In an act of what I can only describe as pure desperation and panic, I promised GP that if he was on his "best behavior" during his first visit to our family dentist (his first visit as a patient, having graduated from his pediatric dentist to our family one), I would...ummmm...(see the light bulb on the top of my head going off?)..."take you to Canobie Lake Park!". His reply "When?" (He's autistic, not stupid! He wants a date before he makes a commitment... ) I say "Next week", he replies "When, next week? What day?" I start to panic (I can feel the sweat on my back now!) ...I say "Monday!" He says "OK" and just like that, a deal was struck!
Well, he was a great patient and I had to "pay up!".
You gotta do, what you gotta do!
Of course, my thought after the panic had worn off was
"What was I thinking?!"
Only someone with an autistic child would understand this, but venturing into any crowded environment where any number of unplanned incidents may be encountered is like "begging for IT!" IT being a full blown-no holds barred-totally violent and absolutely unpredictable 911 emergency. No kidding! One minute he's fine, the next minute it rains and he is in total distress. If it's not on the schedule it better not happen because
it can get ugly, real fast!
But with many prayers and many pills all these things can be endured, LOL! So off I went (loaded with St. John's Wort,Humphrey's#3 and Red Bull) with my Prince to "pay up"....
All I can say was "WOW!" What a difference a year makes!

Gene Paul promises to be on his BEST behavior as Mom, in yet another act of desperation, promises Season Passes for next year! God help us all!
Gene Paul wants to document Mom before she starts to cry because now that he's at the park he wants me to watch him get on the rides! As if getting to the park weren't enough for my poor little heart!

Well, the Rowdy Rooster was the first ride and seemed innocent enough until the blasted thing took off eight feet into the air with my Prince in it!. "HELLO!" who thought of this death trap?
Not that GP even flinches and he barely hangs on with one hand on the sail and one just draped over the passenger side of the cockpit!

Next came DaVinci's Dream AKA A Mom's Nightmare! All I can say is it's a good thing I didn't see this thing in motion before GP rode it. I would have had a stroke right then and there! You see the little blob on the top right? That's my Prince as he soars through the skies secured by nothing more than a crappy lap belt! After this ride (just ride #2, mind you!) I was ready to go home...but GP had other plans...

Can you say Skater? OK, this is yet another death trap that was so scary GP was yelling "Someone Help Me!". Followed by "MOM!". And just as I was getting ready to kill the operator and halt the machine he starts yelling "YaHOO!" and laughing...this thing is swishing him way up the treetops and swinging him back, and twisting and turning like a skateboard on a half pipe...and I am sweatin'-like-a-pig, in panic mode...and he is laughing? All I can say is if this trip didn't end soon I was going to die! Oh, did I mention he went on it FOUR TIMES!?
I would share some more pics but after this ride he went on a roller coaster and I was too busy praying to take pictures...
You gotta do, what you gotta do!
Of course, my thought after the panic had worn off was
"What was I thinking?!"
Only someone with an autistic child would understand this, but venturing into any crowded environment where any number of unplanned incidents may be encountered is like "begging for IT!" IT being a full blown-no holds barred-totally violent and absolutely unpredictable 911 emergency. No kidding! One minute he's fine, the next minute it rains and he is in total distress. If it's not on the schedule it better not happen because
it can get ugly, real fast!
But with many prayers and many pills all these things can be endured, LOL! So off I went (loaded with St. John's Wort,Humphrey's#3 and Red Bull) with my Prince to "pay up"....
All I can say was "WOW!" What a difference a year makes!
Gene Paul promises to be on his BEST behavior as Mom, in yet another act of desperation, promises Season Passes for next year! God help us all!
Gene Paul wants to document Mom before she starts to cry because now that he's at the park he wants me to watch him get on the rides! As if getting to the park weren't enough for my poor little heart!
Well, the Rowdy Rooster was the first ride and seemed innocent enough until the blasted thing took off eight feet into the air with my Prince in it!. "HELLO!" who thought of this death trap?
Not that GP even flinches and he barely hangs on with one hand on the sail and one just draped over the passenger side of the cockpit!
Can you say Skater? OK, this is yet another death trap that was so scary GP was yelling "Someone Help Me!". Followed by "MOM!". And just as I was getting ready to kill the operator and halt the machine he starts yelling "YaHOO!" and laughing...this thing is swishing him way up the treetops and swinging him back, and twisting and turning like a skateboard on a half pipe...and I am sweatin'-like-a-pig, in panic mode...and he is laughing? All I can say is if this trip didn't end soon I was going to die! Oh, did I mention he went on it FOUR TIMES!?
I'm off to a hot shower; I'll be calling it an early night. I need to recover from this adventure!
How thrilling for you (and yet how terrifying) that your boy had this experience. If you load up on ST.John's Wort and all then annual passes all around next year!
Good for you for keepng your promise.....Well, I couldn't have done it. The last time I took my son to an amusement park I passed out on one of the easy
You are so brave!! he looks like he was really enjoying himself~
Hooray for GP! Canobie Lake park is fun and he enjoyed it! That's all that is important. Oh wait, the other important part - mom survived!
looks like you had a wonderful time brenda. thanks for sharing your special day with us!!
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