Ever find yourself wondering how something so small could ever take so long? Yep, I do too. Take this wool Monthly Mini quilt I started months ago (please don't ask me when. I blogged about it but I am hesitant to search and find out how long it's really been "in progress").

PS. My blocks aren't as bright as they appear, that's just a bad pic. Click on the link to the old post about them to take a closer look at some of the blocks. Better pic to follow once I finally finish this; hopefully before I'm on Social Security! HAHAHA
A few are upside down or backwards . the 3 posies really stand out but I still like it. I start a mini block over 3 yrs ago and still have noy finished it
other then a few being mirror image or upside down from the original pix.........but that's different, not "wrong". It's beautiful!!! I've looked at your monthly blocks frequently and wondered if I should start such a thing! I think after Christmas I will!! It is going to be an heirloom! Beautiful work!!
You know what? There's nothing wrong with your blocks AT ALL! So you're a rebel with block layout! That is soooo totally not a bad thing. This is gorgeous.
All the work is paying off,, I love it..You know its about the journey??? lol
I have that "safe place" problem too! And I live in an itty bitty apartment (with two children and a hubby whos worse than the two combined) so where do I lose these things? I don't have space to lose them AND I clean every day!
And I thought I was slow, lol.
It is almost there, so I know you will finish it, you did such a beautiful job on it.
I love these little gems -- there is nothing wrong with them they are unique! As for putting things away in a "safe" place - you crack me up -- my "safe" place is packed with stuff like that - I hope to find them all someday, it will be like Christmas! LOL!
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