Happy New Year! I hope your new year is off to a great start. Mine started slow but I'm picking up speed as it goes along. It's so hard for me to slip out of holiday mode... I think I might still have a sugar high from all those darn cookies and Fruit Cake. I still have the tree up, mind you. GP has decided we shall keep it up until MARCH! Hello! Oh yeah, and the lights are still on...all the time! I asked him if we can at least turn off the lights and he said he liked it with the lights on so ON they shall remain, until March...or until we move, whichever comes first. LOL. His reason for keeping the tree up was simple, "I like it!" and since I like it too, I don't see a problem. Well, unless you're trying to get creative. I think my brain has been on a crafting hiatus for too long and finding my mojo has been a challenge.
I know I am not alone in my quest to find my mojo and when Traci from Bigfork Bay Cotton Co called to ask if I wanted to join her Girls's in the Garden Giveaway I was delighted. She sent me the entire collection to give away. Thanks Traci!
There are four pattern, one for each season and the winner takes all. Can't beat that.

These are designed by Pat Sloan and they are fast, fun and easy weekend projects. You can make up any of these in a weekend, even if you're a beginner. Really.
Again, winner takes all four.
To enter the giveaway leave a comment and tell me if you have a garden, and if you do, what you plant in it. Dreaming of warm days spent in the garden always make my heart happy, maybe it will make your heart happy too! Winner will be selected randomly from among those who post a comment. Please do not leave your comment on FB only entries here on Blogger will be counted. Thanks for joining in the fun!
Retail Value for the set is $50, and they ship free to the lucky winner. If you're having a hard time be sure to close the Networked Blog tab at the top right of the page (when arriving from Facebook). That should do the trick.
This giveaway is closed! No more comments are being accepted.
1 – 200 of 286 Newer› Newest»Hey there NH lady, I live in Kansas at the moment, but soon to relocate VA. In Kansas we can grow NOTHING because it gets to 122 degrees in July. I can't even grow grass. I am looking forward to crepe myrtle and fruits and veggies in VA. please enter me in your give-a-way!
Julie M
P.S. I thought I was moving to Korea last month, VA is much better!!
I plant a huge veggie garden and several flower beds and every year, I make them bigger and better! I also have an orchard, a small vineyard, and my "beer garden" which is actually a pergola with hops growing on it.
I love your quilt designs and hope to one day have time to order and make some of them!
I have flower gardens, vegetables don't seem to like me and die off before bearing anything of substance. ;-) Love the patterns~ the season's are all so cute! Thanks for the chance!
I live in Wyoming. There is a shorter growing season here. I grow squash, spinach, swiss chard and other cool weather plants. I love to play in the dirt!! Flowers are fun to grow and many last into the fall.Love the wall hangings and I hope to win the patterns.
I can only wish I had a garden... My dad used to plant the best garden in town....
My garden is my roses! I have 5 roses - 2 from my dad's yard that he loved (transplanted when we sold the house) One is a Tropicana and one is an old pink rose that is a climber that was a start he brought from my Grandma's house. The other three are Blue Girl, which I got when my twins turned one and then my husband bought me I'll Always Love You (peachy,pink, yellow) when my Dad passed away and then when my mom passed, he got me the John F. Kennedy rose, which is a beautiful white rose. We have done a veggie garden, but decided to have chickens instead, so I have 11 hens!! I love drooling over your designs and kits and I love the opportunity to win Garden Girls!
What a great giveaway!
Thank you very much for a chance to win! I'm a beginner and it would be nice to try those patterns.
I have a very little garden - just some herbs (mint, basil and so on) and several roses :)
I recently moved cross country but I have had several gardens. A wise woman told me once to plant your very first garden however you want with whatever you want. Then, the next year you will know what and how much you really want to plant. We had everything from sunflowers to watermelon. And pickling cucumbers galore! Our favorite was the sweet corn!! Happy gardening in 2012!! Nancy Atkins
I hope to build some raised beds this year for veggies and herbs. We tried growing tomatoes in pots last year, the cherry tomatoes did fine but I didn't get any big tomatoes :( Right now I'm getting lots of seed catalogs in the mail, keeps me going until it dries out a bit. Thanks for giving us a chance to win!
I usually grow tomatoes, peppers, snow peas, green bean and cucumbers. We tried to grow zucchini and squash but it would just die at a certain point. This week we are going to plant broccoli, cauliflower and some lettuce varieties.
I now live in an apartment, so am getting adjusted to container gardening. I have been drooling over dwarf & patio blueberry plants tho.
Barb P.
I live in the deep South, so we garden 12 months out of the year. Yesterday was fresh cabbage for Sunday dinner! My larkspur, calendula, and poppies are busting out of the ground. Gardening 12 months out of the year doesn't leave a lot of time for stitching, but I manage in the wee hours of the night or early morning.
I enjoy reading your post on facebook-isn't' technology amazing?
Brenda, welcome back. I have flowers beds around the perimeter of my home. This year I grew figs,jalapeno peppers, herbs, and loquats.
Thank you for the chance to win. I learned to applique with Pat Sloans patterns.
We do have a garden but it is wrapped around the house in a u-shape and split into three main sections, the third of these we have just built on so for five months we have been growing a kitchen! Consequently we have alo been growing abuilding site on one of the front areas of grass and one little bit is left for bike riding,gardening or sitting.
Hi Neighbor lady, I'm in your other half, Vermont. I have perennial flower gardens, as well as a large vegetable garden with all the usual suspects, tomatoes, carrots, lettuce, cukes, squash, beans, beets, herbs, then also blueberries, raspberries and strawberries. Tastes good in the winter! These quilts are fabulous! I would love to see them on my wall!
I do have a garden! I fill it with lily's and daisys. I love the bright colors of the lilys and the calm yellow and white of the daisies.
We have a home that we're trying to sell!!!! *grin*
And yes, I have a rock garden with plants/flowers that come up every year... very low maintenance. I got carried away when we first moved in, but the slugs took control and I got tired fighting with them.
