quilt, this makes it even more enticing :) now I just have to decide what to order first because I want it all! Your things are super cute!

Sue Cahill said...

so cute!!! I would love to win this, looks like lots of fun to put together.

Thanks for the chance.

Sue Cahill (sbonetsue at yahoo dot com)

Mary Ellen said...

Miss Lola from And Sew On sent me over....I love sheep and would be so honored to win.....oooo, unless someone else is typing at the same time I would be lucky 115,,,,,sounds lucky to me. I will "try" to post this give-away on my blog.....not the best computer person in the world....I do the happy dance when I get photos right!!!!!

quilting_queen_57 said...

Your "giveaway" is adorable.

Tami in Tucson said...

Hey Brenda- love your wooly!want to win him - so different from anything I have been working on.

Tell the bug guy , if he is reading this and has pickedme - he done good - kudos!!!

Tami c

Tami in Tucson said...

Brenda - oh no- please dont count this as an extra picvk for giveaway - im already in - but i calledc your big guy(you darling son) - bug guy - oh i dont want to hurt his feelings - please forgive me =accident - typo - shoul;d have preread befroe sending off - oh i hope this isnt confusing - my official entry - is #117 - from me tami in tucson. so sorry -yopu are the man! Big guy!!!


Peddlecar Quilts said...

Oh what a darling little quilt! Why, I would love to win. And now I need to figure out how to link you to my site! I'll let you know if I do! Thanks so much for such a fun giveaway.

Anonymous said...

Hi just visiting blog land and have come across your blog and am very interested in obtaining a copy of your pattern for Wooly, I live in Australia and if you email with the costs I would be very grateful. Thanks Deb

Anonymous said...

What a generous giveaway! Please include me. I found you from Susan on My Cottage Life - very nice!

Karen said...

Hi Brenda! Your site is wonderful & pics of items look great! If I win this it will motivate me to start making things again. Thank you for doing this it's fun!

Lorraine said...

Oops! I forgot to put my email address in my first comment. Therefore, if I want to receive the giveaway IF I happen to win it, I guess I should post again and let you know what it is. :O)

Diane H said...

Brenda your new website is great. Thanks for a chance to win your giveaway.

Shakerwood said...

So, so, so cute. Please enter me! I love sheep and would love to Simplify even more!

Carrie P. said...

Well, somehow I missed this post until I saw your little ad on Karen's blog. (Quilts A lot) I also saw it in the magazine. Congrats.
Please add me to the giveaway. Thanks Brenda.

Beth said...

Love your website/blog...of course I love anything associated with pumpkins. Found you via your ad in American Patchwork. Glad I look you up and I would LOVE to win your kit.


oh WHAT A GREAT WALLHANGING--it has "3" things that are dear to my heart on it--the word Simply---a lamb and houses--cant do any better than that!!! Hugs, just, Di


Hi Brenda--forgot to leave my email and I wrote the one word wrong--I love the word that says Simplify--I paid $6.00 once for a little bitty pillow with it emb on it--like I couldn't of done it myself?????? see ya, hugs, just, Di

Bev C said...

Congratulations on your website. I love the kit. Happy days.

Vicki in UT said...

Your kit is very cute, I would love to win it.

Terry said...

I LOVE this little guy! I'd LOVE to win the kit for it! Thanks so much for the giveaway! :0)

free indeed said...

This may be as close to wool applique as I will's something I want to do, but need a kit to try it out on. Thanks for the opportunity!
freeindeed at myfairpoint dot net

allsewnup said...

Just found you through Quilt Hollow and am starting to follow and would love to win this.

Happytime2011 said...

Love that sheep!, enter me in the giveaway please.

Janet D. said...

Oh, I wish I could win this. I just found your blog...very pretty. Janet D.

Karen said...

Love the things that you share!! Great give away!!

Linda O said...

What a darling kit! Would love a chance!

LyndaG said...

What a great kit!

Julia said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Julia said...

Hi Brenda, I love your woolley and would love to win - please count me in - and I WILL post a link from my blog.

Many thanks


PS. Sorry, I made a boob with my first comment!!!

Queen Of The Armchair aka Dzintra Stitcheries said...

Hi Brenda...came across your wonderful blog!!! Reading your profile I see you have a very special Son...and I know exactly what you mean about your 'real' life as I have a special Daughter♥ Please enter me in your fabulous giveaway...Julia sent me. I am going to put you on my blog with a link back to you. Have a beautiful Sunday...Dzintra Ingrid♥x

Queen Of The Armchair aka Dzintra Stitcheries said...

Hi there...I'm back...just to let you know I have posted the giveaway on my blog. Thank you so much for hosting this wonderful giveaway!!!

Deb said...

Brenda, what a generous giveaway. Please enter me i your draw. Julia from told me about it. Thanks heaps. I love your website and will definitely be returning.

AnnieO said...

I found you through Quilt Hollow and love your giveaway project--what an adorable design! Please pick me! Happy Quilting.

