GP is having a "Gentlemen Only" slumber party in Waltham with Gino (I think it had something to do with them not wanting to help out with the Trick or Treaters...but that's just me, thinking "bad" thoughts. It just seems odd how the "family slumber party" we had on Friday night was turned into a "Gentlemen Only" event! Do you smell a rat? I think I do... MEN! >=( Even Pepper was send home...wonder if she would have been invited if she didn't squat to pee, HMMM,. LOL!
Well, they should have just come along for all the turnout we had.... I had ONE Trick or Treater, ONE! And, mind you, I did go out and call him over "Hey, we have goodies here!" LOL! I can't relive the nightmare, I was brushed off my dozens of T-o-T who walked right past my house. =( Was it because I did not have a hand carved Jack? (T-o-T snobbery?) , maybe because I didn't pull out the Lanterns? But, I was working alone here, hello! My helpers jumped ship and I was left to fend for myself... I'm so sad.... I made 30 gift bags and bought two boxes of 40 individual size popcorn...not to mention I bought six sheets of free ice cream cones from Friendly's, AND I only bought chocolate, no junk fillers....HELLO! I feel like I had a party and no one came. =(
It's the boys fault, not sure how, but it is; that's my story and I'm sticking to it.
Now off to eat some more chocolate (with a side of Popcorn), before I get dressed and go to Friendly's to have me some ice cream cones! LOL!
Well bless your heart! Does this mean you'll have to eat all the left overs? I could send my address! lol
If you're going to Friendly's, you can't be too far from me. It's definitely a New England thing! You beat us by ONE on the t-o-t last night...we had a total of NONE! People in the neighborhoods down the street get up to 200! Oh well. We could eat ice cream at Friendly's together and commiserate!
that's okay.. we only had one too.. but you went all out they don't know what they missed those T-o-T snobs..and don't give any of those goodies to the "boys" either..no work no treat.. I know some seniors homes that would really appreciate all the work you put into it.. enjoy your popcorn and Issssscream...
We only had about 30 and I have candy bars left. I even gave each trt'er 3 bars each!!
I really enjoy the kids... but I missed my Mom's chili last night. We always had chili on Halloween...
I put you in my list of favorites! And yes, I posted a photo of the gourd that I won! Hope you'll visit me!
Blergh - sorry you didn't get a lot of ToT-ers! O.0 Bummer. I think a lot of folks don't trick-or-treat in neighborhoods a lot any more. They certainly don't around here - but then again, we do have Seaside in the area, which is sort of off the hook. (Seaside is the high-end vacation town that The Truman Show was filmed in.)
Well, I figure if there's a man slumber party, that's a fantastic excuse to plan the female equivalent. XD Y'all could have ice cream! ^_-
Don't feel bad we only had 2 families. We do this every year and no one shows up. I think this will be the last time. Not fun!!! Hubby was even dressed up..
Love friendlys..We have one here to..THere food is good to..
Guess we can all wait one more day!!! LOL
Have a beautiful Sunday
well, i'm in the same boat. we had roughly six rings of the doorbell with an average of three little goblins with hands out each time. trick or treating is not what it used to be~!~
the good news is now you have all that leftover candy to torment, bribe or otherwise use to your own ends . . .
Oh no!! Be still my heart!! This Giveaway stuff is killin' me!! I'm checkin' in at midnight!
Hugs, Deb
We had none either but not so unusual over here really. If we lived less than 3000 miles away we would have dragged our spooky looking faces up to your front door and banged until you gave us ALL the bob!
Well you just had 1 more than I did! Maybe you can include treats in your giveaways! :)
I had NONE! Crazy.... I know. My husband had 10 Snicker's bars that he waited to dig into... at 5:01 when trick or treat was over, he grabbed and gobbled, lol.
Oh my goodness...you are just cracking me up! I had this awesome visual of you out their snagging your one and only trick or treater! If it makes you feel better we didn't have too many either....but more than last year AND most of what we have don't even live in this neighborhood! I thought that was odd.
Also...my husband ducked out on me too to the basement! When I would check on him he'd ask if I brought candy?! Tee Hee
Oh my goodness- what a hoot!! Trick or treat snobbery?? Never heard of such blasphemy!! Ha!!