Please add my name in your contest - these look like DELIGHTFUL patterns!!!!
Those are so pretty! We have a garden, but I must admit, my husband is more the gardener than me. I'm more the harvester, weeder. One thing we grow are lots & lots of Jersey tomatoes & tons of basil, for yummy tomato, basil. & red onion salad. Ahh, I can smell summer now.
Our garden usually has tomatoes, peppers, lettuce, green & yellow beans, broccoli, and then we add squash and a few new items to try each year! We have fun!
My Bf and I did our first garden this past year. the tomatoes were abundant and the as well as the strawberries. My neighbors were happy because they also reaped the benefits. I look forward to the asparagus but they take a few years. We will be expanding it this year so our diets can be full of more healthy choices. (boring is the word). Like my quilts I like a colorful garden so some eggplant will be added and raspberry bushes. Cant wait for the season to begin.Id love to be considered for your giveaway, thanks Laraine Sgroi, NJ
love these patterns I grow cone flowers lilies and anything else that grows in my sandy soil.I don't like to mow so I plan on having most of my yard in flowers in the next 5 yrs :)
I do not have a garden. Would love one but no room.
What pretty patterns! Thanks for the chance to win them! I have lots of flowerbeds around the yard, and grow all kinds of perennials, including daisies, bee balm, purple coneflowers, etc. I also grow a healthy crop of weeds every year! LOL
Don't have a garden..just bits and pieces. A rose bush here, a daylily there and an upside down tomato plant or two mixed in! but always a flower of xomekind for the hummingbirds! Would love to win the give-a-way!
Brenda: I have the greatest little backyard garden that held 35 tomato plants last year. This year my husband has enlarged my garden & we will start with peas & onions very soon. I love to can veggies so we will have a little of many squash, cukes, etc. I would love to win.
I love my gardens, I have coneflowers, lilies, bee balm, galradia, delphenium, foxglove and catmint... I usually plant tomatoes and green beans in my veggie garden. It will be interesting to see what kind of spring we have here in Minnesota, the winter has been so warm and dry compared to what we are used to. Thank you for the chance to win such a lovely give-away.
I live in an apartment now, so no garden for me. But, once I did have a vegetable garden, and it was a wonderful experience. My boyfriend (at that time) helped me get it started, and my Mom and Dad got involved in helping me to take care of it. The vegetables were wonderful, and it was so nice to be able to go out and pick something, bring it in, clean it off and have it on the dinner table that night. And, at the end of the season, my Mom made the best tomato sauce, that we froze and had well into the winter months.
The only thing I can grow is grass, but when I quilt my garden creations are endless. Please enter my name in your raffle. Thank you and happy new year
I love to Garden. It was one of my Dad's favorite things to do and I learned all from him. It really depends on what kind of mood I am in - but in the summer I love Impatients, all colors, everywhere, large red, white pink and now a new purple. I love sunflowers too, Dad's favorites.!!
I plant a veggie garden...green beans, a variety of tomatoes and sweet peppers, beets, and onions. I have a herb garden and 2 flower gardens.....an it keeps me busy. Always glad when the planting is finished. Please enter me in your give-a-way. hugs from Michigan!
Every year I put a small perennial bed in somewhere in the yard. This summer will be one in front of the house. I also built 2 raised beds. When I find perennials on sale, I put them in the raised bed until I find a new home for them!!
I grow a garden and this year my focus will be on heirloom tomatoes and shelling beans,,,I dehydrate all my veggies and use the wonderful fresh taste all winter long
Hi there. I try to plant a garden and can barely grow flowers here in Oklahoma. I've been working on the soil, red dirt here, so I can so some serious planting. How I miss having a veggie garden.
I love my flower gardens but it is the fun stuff I decorate the gardens with. I have bird houses everywhere, old boots filled with flowers and trellis my father. My favourite flowers are black eyed susan.
Great give-away! Thank you for the chance to win those lovely patterns!
In my garden I mainly grow herbs, but also tomatoes and salad. And I have various berry bushes and cherry, apple and mirabelle trees.
Greetings from Germany,
My garden consists
Of flowers... Mostly Roses for now. I started it back about 10 yrs ago when I worked at Home Depot, in the garden section, I couldn't resist all those roses. It's really hard to decide, quilting/ gardening. This past sat Gardening won, lots of pruning. I just LOVE fresh cut flowers on my desk.
I would also love to make these wallhangings!
Just flowers! They come up from spring until falls. Love to see them bloom.
LOVE my garden..of course it doesn't look like a page from Southern Living(I think they cheat)! My favorite flowers & shrubs are the ones that I saved from my relatives homes-especially my Mother's. Lots of special memories when they bloom.An occasional tomato plant is nice!
I have and herb garden. I have lemon balm, rowemary, marjarion, lemon begamont, oregano, sage, chives, basi, catnip, and mints.
Live in So CA and grow lots of herbs, all year long. Also lots of veggies in the Spring and Summer. Thanks!
Glad to see you back! I've missed you!
Love Pat Sloan's patterns. NH is my favorite place in all of the US - I spent 2 weeks last June (and visited Keepsake) and enjoyed every minute of every day with my best girlfriend since 3rd grade. I live in a condo situation in So, FL and have 5 pots (one is a tree 3 are Aloe and a huge plant with prickles that produces 1 flower at a time) which is 1 more pot than I'm suppose to have (shhh). I am looking for that yellow cottage so I can have a garden and bounty of flowers. I would love to win. Blessings for you and your son, Janet
My husband is the gardener in the family; he'll have his lettuce and onions sets out as early as possible. I contribute to the flower beds and containers on our porches. Dragon wing begonias and Kimberly Queen ferns are my favorites and they are tough enough to endure this harsh Oklahoma climate.
Thanks for sponsoring the giveaway - my mojo needs some spark, too.
I mix tomato plants in with flowers. That fresh herbs, especially basil, are all I need!
