'Tis the season for regifting. Fa La La La La
Oh, you know there is a that one gift that you wish had never been under the tree. That gift that you cannot bring your self to throw away because you know it was given with so much love... but man, where are you supposed to put that thing? Or why did she think you were two sizes larger than you really are? Do you seriously look that fat? Ouch!
I believe that regifting can be the relief to your troubles. You can regift a heartfelt gift and never feel guilty about not appreciating the gift because you know that someone else will enjoy it. It might not be your color, but you know someone who would absolutely croon over it... ah, the joy of giving.
It never stops.
While unpacking one of my sister's moving boxes we came across this cutie. It's a hand painted box I gifted her many years ago. It was one of the first pieces I painted and it is far from perfect but wicked cute. However, she has had it and loved it for many years and doesn't have a place for it in her new home. My idea was to purge it and she agreed, but then SHE came up with the idea that it should go to a new home, so here it is up for grabs. Let the regifting begin!
This little box has a black over red distressed body and its compartments are lined in red wool.
The top is painted mustard and has a gentleman carrying a pumpkin. It's painted in the Peter Ompir style. I have no idea whose pattern I used (It was a long time ago) but it is not my original design.
I just painted it. It has been used and loved, and looks just like it did the day she received it.
It's so cute.
To enter the giveaway just leave a comment and tell me what you could not bare to purge and decided to regift. Can't wait to read it. I will choose a random winner tomorrow. See you then! Brenda
Ohhh what an awesome idea!!!! Hmmm... What to re gift... ?? I have so many things.... I am thinking it will be quilt related though.... I am going to dig through my stuff!!,
Love this idea!
Love it and it would have a loved place in my home, only to be regifted when the time comes to move on to greener pastures. I love the fact that you made it, your sister loved it, and it is precious enough that it won't get lost - but treasured.
Great Idea! Kudo's to your sister.....Regift. Probably a wall hanging I gave to my husband for our 25th anniversary. He just didn't get it. We have been married 50 years now.
Brenda, that is so beautiful! have re-gifted some sweaters to my daughters which they liked, as well as some body lotion (which was not a real sacrifice)... I think I am a hoarder which is why I can't think of anything as beautiful as yours is....Happy New Year.. Gail
Wow! Just wow! I have a little four legged stool that a friend gave me yrs ago. I gave it to another friend at Christmas because she uses it every time she's over and just loves it. Sharing something you love but could live without is such a nice way to give to someone else.
Just think, a few years ago Regifting was a bad bad thing. But what a wonderful idea! Think of the memories that will continue on. Be sure to put a tag on your gift, giving its precious story to follow the gift.
Wonderful idea! An inspiration to pass on some of my much loved treasures.
I don't know what I would regift. We don't give or receive many gifts so I think everything gets used.
Lovely Prim box Brenda...you did a spectacular job on it. Oh I love to regift... Not many things get purged in our home. If the kids don't want it we package it up and donate it to the local Salvation Army Thrift Store for resell. It feels good to rid the rooms of excess clutter a few times a year! I'm struggling right now with several thoughtful gifts... And how to give them away with clear conscience. I'll do it eventually... Happy New Year!
I did a regift at Christmas to a good friend who admired a wallhanging of mine. She was thrilled.
I have just the spot for the giveaway. Thanks for the chance
What a beautiful box! I would love to have it in my home :-)
When we moved into a smaller house this year, we found that we just don't have a space for our lovely rosewood coffee table (which was a gift from ourselves to ourselves many years ago :-)
What to do with it? Such a shame to put it somewhere to the back of the shed.., so now it lives in our friends house.
Awesome box. My son got hand woodworking tools and it would be perfect for storage. I have so much stuff I'll never use but probably would re-gift a beautiful crystal bowl that we just wouldn't use.
After my father passed away, my mom gave me his old bathrobe he liked to wear. After keeping it for many years, I decided his grandkids would love to have a momento of him. I cut it up & made each of them a teddy bear. They love them & talk of their grandfather.
Thanks for the giveaway opportunity. It would look wonderful in my house.
What a wonderful treasure box! I would enjoy having it in my sewing room. I am too sentimental to regift anything.
I made a set of table runners - one for each holiday but just had no place to use them so I gave them to one of my teachers who loves homemade gifts. She loved them!
Beautiful box, as much as I love it I have a friend who would love it more, so if I won I'd regift it to her.
I would love to have that box, I love it!
My sister once gave me an entire set of dishes, years ago, at the time she and I were not on the best of terms but I took them simply to keep the peace. Over the years, my son would pull them out and use them, or we would run out of other plates and use them, and many times I would just wash them up, stack them back and hurriedly close the cupboard door. Last summer I finally decided to set all 32 pieces of the set free, and drop theses chains from around my neck. They went to one of my best friend's houses. Last week she invited us over for Christmas dinner, you guessed it she sent my son home a plate full of food on one of those plates! Today I took it back to her, on the way over to her house I held it on my lap, and told my husband I don't like these, and never have, I'm getting this gone today! When she opened her front door, I practically shoved it into her hand. She smiled so sweetly and was thrilled to get it back~~~~. I am so glad she has them, but they never fail to irritate me when I see them because of my sister's attitude when she gave them to me. On Christmas day, I looked down at her holiday table and thought, I am never going to get away from these things. I know my heart is not at ease over these, and my attitude is the problem, and not the dishes, but I am very glad they were gifted over for someone else to love!
i am going to "regift" all my quilt magazines that I bought for myself last year. My quilt guild is having our quilt show this year and I want to make room For all my new "primitive" finds. I'm so excited to join you on Facebook. I'm having a hard time finding primitive fabric in Florida. Looking forward to all the conversations. I love your box! So many others have much better posts but I wanted to be a part of this cool idea.
I have been given beautiful necklaces, but I dont wear them. I never want the givers to feel unappreciated. They are so lovely. Now earrings I wear daily. I would regift necklaces to friends who love wearing them.
In the past, I have made donations to The Sewing Machine Project. They accept other things besides sewing machines. So, I am going to go through my patterns, notions and rulers again, and see what I can re-gift to them. It's a worthy cause.
I was cleaning out a closet and came across a pair of sequined slippers that my Grandmother had given me. As I was putting them in the thrift store pile, I had a fleeting thought of my niece, Dawn. Well, I took that as a sign, and regifted them to her , and not only did she LOVE them, they also gut her perfectly ! I was happy that they stayed in the family, and that she is enjoying them !!!
Very pretty piece! Let me say up front I would re-gift this to our niece in March on her BD. She adores all things pumpkin! Her office has Fall decor all year!
Yes I re-gift. This Christmas I gave my DIL some jewelery from my MIL. She loved the pieces which I did not and never wore! Win! Win!
Now I do have a prob with re-gifting a gift handmade just for me...yes I have some rather unique things stored in a closet!!! Need to just get over it I reckon!!!
Happy New Year to you and that sweet fella!!
The box is so cute! This year our Christmas with my husbands family was a white elephant. I had a really pretty autumn candy dish that I've had for years that I gave for my present. I'm all about the am I done having fun with it and passing it forward. ~ Jody
Oh Brenda, what a great idea your sister has. I have several things I can re-gift and I know now that I will. I love your pumpkin box, all the things you paint are beautiful and so from the heart .I would love to be the new owner .I am sure you have enjoyed your Christmas with your sister as much as she loved having you there . Happy New Year my friend.Hugs, Marie
Such a nice idea! I was given a picture in a hideous frame, cream with gold trim shells and cherubs scroll work. It looks like nothing I have in my country prim home. It's the thought that counts hmmmm? Love your painting on the box. Thank you for doing this drawing.
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