We went to inlaws- and had a feast-ible... And my father in law "MADE" the poor little T-o-T's ring his scary doorbell- or they didn't get no candy!! What a hoot!!
Have fun with that chocolate and ice cream!! Wish I had some:)
Kaniki's Prims & Whims
I never had a single tric or treater here! They even cancelled halloween in a couple communities in my province :(
Sooooo sad... now we're left to eat the chocolate remains.
we're eating a lot of left over candy too...had only about 10 kids here
We had a zillion trick or treaters and ran out of candy as we always do. I have some pictures on my blog of my insane neighbors who get totally out of control each year! I need to get some advice on fabric from you. I need to make two laptop computer cases for two guys that are in various historic endeavors. They seem enamored of the period 1820 or so. I looked through your site and got muddled. The non-feminine thing is throwing me. HELP so I can get this ordered!
Oh man, sorry for the lack of T-o-T'ers! I wish I could have sent some of ours over. We live in a development with *LOTS* of kids. I take our kids out with some friends and my husband stays behind to give out treats. We ran out but I only bought 4 bags this year, usually I get 8 and have lots of leftovers. Anyway, at least you have some candy to eat, I don't! :-( Hope GP and Gino had fun--they owe you! :-)
I can't wait to see who wins. Yes, I actually enjoy seeing other people win and be happy:)
Don't feel bad Brenda, it isn't you! You went through enough trouble! Two years ago we had lots of trick and treaters and I wasn't prepared... scrambling in the cupboards for enough sweetmeats... So last year I was very good (like you...) and nobody came at all!!
So this year I bought some chocs, just in case, and we were inundated again with disappointed witches and skeletons we did not have little surprise packs but 'only' chocolate!
You win some you lose some... You are great for getting it all ready though!! Good for you!
Don't feel as though you were left out....we had NONE. Guess that means I have to eat the candy, darn. Glad we purchse decent chocolate!
Yeah...weird about trick or treaters....I had a family of fours kid than one single girl....that's up one from last year.....oh well it was pouring rain and there are less and less kids in the neighborhood.
In the 50's and 60's when I trick or treated we use to stand in line at houses to get our treats!
And very politely thanked the neighbors :0).
Happy Sewing........I'm so hopeful on winning :0) and love that gourd!
One T or T! I guess you all will be eating a lot of the stuff.
We have no T or T because we live out in the country. And no mail boxes were smashed in.
I checked in to see if you picked a winner yet and got such a chuckle out of your post, especially the ending...chocolate, popcorn and ice cream. Those kids don't know what they missed out on. At my house (in So. CA), I only had about 20 T-or-T's. Where do they all go? :o)
I know what you are going though, for years I had no kids come, so I went to a friends house where I knew I could hand out candy. But the past two years we started seeing kids, guess neighborhood is changing. Last night we had about 10 kids, rest of the loot went to my grandson's house. He and his sister had decorated my house and yesterday they took it all down, so they got the reward. Halloween has changes since I was a kid or even from my son's time spent in costume.
Okaaaay... I've been checking about every hour - or so, to see if you've published a winner, yet.
Heck! I even woke up at 4 a.m., this morning and checked my iTouch to see if you had printed a winner! LOL
Honestly... I'm trying to be patient and patience is really not one of my virtues... *grin*
Any idea when the winner's name will be declared, with all the fanfare, confetti thrown up in the air and the brou-ha-ha mixed in? *grin*
P.S. When we moved here, in 2000, we had 2 "batches" of T or T'rs the 1st year and only 1 "batch" the 2nd year. I gave up on the 3rd year (and all the following years, afterwards) and just keep the lights turned off. :-(
No trick or treater's here either. Are you ok over there? Didn't get into too much choc, popcorn and ice cream did you? :-))
We got about 100 or so. It was fun - Sofia had a friend come over as they live in apartments and not much trick or treating is going on there so I invited them to come with us - so her mother and I took them around while Roland set up shop at the end of the driveway at the rock wall handing out the goodies. In half an hour they had filled up the pumpkin baskets so I bought them home and cut the boys off! Sofia went to her friends for a sleepover (which I had to pick her up from at 11pm as she was homesick)and they went ToT for another hour after they left. The boys went to sleep. So that's why we didn't make it over your way! Now I wish we had! Next year you can come here and hand out candy to your heart's content lol!! BTW we only do chocolate too - no junk here either!
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