Today GP invited me to Legal Seafood in Burlington, MA. We have been introducing him to new foods and he has decided he likes lobster. Fortunately, LS not only had a kids size lobster meal but it also has a Lunch menu which means that you can eat like a queen, as long as you do it before 4PM, LOL.
Right in front of LS is
Eddie Bauer, one of GP's favorite stores. And because if the changing season's he was due for a new Spring vest and Summer raincoat. They have the best of both and the warm vests are half off because someone thinks the Winter is over (Obviously these people do not live in the North East!) Well, I bought him the coolest vest and found a great bright orange raincoat (for security reasons he has always had orange raincoats since he ran off into the trees and I located him only as the bright little orange speck moving onward and upward on the hill...I think once he did have a bright yellow one, but always a bright color of sorts...) Anyway, I was psyched. I had what I needed and ...wait...Where's GP? "Gene? Gene Paul?" I run off into the back of the store and sure enough he is in the back. He has on this cap with lights, no kidding...look at this:

and yes, he turned out all the lights in the kitchen so I could get a "good shot" of his new hat. Those are two LED lights glaring at you and that's a "Isn't this cool?" smile he is sporting along with it. I swear the hat was more than his dinner, hahaha! But it gets better. He bought a backpack "for camping, walking in the woods and more", and yes, that is a quote. In the car he told me he could fit five bears in the backpack! (He is referring to plushie bears, mind you!),LOL! You just had to be there.... I'm such a sucker. This is the backpack he chose:

GP the explorer, who knew? I just had to share. Maybe tomorrow he'll let me take a pic of him n his gear. He was all geared up when I found him. He had a vest, the cap (with the lights ON) and the backpack and he was so just had to be there! I think he might be stuffing his toys in his backpack as I write....better go check on that. See ya' later!
Well, he looks super cool with that hat on! I wouldn't mind having one myself.
I am going to Little Quilts in Atlanta Saturday. Lots of prim stuff there!!
Oh my goodness - you just made my day! I am grinning from ear to ear imagining GP say "and more" LOL!! He is hilarious...gotta love him!!!
What a sweet story, Brenda! I also loved GP's "and more". Too funny! P.S. I'm a sucker too...if my kids really love something, they know who to ask! :-) xo Jen
Love that smile!! I always dress my Angels the same ...that way everyone can see that double trouble is!!!
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