Monday, August 17, 2009

Tweaking here~

I don't like the comment moderation thing so I've changed it back to the usual...
I will however delete any comments promoting other quilt shoppes.
I consider that spam.
Please don't spam me!


Jess said...

Thats so wrong! Cant beleive someone would do that! NO loitering folks! :o)

Kaaren said...

Talk about another quilt shop here? Why in heaven's name. You have the most awesome selection of fabric that I've ever seen...actually most of the fabric that you carry I've NEVER seen anywhere else.

Speaking of which, Brenda, I'm going to be placing an order in the next few days but first my friend and I have to get together to decide what and how much we want/need. How do you generally ship within the US and what is your turn around? There's no rush it's just that we'd be coming from Canada to pick it up at my US address.

I'll say it again just in case someone missed it...your fabric selection is FABULOUS!

trash said...

Seriously? Someone posted about another business? That is such poor taste. Ooo! Ooo! What you need is a really big red button you can hit when you read a ridiculous comment.

arlette said...

Hola Brenda!!!, como estas?, espero que muy bien. Perdona por no haber podido haberte escrito antes, siempre me gusta recibir comentarios y soy slow en contestarlos, tratare de cambiar, eso si. Muchas gracias por decir que te gusto mi quilt, todavia no le he hecho el quilting, eso me da una pereza, que para que te digo, y eso lo hago yo a mano o a maquina, desearia poder ponerlo en manos mas aptas, estoy recibiendo una clase de quilting en una escuela.
Como que sabes poquito de quilting si tienes una tienda de quilting?. Y ademas que haces cosas preciosas, me encantan tus cupcakes
Que lindo que debe ser vivir en New Hampshire, yo vivi un tiempo en Vermont, y siempre quise ir alli. Ya casi viene mi estacion preferida de Estados Unidos, el otoño, me vuelven loca todos los colores de las hojas, parecen telas, lol. Entiendo cuando dices que hace calor.
Que estudiaste en la universidad?, yo estudie Relaciones Públicas, bueno todo lo que tu quieras saber preguntame y yo te respondere!.
Iba a ponerte el comentario en el post mas nuevo, pero decidi hacerlo aqui: my singer sewing machine likes to do brummmm brummmmmmm instead of clack clack, its my spoiled baby, lol.
Aqui tienes con quien practicar español y en mi tienes una nueva amiga, si lo quieres

arlette said...

I forgot to tell you the thematic the post is about, lol. I love your store, I'll love to live close from you, you don't need that and just ignore it