It's DONE! I finished the binding and I love it...the colors are true, although the pic is crappy. I think it's either the photographer or my glasses. Does this image look fuzzy? Can someone put me out of my misery and tell me. I need new glasses! UGH! Anyway, remember to ignore the wonky lines ladies...that is not a distortion of the pic...that's really the way they look, LOL! Hey, I never said I was good at piecing! Plus, you're not going to stand there and stare at it... it's going to have some "stuff" on it so it'll just give the table a little color and warmth. Can you appreciate the lovin'?
Now onto the next project...after homeschool that is... no rest for the weary!Hope everyone is having a fun President's Day! B=)
Nice job, you know you are much to hard on yourself. It is so cheery, Enjoy it!
I love the look of the printed fabric on the plaid homespun background and then the button hole stitch. Really a nice combo for a very comfortable, sweet looking quilt. Nice job! xoxom
Wow...Mark Lipinski commented on your blog!!!!
I love the quilt. Maybe you do need new glasses. If you are like me and hate to get new glasses because it means picking out new frames, remember, if the old frames are in decent shape, you can use them again.
I love the quilt! Maybe you do need glasses.....I think you're being too hard on yourself!
Love it! I saw the pictures from the day before and they were so cute! Then all of a sudden.. there it was!
Brenda, your quilt is sooo nice! You should be very proud! I like to use quilts too, instead of hanging them--even so, this one is definitely wall-worthy! --Jen
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