If you have never been to Boston you just would not understand, LOL! Here's a picture, a bad one but I just could not help myself. It took half an hour to find it, and it was hidden behind a beer truck that was double parked behind another truck with a one car space between them;(Oh yes I did, I did back in from the THIRD lane, butt first, through the one car space right into the spot that was behind the truck that was unloading beer on State Street.... thankyouverymuch, LOL!
GP was so happy. I told him that we could not eat at Faneuil Hall unless we found off street parking because I was not going to pay $20 to park to buy a $5 slice of Pizza... yes my friends, it costs $20 to park at the Public Parking...it's outrageous. Hence, you just have to feel like a rock star when you find the spot hidden behind a big fat truck and parallel park your SUV from three lanes out right between the big bad trucks. HA!
It's the little things that make me happy! LOL! Oh yeah, I didn't save $20, GP bought a $30 stuffed bear at Build A Bear...but at least the bear will last longer than the two hour parking! =) I love off street parking. I can't help it, LOL! Now if only Gino had seen me park...man, that would have been priceless. hahaha!
It's the little things that make me happy! LOL! Oh yeah, I didn't save $20, GP bought a $30 stuffed bear at Build A Bear...but at least the bear will last longer than the two hour parking! =) I love off street parking. I can't help it, LOL! Now if only Gino had seen me park...man, that would have been priceless. hahaha!
OMG.....Brenda.....you are crazy...Priceless!!!!!.The next time I have to go into Boston I'm calling you and you can drive me and park......I hate driving and parking in Boston!!!!!!!!!!
You are a rock star. Spoken humbly from the lady that can't parallel park into three spaces when I am only 10 feet away! Hooray for you!
That is amazing!!! We are the suckers that did park in the garage and pay 20 bucks so we could wander around Faneuil Hall! And then another 100 for dinner. Ouch! Was nice though - dining under the stars with fairy lights. Expensive, but nice lol!! I am uber-impressed with your parking skills!!
That's pretty impressive! I've seen you attempt to parallel before, and this is huge! Lol
Ah, the skills are improving 100%!!! I think I would have tried the task as well. Parking is a nightmare in Boston and when you find a slot... you gotta go for it.
That's amazing. I don't park unless there is room for at least 3 cars in the spot! I wouldn't be able to survive.
I DO understand the parking in Boston. It is amazing!!!!
I parallel parked once, when I had to do it to pass my test, haha. Now I look for parking lots and walk a few feet. If we go to a city, Bill drives.
whoo hoo! Great parking job I'm impressed! Driving in Boston still scares me.
Hello Brenda,
this is an Italian quilter writing, I've been walking as a tourist along State Street,and I had a pizza from Bertucci (in 2004, a really snowy and windy March!).
I like very much Boston and your blog, too!
Have a nice day
Sara in Padua
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