Today I was feeling super psyched as I ran out to mail the last orders before the snow storm that is headed our way. Seems like just yesterday we had the power outage that made me run to the wood pile at dawn in my PJ', was it cold. Nobody told me the heater needed electricity; it's oil for goodness sake! Someone forgot to mention the pilot was electric, duh. No electricity, no oil heat. Live and learn ladies... you need electricity to run the boiler, LOL! So anyway, the thought of another night without heat made me get myself in gear and prepare for a day of hibernation. I am NOT going out tomorrow, no way- no how. Well, I might have to go dig out the Murano, JIC we have an emergency and the phone is dead and I can't dial 911. Did you know I am the only woman left in 2008 that does not own a cell phone? I don't, really. Now I wish I did, if only not to worry about digging out the car....if I had a cell phone, I could just dial 911 and have them come and pick me up, LOL! That's bad, isn't it?
Anyway, the reason I was so psyched in the midst of all the chaos is that when I opened the door there were TWO packages for me, woo-hoo! And I hadn't bought anything so I knew they were care packages. How cool is that?
One was from Melissa:
After his loot was safely put away in the bathroom, GP came back to help me with MY goodies. He is totally into decorating (we'll be putting up the tree tomorrow and he is really psyched!)
First he decided to put the friends ornie on the board,see it right above the Snow buddies? I thought that was a great spot... I've taught him well, LOL!
sorry, I just couldn't resist.
Needless to say, I did have a place for the beautiful ornament: In a basket with some of my other treasures. Note how it blends right in, next to my cute Starbucks reindeer, isn't he cute too? Oh, the chocolates were part of my loot...gotta love it!
A Santa mug made the trip too but the camera was confiscated before I got to that one so I'll leave you with a work of art that I will treasure forever, it was at the bottom of the box just waiting to be unfolded.
I'm so happy with this totally unexpected box of wonder...thanks so much Melissa, I love it all!
And then there was Box#2!
This one is from Sandy:
I called Sandy and told her it was here (mostly I called because I couldn't believe she had them gift wrap it...I thought she liked me, she's my sister!) but after two tries the magic words were not forthcoming ("Did you like it?") so I gave it sits there on the table staring at me...I don't know if I can stand it. LOL! I'll keep you posted. =)
I am glad you got your goodies!! And tell GP it's fine if he throws the crest out =)~
What beautiful stuff!! You are really lucky. Maybe you can accidentally open the other one. LOL.
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