First, ME's Home Companion had this:
OMG! It's a home filled chuck full of Halloween decorations that made my heart skip a beat. I wanted to see if I could find out where this place is locate so I can move in! And in the worst case scenario where they didn't share the house location, at least I could put myself there in my can dream, it's free!
Then, I came across that awesome Halloween magazine by BH&G; well, look what that one had:
Aren't these great? We can cut them out from construction paper during Homeschool and GP can scatter them all around the house, (cutting with scissors is good to help develop fine motor skills which in turn helps him control pencils and pens when writing!), how cool is that? Woo-Hoo!
OK so now for Fons & Porter...well this one is such a cute quilt, and so true to my skill level , LOL! that I said "oh, I have to make that!" so I brought it home...
OK more mag projects in another post...I have to get back to work now...
Are you heading to Barnes and Noble? LMK if you find a magazine I didn't buy, LOL!
(The F&P Pumpkins pattern IS pretty cute, though!)
Loving those shapes! btw playdough and plasticine are also really good fine motor skill improvers.
OMG! Look at this!
The Great Pumpkin Quiltalong
(I'm off to sew some more bias tape!)
Brenda thank you soooo much for the package you sent me. I cant wait to make those cupcakes. What a nice surprise!!! Thanks again!!
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