The kit comes with everything you'll need to complete this cutie, and there are four up for grabs. You can order yours HERE! It will not be restocked before the holidays; so if you love it, don't procrastinate!
The one pictured is going out to the Birthday Girl who does NOT like Xmas quilts for Xmas (she wants them BEFORE Xmas...she's so picky! LOL!)... =)
Beautiful, just beautiful. I wish I could do that type of work? I'm killer at rag quilts but that's it for me.
Muy bonito,un saludo.
She will love it and of course you have to send it before Christmas, so she can enjoy using it;) Wish I had been able to head up there for the show.
It's for ME!!! I'm a Birthday girl that is making a space for a little Xmas quilt!! Yeah ME! I love it! Thank you soooo much!
I love it! It is adorable. K.
Very, very cute!
What fun quilts! I am a novice quilter and have quite a few of unfinished pieces! Ahhhh!
I just found you and became a follower...will have to come back on the weekends to take a longer look around!
Blessings & Aloha!
If you get a chance to stop by, please leave a comment so that I know that you were there :o)
You are great !
Sooo cute!
I got my little something!! Love it! It looks even better in person! Will take a pic soon.
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