The First Fat Qtr Bundle Winner is:

The Second Fat Qtr Bundle goes to:

Yes, you read that right...TWO Carries!
OK, so we had one more ticket to pull and the camera died. I kid you not. The Bonus prize shall be revealed...TOMORROW!
Oh, stop moaning...I bet you got T-o-Treaters , not that THAT's a sore spot or anything, LOL!
Carrie#2 has just informed me that her last name begins with P; therefore BOTH WINNERS ARE CARRIE P. Freaky, eh? LOL!
Now that is a funny coincidence. Congratulations to the two Carries.
Congrats to Carrie and Carrie!!! Enjoy your fabrics and make something awesome with them!!
Congrats Carries Enjoy your fabrics.
Hugs Pam
Congrats to both Carries. Enjoy your fat quarters!
congratulations to both of those lucky Carries~!!!~
Could there possibly be three Carries????? Wouldn't that be funny?
WooHoo, I am a lucky Carrie for sure, I just love those fabrics. Thank you Brenda...what a generous gift to win!!!
Lucky bloggers! Congratulations--wish it was me!
Congratulations Ladies......how nice to be able to fondle new fabric..
Wow that is something! Congratulations Carrie & Carrie!
And thanks for a great giveaway Brenda! ;-)
How nice for your two Carrie's - that is pretty unusual to have two Carrie P. The fabrics will make beautiful quilts. Congratulations ladies..
Warmest regards,
How fun for the Carries! Congratulation girls! Fun Fabrics!
Congratulations to both enjoy your give-away
Hugs Janice
Congratulations to Carrie P. and Carrie P.
I'm sure you will have lots of fun with your prizes...and of course, we want to see!
Many congratulations to both winners.
(if bribery and corruption of G.P. isn't doing the trick next time should I change my name to Carrie??)
Congratulations to the winners!! Enjoy them and thanks again for the opportunity you gave us with this giveaway,
Congratulations, Carrie's :p
Hurrah for the 2 Carries!
I know they'll be put to good use, Brenda.
Wow - 2 Carrie P's - I guess that's what happens when it is a halloween giveaway - freaky indeed :) Congratulations ladies - can't wait to see what you all whip up with these.
Congrats to both Carries! (it's not the same one is it? - you'll have to redraw another one!!...)
Has GP taken a secret fancy to a 'Carrie' ? I will have to change my name :-)
Wow...what a coincidence and your winners are two of my favorite blogget friends too! I can only hope to be as lucky!!
I don't know Carrie #2 but Carrie #1 is a dearheart blogging friend and she deserves to win. She is such a talent and will put the bundle to good use - as i'm sure Carrie #2 will.
Congrats to both Carries.
Sewing hugs and blessings..always.
congratulations to the 2 Carries!!!!
So happy for you! :)
Congrats to both Carries! ^_^
congratulations to Carrie & Carrie!!!
saluti Giuliana
The Carries must be so excited! Well at least there's another chance for the rest of us!! :-)
Congratulations to the 2 Carrie's !!!!!
Congratulations girls! Very wonderful prize ;o) Have fun!
Oh, that is too freaky. Twilight Zoney. lol I read the other Carrie's blog too. I can't believe I won. I just love those fabrics. I will email my address.
thanks so very much.
congratulations to the lucky girls. hugs
Congrats to both Carrie P's!!
Congrats to the winners! better luck next time...thank youuuuuu!
Congrats to BOTH Carries!!!!
Just call me,
i could change my name to Carrie P ... but it is probably too late for that ... besides, i have a brother named Kerry and he'd just think i was copying him - ha ha ha!
Congrats to Carrie and Carrie!! Enjoy your fabrics!!
I did NOT get any gobblins or ghouls!! My upstairs neighbors let their dumb barking dog out all night plus had their porch light off. I had jack-o-lanterns leading a path to my door, but am in the basement, so I have all the candy I wanted to give away!
p.s. it's now thurs....the anticipation is killing me!!!
What wonderful gifts y'all won.....congratulations!!
And the bonus gifty would be going to.... ?????
Still waiting, on pins and needles!!!
Pain-in-tha-butt, aren't I, eh? *grin*
congrats to the winners!!
funny coincidence!!!
kiss eli
congratulations to the two Carrie's and what a strange thing to happen, the night that Stephen King's Carrie was playing and two Carrie's were chosen as the winners, must be the Halloween magic. Who won the Gift Certificate? Has that name been drawn yet, maybe another Carrie...
Congratulations to Carrie and Carrie!! ^___^
Un caro saluto
Congratulations to Carrie and Carrie!
My congratulations to both Carries! Wish I was one of them because I really really LOVED that fabric. It is to die for. Okay okay not literally but you know what I mean.
Lots of Love
Patti xxx
Just wanted to let you know that I got my fabulous giveaway package. I love it and thank you so much.
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