While cruising the vendors at the VTQF I stumbled upon a quilt I have had on my "To Do" list forever.
Fall Friends by
Cozy Quarters. I just love this quilt! Anyway, it was there, in "person" and I tell you, this is just one of the blocks that I saw that made my heart go pitter-patter...isn't it gorgeous???? The reason it has never been even close to jumping on my table is that it has
a gazillion log cabin blocks, and you all know how I just "LOVE" piecing... but who knows, I might have to break down and "go there", yes... to the "Piecing Zone!" hahaha!
Oh My what a wonderful fall quilt, I am glad it is finally summer but I so love fall.
I have acknowledged that, although I love teh log cabin quilts, I too hate to make them. This one is actually a courthouse step block but it's just as tedious as the log cabin. I still love the look and this one is super cute!
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