Kiwifruit-Shiree said...

oh please pick me!! Random generator please be kind to me!!!
Love your website, very cool

Cattinka said...

This is a lovely kit, please include me in the drawing. I have posted about you on my blog and I have been sent by Dzintra.

Kim said...

How darling! Yes, please, enter me in your drawing, but I'm not gonna tell anyone else because I don't want them to win--LOL!

Danielle said...

Thanks for the great giveaway! Please add me to the drawing!

Lynda said...

I would love to win your cute little give away. Please add me to your list. Thanks

Silke said...

great giveaway. Got your link from

thanks Silke from germany

Lynda said...

Oh my goodness...I forgot to tell you that I got to your site from Julia and Billberry Grove.

Joanna said...

I totally forgot to enter! Count me in! I have a thing for sheep you know :)

Denise Phillips said...

Congrats on your new Blog, it even
rivals your already great looking shoppe!
How about showcasing some of your decorative painting as well, for those of us who are into both hobbies!
The wool sheep wallhanging would look great in my already primitive home! :)
Thanks, and I'll be checking back often to read the Blog!

Priscilla said...

I have the perfect spot just waiting for this lovely sheep wallhanging. Please let me fill the space! Thanks.

Jenny of Elefantz said...

That is one BEAUTIFUL and FUNKY wallhanging - I'd love to win the kit!
I have blogged about it, so I'll hope my 2 entries produce a win. :-)

Mystica said...

Love this site. Its easy to navigate. Would love to win this!!!!

Mystica from Sri Lanka

Dolores said...

WoooHooo I would love to win it. I know just who I would give the hanging to. My daughter just bought a house in the country.

jesils said...

Your updated website is excellent and the givaway prize is wonderful.
Thank you for the opportunity.

barb's creations said...

What a great giveaway.A kit with everything you need to make it.Please enter me in your lovely giveaway :) Barb.

Martina said...

Would be so great to win. Looks so sweet! Thanks for the chance to win.

aussiequilter said...

have just found your blog and it's so lovely.Please enter me in your draw for the kit as I would be honoured to make it up for my home!thanks for being so generous cheers teri

Mary Burn said...

Love your website. Keep up the good work. Thanks for including me in your giveaway.

soggybottomflats said...

Very cool blog, would love to win this. I was sent by Jenny from Elephantz, Elaine from Texas

Daniella said...

I´d love to win this give away. Your work is amazing. Hugs & Kisses

Di~ said...

Thanks for a great giveaway! I'm glad I found your blog, Jenny sent me. Here's hoping to win from Idaho!

paulette said...

Thanks for the chance to win this! LOve it! Paulette

Kerry said...

Hi! Brenda
Just found you!
Love to work with wool but, believe it or not us Aussies cannot get good supplies!
Do not have a blog.....but would love to win your give-away!
E-mail is:

Gene Black said...

Hi, I would love to win

AND I blogged about it at
My email is associated with my blog. So if I win you can find me. But I follow you so if you post about it I am likely to read it unless my life is just hectic at the moment. (so please email me)

LyndaG said...

Nothing ventured ... I do love the wall hanging but usually just hang around blogs as I haven't yet taken the plunge. Great site!

Timi said...

I love your quilt and I would like to join the giveaway :o)!

Needled Mom said...

Very cute pattern. Please count me in and give an extra point for Gene Black who sent me.

Pat said...

Here I am...sent by Gene be sure he gets credit for sending me, okay? :)

Greg said...

Love the site... Thanks for the Giveaway!

trash said...

How did I miss this post??? Am I too late? I was mooching around the new website last night with my mother. Oh how we love those flannels.

darcey said...

What a great pattern! Thanks for the opportunity to win! Very pretty site.

{Bellamere Cottage} said...

Oh YES! Please throw my name in the hat!


MOMENTS Designs said...

Oh what a adorable kit.
I have never worked with wool but sure would like to try.
Crossing my fingers I win :-)))

JoyceG said...

I saw your ad in BH&G and was drawn right away to this kit. I've been reading your blog for months, and really like your website. Keep up the good work!

Julie said...

I love the kit---please enter me in the drawing!! thanks--julie

isa & marta said...

Esa manta es un tesoro!!!!!! podrĂ­a celebrar el mejor cumpleanos si ganara.
Pondre el enlace en mi blog.
Mi correo quilteranqn arroba Gracias

M. Regina said...

Hello, I'd love to win this. I've posted a link on my blog for you.I read about this give away in the blog of Marta http://zodiaco9patchworkymas.blogspot
my e-mail is

hugs from Brazil

arlette said...

Please count me in your giveaway, I loveeeeeeee your pattern, I blogged about it

arlette said...

I'm your follower, as well, lovely blog you have!!!!!

Brenda said...

That's it...No More Entries are being accepted! I will print the list, cut the entries and add the extras as I check the emails and "posts" for those who said they posted. Once this is done, GP will pull the name...stay tuned. I will post the winner on Sunday!
Unexpected pool party/ cookout today... How fun is that? !!! =)