Finally! I bit the bullet and completed the embroidery on my Wooly Wall Hanging quilt. Can you believe it? I am psyched! Not that the stitching is anything to brag about but hey, it's done, looks nice and I can take it off my UFO list. Woo-Hoo! Now don't think I had this is my "waiting to be posted pile", nope, this one is hot off the ironing board, LOL! I redid the chimney smoke too. It was bugging me, if you know what I mean. You can see it here... and for those new readers that don't know why this is such a big deal, well... you can see Wooly's first appearance here. One month to the day when I can say "DONE!" I was done with the quilt; it was the embroidery that was driving me to drink! Anyway, just sharing today's accomplishment. Hope your day is going well too. =)
PS> These are the true colors, I froze my butt to take the picture, but I figured you deserved it...LOL!
It is really cute! Your embroidery looks great to me.
Ok now I really have to get at and order myself one.!!! I relly like your and on the purple really is different. but a good different.
The smoke....much better! I didn't even notice until I looked at the original - I do like your smoke better lol!!
Gorgeous. Just Gorgeous! I LOVE it!!
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