Tuesday, November 15, 2011

If You Believe in Santa

It's that time of year again. Can you believe it? Seems like just yesterday when GP taught us who trumps Mom and Dad in the gift giving category (Santa2010).. and although this year his list is so short it's just barely a list at all, and he is very much aware that he is too old to make Santa's list, he is still concerned about a few things... which he chose to discuss with "HIM"
I was not allowed to eavesdrop but when I asked, GP told me that he was "just asking about the naughty children" and I asked him if he told Santa he was naughty this year. He gave me the "Are you nuts?!" look... and said, "I was a little naughty in the past, but not anymore!" ... and as if to reiterate how "IN" he was with Santa he told me, "And, I'm not too old for Santa's list. I am young at heart!". OMG! If that is not straight out of Santa's mouth, I don't know what is, LOL! That was hilarious. But the truth is that I think Santa's reassurances just confirmed what he already knew...
If you believe in Santa he will always bring you presents...
no matter what your parents say!


Unknown said...

GP is just to cute!

WoolenSails said...

That is so funny, he looks so serious, talking to Santa.
I think GP is growing up thanks to all of your love and time.


Patty said...

So true!

Jenny said...

I LOVE this picture! Thanks for the laugh! That exprssion is priceless!

andsewon said...

Oh my how wonderful that Santa is!!! Darling photo of them both! GP sure is growing up!

Anonymous said...

GP is right, there is no age for believing in Santa, because Santa is in our heart.

Everything comes from the love that you have and share from your heart.


Anonymous said...

just love that! Boys are very special...when my son (who is now 21) was in sixth grade, he asked me if there was truly a Santa Claus, as he was hearing in school that there was no Santa....I gave him the typical mom answer of how Santa represents the good in all of us and our generosity...and he told me that he was very sad.....that if it was true, that meant that Dad & I gave him all those presents over the years...and that if he had known, he NEVER would have asked for so much! and he's still as sweet today. GP reminds me of that story...we're both very lucky ladies! ~ Eileen

Anonymous said...

You are so blessed!


Gloria J W said...

It just shows, that you are never too old to believe in the magic of Christmas...Santa included!! How is your house hunting??
Hugs Gloria

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Kids do believe with Santa.Thanks he made children's wishes do come true.