I know, I know...It's not Fall, but it's not Xmas either... what can I say? I am just playing catch up and finishing MY little quilts. This is the same
"mystery " quilt I made Sandy for her birthday but for hers I changed the wording to read LOVE instead of
the pattern's NOEL. Her stars were also blue as opposed to green to keep with the non-Xmas theme. Mine, well I like the Xmas theme and wanted to make it as a Shoppe sample so I pretty much stayed with the pattern.
I made kits for this cutie and they flew off the shelf. I only have one left...so I figure I should finish mine before Xmas came around again! All the applique and lettering is flannel. The rest is flat cotton. I am so happy...I can't believe I finally finished it. Hey, how about that tan I gave her? It's a New England windburn look, LOL!GP looks just like that when he plays outside...
The colors are off, of course; but hey, it's 5am, you want better pictures?
Send me a photographer that keeps Baker's hours, LOL!
just tell everyone you are on UK time ;-)
What are you doing up so early?? I try to be a noon riser myself (heheh yeah right! before kids i was though!)
You little quilt is very cute! I will remind you to put her up this Christmas!
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