Hi. I try to have a garden. Last summer I planted tomatoes, squash, cucumbers and peppers. I am using containers for my garden, and it didn't do soooo good, however, I will be at it again this spring!! I do love home-grown veggies, so hoping for a better crop:)
Cute patterns, what a great giveaway too. I sure do have a garden, I plant around 120 hills of potatoes, 6 rows of carrots, 3 rows of onions, 6 - 12 tomatoes plants a row or two of lettuce and every other year I plant cucumbers, so I can make pickles. I love home canned tomatoes and green tomatoe mincemeat, so last year I planted 14 tomatoe plants, this year I will cut down to 6 plants or less depending on how many jars of tomatoes I have left by the spring. I also have a few flower beds, lots of work but I love being outside in the summer.
Thanks for the great giveaway and awesome prizes.
I do have a garden running all along the front of my house. We're building some raised beds for it for Spring. Yea!
I have irises, coneflowers, lots of lilies and sunflowers for my perennials, and add Gerbera daisies and pansies. Only tomatoes and a few herbs in the veggie garden. Love Pat Sloan! Thanks for the contest, would LOVE to make these! Kmfosnaugh@gmail.com
I live in South Dakota so gardening can be tricky but I have a huge vegetable garden and nice flower garden. I love how the flowers color all look great together. Very inspiring.
well, we bought a house on bedrock.......it used to be known as the "quarry" so we cant dig more than about 5-6" deep......it hard to plant anything here. however i did buy a longarm machine several years ago and i used the wooden crate it came in (about 4'x4') to plant myself a salsa garden.........i had tomatoes, jalepenos, cilantro, onions and garlic....it was small but it was awesome. we had fresh salsa all summer long!!
I LOVE gardens, but as I've advanced in age and can no longer get down and close up with the earth I have had to forgo planting with the enthusiasm I once had. I do put some veggies and herbs in deck pots and have a wild flower garden out front. I am looking forward to warmer weather and the crocus popping up to announce spring.
I garden vicariously through my husband. I personally don't like dirt, so he gardens and I QUILT!! I do love the bounty he provides, and enjoy all the fresh veggies...
I haven't had a garden for a few years but I am gearing up to plant come this spring. I will plant cantaloups, watermelon, green beans, a variety of squash and zucchini, lemon cucumbers, tomatoes, and some peppers for my hubby even though I am allergic to them. Gotta love a good man!
what a sewpurr giveaway! I love Pat Sloan's patterns!!!
My 'garden' is usually mostly weeds, since I spend more time sewing or quilting.. but I planted bulbs and perennials that occasionally make a showing...sometimes not where they were planted!
I have a very little garden but I grow tomato, peppers and onions. Next year it will be bigger where I can put in flowers of all kind!
I grow flowers and herbs in my garden. I also have a enough room to throw in a few tomatoes. I'd love to grow vegetables, but they just don't work very well in my garden. I'm so grateful for our garden share, so we still get to enjoy fresh vegetables from the garden.
Yes, I have 2 gardens. One in RI, my main home, which is a hit or miss type. I have a few perrenials and sometimes I add some petunias to brighten it up. My vacation home in NH has beautiful perrenials planted all around the house. I don't know what they are because they were planted by the previous owner. We just bought the house in 2011 and I can't wait for spring so I can see all the fabulous flowers in bloom.
I have a very small garden. In it is my prized Purple Cone Flowers. I guess I spend most of my time sewing so little time to garden. Thanks for the chance to win. Hugs
Good morning,
I have a large veggie garden and a number of small flower beds. I love coneflowers and see them on one of the banners. I like to say the veggies are for my family but it seems the critters get most every year!! Short of being mean, I let them have it because everything I do, they beat!! Thank you for this opportunity to win a prize!
I am in love with these! I do not have a garden any more... it's a little to much work for me now. But I am an appreciative observer and love to view the gardens that people put so much of their hearts into. Love your website, and am a fan of Pumpkin Patch Primaatives.
-Robin Boyd, NH
I like to plant flowers around the house. No preference, just whatever catches my eye at the nursery. I also love to have a veggie garden. Tomatoes, cukes, lettuce, corn, radishes...just about anything.
Hi I live in France and have a garden, we also have a huge field which is very handy for the dogs to run around in. I plant flowers and shrubs but don't do veggies anymore. Linda
I have a flower garden and my favorite is my side yard where I have five different hydrangeas.
Thanks for the opportunity to enter your great giveaway!!
A garden? How about some gardens? Little patches scattered around. Started by making gardens in 'hard to mow spots' then veggies, then herbs at the kitchen door, then added another spot for more tomatoes... Love my garden almost as much as my quilts. Ha!
My garden is small, so it's tomatoes, green beans and hot peppers. My flower beds are around the base of the trees in the yard. It is enough to keep me happy.
I love Pat Sloan! Thanks for the chance! I live in Northern Ontario and don't plant many veggies. Have successfully grown tomatoes and potatoes. This year I'm planting pie pumpkin seeds with the hopes of growing my own pumpkins for my Thanksgiving pumpkin pie! The front of my home gets a lot of shade so my flowers are mostly green - hostas and such. Going to plant some flowering kale this year for some purple in the fall:) Thanks again. It's been fun reading the other comments!
I absolutely cannot grow anything but weeds and to be able to look at something so pretty, instead of the weeds, is a great experience. When the Spring comes I decorate my home with the wall hangings that are flowers, some of the Pat Sloan's designs and I would love these "girls" to add to the collection.
I've tried gardening, but unfortunately a green I do not have. Indoor houseplants share the same fate. Although I do have a pothos that has survived my 'nurturing' since June '11. (Got to love those aqua globes). I've learned that the only gardening that I am truly successful at is the quilted kind. I really appreciate the opportunity at the chance to grow my indoor 'garden'.
