Saturday, December 28, 2013

A New Home, A New Journey...

I am in TX visiting my dear sisters this month. One of my sisters has moved to a new house, and has spent many weeks making it her own. It's been a long process but she's finally in it, with only a few unopened boxes to show for her struggles, but those too are on their way to becoming just a distant memory.
As I sit at her dinning room table listening to Christmas music and consuming that mighty Chai Latte that will give me the courage to face the chair assembly that is on my schedule this morning, I am so happy for her that I catch myself smiling and reminiscing of when I was young-ER and single, and childless... oh, it seems so long ago. I can't believe how time has just flown by. I used to change her diapers and now I sit in her house, at her table. It just amazes me how life goes on and it's like a book full of chapters. Some happier than others, but all integral parts of the plot of our lives.
I wish I lived closer to enjoy this new phase of her life with her. But like all birds, they spread their wings and they fly away. I wish her love, laughter and a table full of friends to warm this lovely new place....
Oh, but what's a table without chairs?! I better get cracking on this assembly before she comes home and finds me still sitting here on my tenth latte. LOL Hope your holidays are filled with love and laughter, and wonderful gatherings. 
I'll leave you with  a view from my perch at the dinning room table.
and a peek at her lovely new living room.
Isn't it lovely???? I think she has found herself a keeper here. 
Anew home for a new journey. Let the next phase begin!

Happy Holidays!


Melanie said...

I'm happy for you.

WoolenSails said...

Sometimes I would love to start over with the house, time to rethink my decorating and rooms;) It is nice that you can enjoy a visit with your sister and I hope you have a wonderful time with your family.


Grandma Ellen said...

Sounds like a great place. It is amazing how life moves on as we all grow up. Have a great time with your visit. A little less snow in TX.

Anna said...

you are a wonderful sister! Chair assembly requires a little wine...I mean whine, lol

Karen said...

Spending time with family is the best. So glad you could be there to help her - and I agree with Anna - a little wine/whine never hurt anyone lol.
Happy New Year - Karen