It just occurred to me that I never did show you my Xmas tree by the window and pretty soon it's coming down. So here it is, our signal to Santa that we are Christian, "Hello, over here... we're waiting!" If you didn't get anything from the Jolly ol' guy in the red suit this year, well... let's say that it might have something to do with the location of your tree, LOL! I didn't deck the halls this year (but I did better than 2007 thanks to the never ending encouragement from
Melissa's blog, she's a Xmas nut!) so I thought I'd just share some of my favorite ornies.

These ornies remind me of my sisters. The one on the left of Sandy who is the eternal dreamer and the one on the right of Tchoco who always makes my heart happy!

This ornie I made myself, adapting an applique pattern from the Needl'Love company. I sent one to my stocking swap buddy too. It's made of wool felt.

These are just some little old guys that always seem to make it onto the tree, no matter what. I think they are from Target, from a few years back.
GP has declared that the tree must stay up until February (don't ask why, I have no idea) but because he was so sad that 2008 was gone (we had tears of sorrow here!) I am keeping it up until he is ready to say goodby.
Saying goodbye is hard to do...
1 comment:
What pretty ornaments. No wonder GP does not want to say good-bye to it yet!
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