I am in NJ and hoping to move to FL w/i 3 yrs. I have no garden here except fabric gardens. I love these patterns and am a big fan of Pat Sloan the designer. I'd love this set of patterns. Then I could have a garden in FL too. LOL
Since moving to Vegas from upstate New York I have had a challange in learning to grow plants here--but I am succeding-I've learned to grow tomatoes in the fall and just harvested my first crop of 6 and my flower garden expands each year as I find something new that grows here in the heat--I have a huge eucalyptus tree/bush in my back yard, so no more buying it at the craft stores--I look forward each year for my seaching for something new to add to my yard which because of our issues with water is stone and no grass so the plants are what make it lovely to live here....Joni G from North Las Vegas, NV
Thank you for the chance to win such a cute collection. My garden is more seasonal. Look forward to the spring time with the tulips, rock roses, and a beautiful rose bush that I was given why my Mom passed away. Trees are bare, but all the pines are beautiful to me.
I have 2 raised plots, pumpkins, sunflowers, beets, spinach, lettiuce, tomatoes, radishes, carrots, peas, pole beans, basil, rosemary, parsley, cucumbers, and onions. I am trying potatoes and okra this year, if I can keep my 2 yellow lab pups out!!
We have a huge vegetable garden, fruit trees, grapes, blackberries and many perenials. I love growing things. :)
Your giveaway is wonderful! Thanks for the chance to win.
Living in a townhouse, I don't have a yard for a garden so I have 2 large pots. In one I plant herbs, in the other flowers. Keeps my hands in the dirt a little! I do miss the fresh veggies though, so we go to our local farmers market.
P.S. I love working with wool felt! Your site is great!
No gardens anymore, but I used do a 100' x 20' vegetable garden--everything from tomatoes and peppers to carrots and peas. I also had small flower beds with roses, delphinium, snapdragons and night blooming nicotiana under the window. Every spring I get the urge to dig in the soil, definitely miss those days.
Hi Brenda, How fun! And they are darling! I plant tomatoes, onions, green peppers, jalapeƱo, lettuce and cukes... I did beets the last two years...My dh loves them, and since I learned to bake them fresh...OMG! Now I love them!
Thanks for the chance...Gail
My flower gardens are all perennials so very low maintenance.
I am trying now to do heirloom veggies in my veg garden to get back to the days when a tomato tasted wonderful. Thanks for a chance these are great patterns.
I live in Texas where gardening is a challenge! More so now that we are having a severe drought. I love geraniums but they only last during the spring. I still plant them every year hoping for a different outcome - I think that is the definition of insanity. Perhaps a quilted garden is the way to go!!! Thanks for a chance to win one.
Not much into annual gardening. What I focus in are flowers ... perennials, bulbs, etc.
Hi, I live in Michigan's Upper Penonsula and the growing season is very short. We have a garden and grow peas, beans, potatos and other vegetables. We also grow flowers, too. Thanks for hosting a giveaway on these great Pat Sloan patterns. Rosemary. Kukec@sault.com
I live in North Dakota, so our last freeze can be as late as Memorial Day. I like to plant a pick and eat garden - tomatoes, lettuce, spinach, cucumbers, with pumpkins and carrots thrown in for the fall. Our winter has been so uncharacteristically warm and snow free - maybe we'll get an early gardening start this year!
Hello from Western NC. I had 7 40+ year old Azazela bushes in the strip between the house and our drive way. Disheartened because they were so big I could not maintain my home or flower bed, I had them ripped out. Took my hubby 8 weeks to realize they were gone. Since then I use that space as my garden, growing tomatoes, peppers, onions (I like salsa),squash, corn, beans,cucumbers and pumpkins. Can't wait for March am ordering seeds now. Please enter me in your give away! (My NY's resolution is to quilt more)Thanks!
I have so many allergies that working in a garden is not a fun thing for me. So, I make my garden indoors with all my beautiful quilting fabrics!
oh my I admire all who have a green thumb mine is not so much! I do plant flowers easy ones in the planters out side on the porch do my best to keep them alive in the hot heat in Southern Colorado. Please enter me in the drawing :O)
I love the prim pumpkin pattern!
I have a garden in which I used to grow lots of perennials. Sadly worsening arthritis has curtailed my gardening - I'd rather sew and find it difficult now to do both. valerie(dot)boudier(at)ntlworld(dot)com
We live in southern Alberta, Canada, so we have to wait for spring to come before we plant a gardern. I would like to plant green onions and radishes first in the spring.
Hope I am lucky.
I don't currently have a garden, but plan to start one this year. I want to plant carrots, tomatoes, cucumbers, jalapenos, squash, zucchini and some herbs! I plan to do the raised box gardens. Please enter me in the drawing...love those projects!
Haven't had a good garden since I left California. The rain we had here in the PNW last summer was even hard on the best gardener I know! Making a quilted garden would be so much simplier:)
Good Morning! Can you believe even thought it is Jan. 9th the daffodiles are coming up!!! I plant tomatos. I also do herbs here and there, but it's not in a garden persay.L
I have a LOT of hostas and other green perenials of all shades. I then plant colorful impatiens in the summer. I also plant wave petunias in purple and hot pink for a colorful punch to my mostly shady garden.
I have flower gardens -love the beautiful array of colors they provide
Yes, I have a garden. Mostly planted with flowers. I love lavender, sweet peas and lily of the valley. Lots of pots on my deck with herbs. This year, I'm going to try some vegetables in pots; spinach, kale and swiss chard. Thanks for such a lovely giveaway. Those patterns are so cute and do seem like a good weekend project.
Here in Colorado (NOT in the mountains - in the foothills, almost the prairie), I grow this crazy hot pink-purple penstemon from seed. The butterflies & bees LOVE it almost as much as I do! Truly glorious :) Faith.
I like to think I have created a Cottage style garden. Lots of perennials and annuals mixed in. Recently I've begun to plant more ornamental bushes and trees. For instance last Spring I planted a Magnolia in memory of my mom and in honor of my first grandchild named after her!
