Sunday, June 14, 2009

Web Graphics, Almost Done!

I heard back from the Web Graphic Designer, Eleasa, and my webset almost ready! Woo-HOO! Here's my new logo! I can't wait to have the rest of the goodies to finally open the new website. Did I mention the New website is NAKED?! OOPs! Can't have poeple over if your naked...unless you're having the kind of parties that I don't go to, LOL! Anyway, I just wanted to share.=)


Christine said...

Very nice logo!!! Looking forward to your new site.

Sheri Howard said...

Darling logo, canit wait to see the rest!

Jeanette said...

Can't wait to see your new website!

strawberrycream39 said...

Lovely, Brenda! It looks great! Cannot wait to see the new site! :-)

Jess said...

Love it! Very NICE!