This year GP has been to the park four times so far, April (twice), May and June. Each month he has tried a new ride and it has been the most exciting Summer yet...(or so I thought). On our last trip he walked by the The Giant Sky Wheel and said, "Let's give it a try!". My thought was "Let's is a lot of people... more than ONE! Oh NO! He wants ME to ride on THAT???!!!"
I want to make it perfectly clear that I am all for GP trying new things. I am his biggest fan, I am his cheerleader, I am his "team", but I am not, and will never be, a good riding partner.
I really wanted him to take a chance, to step out of his comfort zone...but not with ME! LOL!
But I did get on the ride and as soon as that thing started to climb I started to pray, silently at first, then a little louder and then when we hit the top, I almost had a stroke and started to yell, "Get me off this death rap, LET ME OUT!" OMG! I was terrified. But what was really interesting was that GP looked at me and in the calmest voice asked, "You're afraid of heights?" Maybe it was the mumble of my prayers or the colorless cheeks, maybe it was the tears welling up in my eyes as I stared death in the face but the point is, he saw that I was going to die of terror on this he said, "It's not too scary." HMMM. For some reason, this turned my panic button off an by the fifth time we were up in the clouds I was able to breathe. Mind you, by then, this is what GP was doing...reading the map and seeing where he wanted to go next; and here I was risking life and limb for him! LOL!
But I did get on the ride and as soon as that thing started to climb I started to pray, silently at first, then a little louder and then when we hit the top, I almost had a stroke and started to yell, "Get me off this death rap, LET ME OUT!" OMG! I was terrified. But what was really interesting was that GP looked at me and in the calmest voice asked, "You're afraid of heights?" Maybe it was the mumble of my prayers or the colorless cheeks, maybe it was the tears welling up in my eyes as I stared death in the face but the point is, he saw that I was going to die of terror on this he said, "It's not too scary." HMMM. For some reason, this turned my panic button off an by the fifth time we were up in the clouds I was able to breathe. Mind you, by then, this is what GP was doing...reading the map and seeing where he wanted to go next; and here I was risking life and limb for him! LOL!
I hope he doesn't want me to go on the coaster next. He might have to take a cab home after that one, LOL!
Update: Note that there is no wire around the basket... the Giant Ferris Wheel at Disney has a cage that keeps you nice and safe inside. I heart Disney!
Hee hee. That boy is going to give you a stroke one day. Big kudos to GP for stepping out of the comfort zone (and well done you for following him).
That was just waaay too funny! When you told me GP tried a new ride you didn't tell me you were 'forced' to try it out too! So sorry!
Good for him! And good for you! Trying new things is always good! :0)
Oh the things we do for our children. Wonderful about GP realizing your afraid of heights. Progress!
He is amazing....and so are you.
PS Yes I saw your post, email your phone number so I can call you today or tonight....
Good for GP...he got you to face one of your fears!! And he didn't even realize it...
You are truly a brave soul.......
You are my hereo! I am terrified of those rides!
Oh, boy, I feel your panic. LOL! What a wonderful guy you have there to calm your fears!! In my family, they all know momma does not like wild rides. They have never succeeded in getting me on the roller coaster and the older I get the less likely that it will ever happen!
I went backwards, loved them when I was younger and have no desire to go on them again;)
How cute is that?? ?Your so funny. If he can do it you can do. Buck up!!!! lolol
I think it's great that he tried it and liked it. :-)
Too funny....not ever!!
I just felt the PAIN of getting on that ride!! When my kiddos were young, I'd take them to our local Worlds of Fun Park...full of terrifying rides. I'd go with them, but only if another adult would go along to ride along with them on those rides!! YOU are a brave woman!!
I saw in an older post that you got an you like it, love it, hate it, wish you had one in every room? :) I'm verrrrrry close to getting a new computer (IMac) plus an IPad. I really wanted a lap top, but for less money, I can get the for-mentioned. I hope to save up for the laptop. SO, if you would let me know (when you have time) your feelings about the IPad....I'd realllllly appreciate it!!
Have a great week!! dana
lol. didnt we do one of those last year at Disney?! you shuld have been used to it! I wonder what kind of rides he'll want to go on this year!
Here's to a big Hoorah for both of you. A great story thanks for sharing.
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