Remember Morticia's garden? She got it from me. I can kill anything with roots. The hubbs plants flowers then will mow them down. Pathetic pair indeed! Can I still play?
Hi Brenda..Yes, two cents! Lovely flowers! Geraniums are still blooming and of course my orange tree still has oranges ready to pick. If I'm the winner will you please just send me the pumpkin pattern and give the others to some lucky posters? Seems fair to me.
Good morning, while I don't have a traditional "Garden" in my tiny yard with soil used to plant things in I like to think I have a Garden in my heart where I tend to my plants. Those plants being love and kindness to all... occasionally I get the evil thought which I pluck like a weed.
Sending you and GP some sunshine and Hugs from SoCal. Oh and who says you can't have a tree up all year round? Just decorate it for the current season!
Liz Carter gijane279
Yes, I have gardens and they are full of weeds, lol.
I grow veggies in the summer and have been trying to do more flowers around the house, but I seem to have bad luck with getting them to come back each year, think I need to replenish my soil.
I live in North Carolina, looking forward to spring and garden time, I like growing tomatoes, squash, cucumbers and of course a variety of flowers.
Thank for the chance to win....
Kathy F
Ahh -- garden -- no veggies for me (well sometimes some patio veggies) but my garden adorns "Hosta" Large, small, green, white, yellow, you name it, I collect it...
Can't wait for spring !
I live in a condo with a balcony that I do gardening in containers.
Last year we had the building painted, so I tore out all my plants and will start new this year.
I mainly plant flowers and a few herbs. Lemon bell clematis was one of my favourite plants, but it didn't live through the replanting, so I'll buy another.
Thanks for the chance to win!
In tucson, so gardening is a challenge, but we have a winter garden with jalepinos & zuccinni. Just bought an old wash tub to plant flowers in. I'm currently working on a quilt full of poppies, so getting my fix from that right now.
penny allen
I don't grow vegetables as I can buy fresh from many farmers in my area. I live in Georgia and you haven't had a tomato unless you have one from here. The taste is so good.
Thanks for the giveaway...yes I love having a garden, I plant tomatoes and lots of them in order to can juice, salsa,etc; green beans, squash, zucchini, banana peppers, raspberries,blackberries and strawberries. This year I hope to add edible soybeans, red onions, garlic and replant some fruit trees. Bring on Spring!
Pat just rocks. I have a small garden on Cape Cod Ma and plant peppers and tomatoes, and summer squash... I also plant cantelopes and green beans... I have the pleasure of having Pat come to my guild in MA in the month of May... Would love this give away...
I have a container garden on the deck with various flowers. The deer eat anything at ground level!
I love all those patterns!!!
We have veggie garden (squash, zucchini, onions, pumpkins, carrots, tomatoes, peppers, greenbeans, potato, chocolate mint) and flower garden (astible, lupines, coneflowers, peonies, lavender, iris) and a bed of strawberries, peach trees and apple trees.
OMG - I love the patterns. I have been dreaming of a garden to work on all winter. I need to put in some vegies and flowers....big beefsteak tomatoes, plus some heirloom varieties, zuchinni, squash, maybe I'll try broccoli this year. Is it too late? If so I will just have to sew my garden this year as well....
fingers are crossed.
Yes, we have a garden here in Al. We grow tomatoes, green beans, peas, butter beans, squash, and cucumbers. Would love to win the seasons patterns.
awesome contest!!! Thank you for loving my patterns!
ohhh would love to win those...
I live in Rural France and have a fairly small veggie plot by french standards. I'm not a great gardener, just plant things, water when I remember and see what grows. I plant lettuces, tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, sprouts, pumpkins, squashes, courgettes, parsnips, beetroots and onions :)
My garden is the desert around my house in Tucson. I have native cacti, trees and desert life. Mother Nature is my gardener. If I had a garden I would plant fresh veggies and have fruit trees - lemon, grapefruit and lime!
This is the first time I have ever left a comment but before I do the garden comment, I just love your shop and it's owner. You are very inspiring to say the least! Our garden in spring and summer is full a awesome things like beans, cucumbers and carrots. We grow these and share with our family. However in the spring before everything gets started, you can quite often find it as a beer garden! My husband will plant a row of empties to show where get things will get started! I would love to send you a photo as he gets quite a few comments on this "beer garden". Keep up the good work!
I don't have a garden. Sometimes we grow bell peppers and tomatoes in buckets.....just enough for two and you don't have to get down with the copperheads.
Hi, I plant tomatoes. Last year they weren't very great. Will try again this year.
Lynda M
Garden...flowers...we used to plant a vegie garden but ended up being on vacation the week everything was available to be picked so all the neighbors got the vegies...so now stick with flowers...
Recently, I've started quilting. I find it is a craft that my son can participate in. He likes the foot pedal, maybe too much! LOL. I came across the blog while I was trying to find a few patterns to go along with the lovely panel and fabric line, Buttons and Blooms. My son is 5 years old and also has Autism. We hope to plant a pumpkin patch. I've never had much of a green thumb, and killed the cactus plant I was given, because I forgot to water it. I hope the pumpkin patch is more successful!
Hey Brenda! My garden is full of perennials, mostly the kind that attract butterflies, hummingbirds and bees! It's only a few feet from my front steps and I love sitting on the stoop and watching the busy bees in the heat of the summer! With this crazy weather, my plants are still not dormant...some of them have perky green leaves ;)
I live in New Brunswick, Canada and have a few flower gardens. My favorite in these gardens would be my peonies.
I am from Kansas too! My 4 yrs old grandson calls vegetables - "inch" ables! I can grow lots and lots of inchables in my garden and have beautiful flower beds! What I love best about Kansas is the 4 seasons. I love them all - Fall is my favorite. Thank you for the opportunity to win this giveaway.
I have a garden. I usually plant tomatoes, basil, cucumbers, and peppers. We also have flower gardens all over with cone flowers, Hibiscus, Hydrangea, day lilies, geraniums, roses, iris, Gerber daisies and whatever else decides to pop up in any given year!
