Pepperdog on 02/28/2012.
Some days are harder to face than others... our beautiful Pepperdog suffered a ruptured aortic valve yesterday (just 24 hours after this pic was taken), and I chose to euthanize her rather than put her through open heart surgery. She was 12 and in her golden years. She was half deaf, half blind and had developed a thyroid problem; then her little heart just decided it had had enough so it gave way, just enough so we could say goodbye. What a hard day it was. I thought today would be easier, but it hasn't been. I miss her.
I'm so sad...
Pets are family too... I do understand and I'm so sorry for your loss... She is smiling down on you for being a good mom... let that love settle into your heart today.
I'm so sorry. I know how you feel. We lost our 17 year old kitty in January and our 13 year old dog last month. Our house is so quiet now, but not ready to get a new pet. Take care.
Sooo sorry for your loss. She looks like a little Shih Tzu. Mine was 15 1/2 and I had to put him down in January. I know your sadness. They are such a part of our lives (like kids almost). As the vet told me - You did the right thing for her - as hard as it was. Sending warm thoughts and hugs your way, Laura
I'm so sorry to hear your sweet Pepper dog has passed. Sending you and GP big hugs and keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.
My heart goes you to you for your loss. I lost my baby (he was 11 years old shih tzu)3 yrs ago & I still think about him every day. We have 2 more pups now but he still holds a special place in my heart. We rescued one of the pups shortly after he passed & I think he sent her to us to help fill the void. But he will have a special spot in my heart.
I'm am so sorry to hear that Brenda. It's always so hard when we lose our furry babies. Big hugs to you!
I'm so sorry for your loss. It's always so hard to lose our four-legged friends. Hugs to you.
So sorry for your loss. It is hard to say goodbye; they are such a part of our lives. My beloved Bichon, Cassie, was 16... she was just tired and I knew it was time. I still miss her.
I am so sad for you. Loss is so hard.
I am so sorry to hear about pepper dog, it is so hard when they get older. Mine is 12 too and on meds and deaf, so treating him and hoping he keeps up the good spirits for now.
So Sorry, Darlings!!!! Pets are so integral to our lives....they leave a big empty space when they go away!!. Hugs and Kisses to you and G.P. This sadness WILL pass...But I know, right now, it is all encompassing...You did the right thing , For Pepperdog.....
I'm so sorry for your loss Brenda! Hugs to you! :0(
Oh Brenda, I am so sorry to hear you have had to make that hideous decision. I wish you and GP peace.
So, so sorry to hear about your pup. We lost Sammie last year and I still think he's under my feet.
I'll keep you in my prayers.
Oh, Brenda - I'm soooo sorry about your pup. It's horrible to lose a furry friend, they are so loyal and loving. Hugs to you.
My heart goes out to you and GP today Brenda <3<3<3
I am so very sorry. I know how you feel. During the past few months I lost my dog and cat within 8 weeks of each other - both to cancer. They are such an important part of our lives. Some day soon you will be able to smile at all the memories you have.
i'm so very very sorry for your loss.........I truly understand and know that there's nothing I can say to make you feel better except a lot of people are thinking of you and love you and you did the right thing, but it's hard. Just went through it Feb 4. so so sorry.
just to let you know that there are many of us, who've been in the same situation. We feel your pain, it's never easy,we're thinking of you.
So sad to read that you and GP have lost your sweet loving pet. We can't let those furry "family members" suffer. Am thinking of you all and sending caring thoughts. Launa
Brenda and GP. I am so very sorry for your loss. It is heartbreaking to have to say goodbye to those fur babes who have loved us no matter what unconditionally. This is the same love you showed for sweet Pepperdog with the hard call you made for her.We still grieve for our Sadie pup we lost in 2010. She was our baby love.
So very sorry!
Sending you virtual hugs. I'm really sad for you, nothing beats the love of your sweet little puppy dog.
oh it is so hard to say goodbye. but she is forever in your heart.
I was so sad to read your posting this morning. I am so sorry. We have been through this countless times, but would never be without our furry friends around. It is just so heartbreaking when it is time to say goodbye. Thinking of you, Hugs, Betsy@LazyAranch@centurytel.net
Oh no that's so sad :( I can't believe I just petted her the other night and now she's gone. I hope GP is handling it ok. I was so shocked to read about it, and I'm so sorry :(
I am so sorry for your loss. She knew how much you love her and you will always have her in your heart. I wish you good memories and the strength to heal.
So nsorry for your loss.
I know how you are feeling, the week before Christmas last year I lost my little love, he was with me 11 years, I still miss him so... my heart goes out to you and GP
I 'know' that empty heart and empty house feeling all too well. When they cross the Rainbow Bridge they take a piece of our heart with them. Sending quilted hugs to wrap you in.
I am so sorry!
I'm so sorry!!!! There are no words strong enough!! The photo you show is wonderful. Maybe she knew. Dogs are the best gifts we give ourselves. That unconditional love. Hugs from Minnesota. Krissy B.
I'm so sorry for your loss. She left you with a beautiful parting photo.
I am so sorry for your loss. We lost our Briard, Benji, to nasal cancer in October and I am still grieving. We adopted Benji from the animal shelter knowing he was dying but we fell in love with him and wanted him to have a family and to know we loved him. He was happy and we all got so much from having known and loved him.
So sorry for your loss.
I know very well what you are going through.
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