We have a veggie garden and numerous flower gardens here in Arkansas. Whatever our chickens and turkeys stay out of, that is what we reap our goodies from, the veggie garden is fenced, but a sly one gets by sometimes. Otherwise, for some reason, the chickens love to take their dirt baths in my flower gardens, so have to plant really hardy ones there. Thank you for the chance at the patterns,I love them!
Betsy lazyAranch@centurytel.net
Every year my husband and I have our "annual tomato wars" to see who can grow the best tomatos. oh and I so love cardinals in the winter -- thanks for a chance to win - laurie
Hey Brenda- here in my part of Northern California, our weather is pretty temperate so we can grow just about everything most of the year. Our biggest issue in California is water. Being a heavily populated & agricultural state, there's a huge demand on water and boy, is it expensive. So we need to be selective about what we grow. I have about 35 rose bushes, mostly yellow and orange varieties because those are my favorite. Roses are beautiful while they are in bloom (they are even blooming right now in January - although a little leggy)and don't require a lot of water. I'll have to force them into dormancy by pruning in late January. Most of the country has already pruned their roses but we wait until later because if we prune in November or December like everyone else, we will have budding in January only to be followed by frost which will kill off the new growth in February. Because I LOVE flowers, other than tending my roses, most of my flowering garden is appliqued with wool being my favorite medium!
In my garden tgere are only flowers.
thanks for the great giveaway!
I was a KS girl, transplanted to PA for a year...so, I grew...SUNFLOWERS! My favorite. Hoping to win :)
Here in northern Vermont I've learned that a lot of things will grow (and a lot of things won't). I have a large veggie garden, grape arbors, asparagus bed, formal herb garden, berries, apple trees, and woodchucks. Lots of woodchucks. VermontPines@aol.com
My husband is the gardener....he loves his perennials and shrubs. I like to grow herbs and vegetables - potatoes, green beans, squash. My very favorite plant, however, is sunflower! And pumpkins, but we don't grow them.
I have gardens. We have a veggie garden in summer. Lots of tomatoes, peppers. I also have lots of herbs stashed around the house. We live in Texas so the rosemary and thyme grow year round.
I live in South Dakota where we have undependable weather, but I have a garden. I have a rose garden, but my flowerbed has other perennials and annuals in it too.I love having bright splashes of color in the yard when the August sun dries up the prairie grass.
I live in Southern California and have mostly drought tolerant plants. I do try to pick ones with blooms at least part of the year. But...my non drought tolerant climbing rose with tiny pink flowers in ones of my favorites. I can see it from my kitchen window. Thanks for having the contest.
We have a huge garden each year including 8 beehives! We have raspberries, blueberries, blackberries, tomatoes, sweet potatoes, squash, beans, beats, peppers, and we are even trying our hand at kiwi!
Please enter me in your give away =D
What wonderful patterns! I grow mostly flowers in my garden. I even have some cone flowers that are in the summer pattern. I have a few herbs nestled among the flowers and some potted tomato plants.
Judy W.
Hi, I love the beautiful patterns. I don,t have a garden of my own, backyard is all concrete patio. If I did have a garden it would be a flower garden, with Hydrangeas, roses, daisys, and lots of green plants. I would put a gazebo in the center to sit in and enjoy the flowers.
Bonjour Ć vous ; en ce moment , je ne vais pas au jardin car il ne fais pas trĆØs beau , je devrais plantĆ© un arbre au printemps , maintenant il est trop tard . En effet , il y en a un qui a crevĆ© , et il nous faisait de l' ombre l' Ć©tĆ© . TrĆØs apprĆ©ciant l' Ć©tĆ©. TrĆØs amicalement . Carole Brun . FRANCE
I mostly DREAM about my garden and how pretty it is. I do grow tomatoes and green peppers - along with some herbs - dill, oregano, basil, rosemary.
We have raised bed garden in our back yard,it was a home school project.My children and I designed a companion vegetable garden.My husband lent his hand in building and planting.In one corner of the garden my youngest set about creating an old fashion flower garden with butterfly bushes, cornflowers,daisy,violets and foxglove.It is such a joy watching our happy bees flitting from blossom to blossom.We are also beekeepers and love having this for them too!
First I have to tell you how much I enjoy you on Facebook/ and now your blog!
I haven't planted a garden in a long time..mainly time... working 2 jobs and having 2 horses, and then there is my quilting and knitting addiction...so I belong to a CSA..and enjoy fresh veggies from a wonderful local gentleman. He supplies me with enough to enjoy fresh and to freeze for months like this. I like to think I have the best of both worlds..I am helping support a local business, and eat well at the same time!
Karen MK
Newfield NY
Great Giveaway!! Thanks for the opportunity to win. I also must say I'm very impressed with the great following you're having on your blog. WTG!!! So happy for you. Garden? Yes, I DO have a "garden" but, here in Florida I keep making my outdoor garden smaller and the container gardens larger. My thumb is not a bright shade of green, just a little tinted, so my gardening skills are challenged. If the heat doesn't get my things, the cold does - thus the containers. I do have lots of admiration for those of you that have the great patience and talent to have such beautiful gardens.:-)
Hi Brenda. I do not have a garden. I am a renter. Some times I grow herbs for cooking with fresh herbs. BUT I am a quilter and I love PPP and all the great stuff you bring us. Love the giveaway and the chance to enter. Thanks for all you do and cheers to GP for wanting the Christmas tree to stay up.
I have a funky chicken garden with all sorts of funky colored chickens and roosters and have a variation of Hasta's and shade loving plants..those are my favorites..
Please enter me in your giveaway..I absolutely love your site.
We grow many different kinds of peppers! We do really well with them unless the grasshoppers get them! If we have a good crop I usually end up canning them. My husband's favorite are my bread n butter jalepeno peppers!
I do not have a garden these days because I travel full-time for my job. I used to have one in my previous career however, and had several kinds. I had a vegetable garden with cucumbers, pumpkins, tomatoes, many different kinds of peppers, onions, radishes, carrots, and more. My flower garden had lilies, Russell Lupins (loved these!), daffodils, tulips, and more. My yard today has lilac bushes, and I've previously grown many fruit trees, including blackberries, apples, pears, and even grapes! I love gardens, and I love your designs, too. Hope to win!
Sutherlin Oregon is home for me...I have a salad veggie garden, along with berries (blue, straw- and rasp-), apple, asian pear and cherry trees. The flower beds range from shade to full sun, agastache is my current favorite! I love your designs & would love to try one.
Jamie G
Greetings from Alaska! I have a perennial garden and also plant an herb garden every year. We love to snip off fresh herbs for cooking.
MaryAnn J
Gardens? Do I have gardens? Oh boy! I have a 50' by 50' truck patch in which we grow all our own vegetables that we eat as well as a huge herb garden and periennial bed. Of course, there's all the little places tucked here and there in the yard.
Would love to have a chance to win these patterns!
Idaho cold and gray today. Summer is vegetable garden with my daughter and sunflowers.
Lots of spring flowers! Just love spring and the reawake of nature! Thanks so much!
I started a new perennial garden with iris, coneflowers, asiatic lillies, salvia, and lots of poppies. I can hardly wait til spring!
Unfortunately, our gardener is a German Shepherd. He did exactly what we wanted, he got rid of the grass. But he loved that so much, he got rid of everything else that grew in our tiny townhome back yard. Now I grow my garden in quilts. I love these patterns!
I only plant my garden in containers. I love the way they look and that is the only way I can tell the flowers from the weeds. My husband will work for hours in his gardens. I enjoy the watering the most. I love Pat Sloan and am working on a long time ongoing project, with hopes of finishing it this year. I will finish it this year. Love the new patterns.
I am in Texas and having had a severe drought, most of my roses are gone. Right now Ava's snow flurries describe my garden, complete with a beautiful cardinal.
Yesterday I bought seed packets and will start my vegetable garden inside. Each day I look forward to seeing the seeds take root and begin to show promise for Spring.
As I am a bit handicapped the children I teach at church will help me plant the seeds and benefit from the fruit of our labor.
I have a flower garden, one bed completely of different kinds of mums. They get HUGE in the fall and are the envy of the neighborhood!
Great patterns by Pat! I have a small veggie garden which we love. We harvested taters, onions, carrots, beets, and maters this past summer and loved the freshness!
My gardens are a mix of many perennials and some annuals. When I first started the gardens, my goal was to have so many perennials that the beds could go from spring to fall and need only a few annuals. Last spring I had to be away from home for about 3 weeks and didn't have time to do any gardening before I left. When I came home my gardens were FULL of color! Just the way I'd always wanted it to be!!
I don't plant any vegetables because my neighbor keeps me supplied. ;-)
I love gardening...but we don't have much of a growing season in Northern Nevada. Love to grow flowers on my deck. Hope to have a greenhouse one day soon.
I have such an appreciation of those who have a green thumb...unfortunately my talents don't lie in the agricultural field - no pun intended. These beautiful wall hangings would look gorgeous on my wall in my "indoor living space".
I have a very little garden by my front stoop. Some dafodils come up in the Spring and one crocus peeks out every year. Then later in the summer a beautiful Hibiscus pops up and grows like crazy. It has beautiful flowers that are very heavy and have to be staked up or they cover the walkway. These come back every year.
I don't have much of a garden, a few hanging baskets.
What a great gift! I love flowers in the spring and summer. We rent so to garden is a no-no. But I dream of my dads garden when I was a kid. Especially the peas. He would grow one row for my mom and I to enjoy. Raw peas are the best.
Thank you for entering my name. I love Pats designs!
Deb F.
gAre you crazy that is why I quilt. I look at my creation and it might not be perfect but it isn't all brown and crinckly. You can leave a quilt for a day/week/month and it will be like it was unfinished but there, not so with a garden. Even if tended I do not do well with the plant world.
Julie for Spokane Washington
Wish I could have a garden, but I live in a Co-op apartment. I had a little window box planter, but everything was either eaten by the birds or fried in the sun.
The only thing in my window box now is my rock garden. Does that count???
P.S. Love the Summer Garden hanging.
I love the when spring arrives and the flowers start to 'pop' out of the ground. Thanks for warming up a cold day.
Yesssss! I'm putting in my two cents...hehehe! And, yes, I do have a garden. But, all that is growing in it right now are weeds :) But, if you could see my beautiful roses all along the side of my house, which, is really not the side of my house, but, rather along the cement that holds the stairs and the deck on the side of the house that leads up to the house (that was a mouthful) you would be amazed! They are beautiful, even now.
I have planted tomatoes, peppers, squash and herbs the last few years-in a tiny plot by my garage. I also have perennials in my front flower beds-iris, day lilies, daffodils, clematis, etc. Thanks for the giveaway!
I grow a Salsa garden, tomatoes, jalapeƱo, onions etc. then I have a perenial flower garden, with the same flowers as Pat used to make here gorgeous wall hangings. I would love to make them. Thanks.
Hi from New Zealand. I have a large garden and my favourite flowers are hydrangeas. They are so easy to grow here and the flowers are fantastic - all different colours.
I have lived in Kansas for over 30 years and every year have put in a garden. My poor garden has been torn up when I was angry, weeded unmercifully when frustrated, and it holds tears of joy and lost loves. But through all of this, I have canned enough food to feed my family in years past and still do a little canning for myself now. I love to pickle beets, grow green onions and green beans, and really have to nurse the tomatoes, cucumbers, pumpkins and watermelons. The goldfinches seem to get to my sunflowers before I can, but that's ok because they need to eat too. I also have put in a flower garden that I can't wait for spring to see the daffafils and tulips break the ground.
I really love your designs and have started working with some small wool projects. I really enjoy them. Look forward to seeing what you show us next.
Different herbs, esp. lavender.
We plant a vegetable garden every year with plenty of tomatoes, string beans, basil, cucumbers, and peppers. Our flower garden is filled with day lilies.
I'm good at growing flowers and bell peppers. Everything else - not so good. But I try and try again. Thanks for the give away.
LOVE those Pat Sloan patterns. WE have a huge garden and grow strawberries, raspberries, potatoes, tomatoes, corn, asparagus (yum), peppers, peas, garlic, onions, eggplant, flowers, and whatever other interesting things we can find to plant.
Yes I have a Garden. Lots and Lots of flowers and Herbs. Berries and Fruit. I do lots of canning thanks to my mom the greatest Teacher on earth. She taught me gardening a sewing.
Well, with 4 cats, CAT MINT is a yearly must have! There are a few herbs, like Thyme and Rosemary, and of course, the ever present tomato plants, that seem to overtake the garden every year, no matter how hard the kids try to keep them picked.
My hubby is the gardener. I love to look at the flowers, but I hve allergies. We live in Florida so the flowers are always in bloom. I love to make my garden in my quilts.
I grow many different kinds of flowers in our gardens. I have several lavendar plants which I dry every summer. I have a small vegetable raised bed garden and I hope to enlarge it this year. I love home grown lettuce and zucchini and other easy to grow plants.
I have all kinds of flowers that bloom from Spring through Fall! I have Lily of the Valley, Daffodils, Maiden Pinks, Tulips, Hyacinths, Iris, Clematis, Peonies, Day Lilies, Cannas, Purple Cone Flowers, Red Hot Pokers, Amaryllis, Stoke's Aster, Balloon Flowers, Hosta, Chrysanthemums, Dahlias, Pink Thrift, Starburst Ice Plants, Black-Eyed Susans and other flowering bushes and trees. Thanks for a chance to win!
i don't have a garden :( but i want one
I have 2 plants in pot, I have an aloe vera and a serpentaria
We have downsized our garden in the recent year. Presently we have asparagus, rhubarb, raspberries and strawberries and we plant tomatoes, sweet corn, brocoli and onions.
We have lots of flowers and some herbs. Love Pat's designs.
We recently relocated from Michigan to Kentucky. I really miss my Michigan garden. We have recently put in landscaping in our new front yard. I insisted that we put in Double Red Knock Out Roses. I have never been in a sunny enough place to grow roses before, so that is the one saving grace of my new garden.
We have a small vegetable garden. This time of year I enjoy composting and thinking of our Summer garden.
I just love Pat Sloans new patterns! I do have a garden of flowers but my favorite flowers are the ones made of cotton and wool.
Wonderful giveaway and thank you for the opportunity. I plant mostly perennials - garden plox, asters, balloon flower,muns and accent with coleus for color. Judy c
I do not have a garden but I sure would love to win these patterns of Pat's. She is my hero!
I live in southern Calif. and we can grow EVERYTHING! But winter in our area doesn't happen much so the Spring banner is my choice! Please enter me in your drawing!
I had vegetable gardens for many years. Now my gardening is limited to my perennial flower beds, which are just beautiful, and my small herb garden. My perennials, which all started as small sprigs from a fellow sewing friend, have spread so much that I am going to divide them this spring to share with my two daughters!
P.S. My daughters are both in their 20s and both sew!
We try to have a garden when we can keep the cute deer from eating it. I have Lilacs and Roses and the deer love to munch on both of them.
Diana Schrock
I do have a garden that I plant flowers in. It is in an old huge horse watering trough in the front of the house. Pat is terrific and adorable! Love, love, LOVE Pat! :)
I don't have a garden in my tiny apartment but if I did it would be a colorful garden with lots of pink and purple flowers and lots of butterfly friendly blossoms. Thanks for the chance to win.
I have a container herb garden. I love flowers, but my yard is pool and low maintenance, so I have to be content with quilt gardens!
My small Texas Garden has our typical hot weather veggies: Tomatoes, Beans, and Squash. I love heirloom seeds and typically seed about 75% with the remainder purchased plants. The garden also hosts a large "Chile Petin" or Bird Pepper bush with loads of tiny red chilis on it right now - or at least til the birds get them! We place them in vinegar and toss on everything - hot, hot HOT! All is presided over by my crazy gray chicken who chases the cats out of the yard!
I live in Alberta Canada and I have over 10 flower beds in my yard. I plant many annuals which look great with my perannuals. I also have 20 or so pots all though my yard,
I have a small garden at our cottage. I have only been able to plant Herbs for cooking so far. I am hoping that this year I will be able to plant some flowers. Thank you for a great giveaway
My husband and I have had gardens every year since we were married 37 years ago! We grow vegetables (there is nothing like a fresh picked tomato!), flower and herbs. Making sun tea with fresh picked spearmint is so delish! Since our move from Maine to SC, we are trying blueberries, grapes and apple trees. We harvested 4 golden delicious apples. They were not very large but we loved them anyway! Have a blessed day!
I live in Colorado and have 4 raised garden beds--we use one for herbs, another for flowers and the last two for tomatoes, lettuce, beets, green beans, and cucumbers!
I do have a small garden and grow flowers. I love perennials and add annuals for a dash of constant color. Takes a lot of watering. Thanks for the chance to win.
I have daffodils planted in my garden. I love to see them coming up in February. It means that Spring will be here soon.
I have flower gardens. Tall, prolific-flowering cannas grow in one particular garden just outside my kitchen window. Hummingbirds busy themselves feeding on the sweet nectar produced by the crimson blooms. I love to watch these tiny birds. Amelia's Spring Delight reminds me of my garden.
I live on the east coast of NC with sandy soil, but I still plant a vegetable garden and flower garden every year. I add lots of compost and plant everything and anything I get my hands on. I always have lots of beautiful flowers, vegetables and weeds. gbehappytoday@aol.com
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