My search for a new house has finally come to an end.
How long and arduous a task it has been.
When I began my search almost a year ago I thought that by Fall I would have been in my new house and almost a year after starting this full time endeavor, it has finally happened. I've purchased my house and I am now packing up almost sixteen years of my life, and preparing to move it across town to our new house.
Wow, what a challenge lays ahead as the packing begins in earnest. My goal is to have moved in by the end of the month. Ten days from today. Please say a little prayer for me as I put on my big girl undies and begin this journey. This is no small task, but with the help of family and friends, I am hopeful that it will be as uneventful as possible.
We shall ignore GP's pleas to "Stop packing my things!" and his daily mantra of "I'm not moving" and pray for him to come around and love this wonderful new house that I will work diligently at transforming into a home where wonderful new memories will be made. Pictures to follow soon!
Congratulations Brenda!! It is a beautiful house indeed. =)
I love your new house and it looks like you have a lot more room for your business. Can't wait to see photos of everything. Will there be a pool in the back for GP?
Love your new home!Maybe when GP sees all his own things in the new house it will feel more like home to him then. Big hugs for both of you! More room for one of my fav shops to expand!!
Moving is such a big job and also a great adventure. Congratulations on finding your new home. I pray that the transition will go smoothly for GP too.
I'm truly happy for you Brenda and you and GP have been in my prayers. I'll continue to pray for both of you as I know this isn't easy for either of you, perhaps more so for GP. I agree with Lola, once he see's his things in his new home he will come around.
Get the extra room ready, cause if I come back to NH I'll be stopping by. My cousin lives in Belmont, not all that far away!
It looks like a wonderful house and I'm glad you'll finally be settling in. You'll be in my prayers for the moving - whew how I hate to pack and unpack LOL
Poor GP, that must be so unsettling to a person who like things to be consistent. I will pray for him to see the adventure. I do not envy you the packing part although I will say that when I moved, it sure did help because I de-cluttered 25 yrs of STUFF and moved less than I had owned. Congrats on your new adventure!
Oh my. This is a beautiful house Brenda. It looks like a place your heart will be very happy!
I hope your son settles into it...that must be incredibly difficult.
Packing is awful...although I found a great source of free boxes at Dunkin Donuts here!
Wish I could give you a hand or at least send you some of my mountains of unpacked boxes here!
Have you packed up your shop. I wanted to buy the Easter pattern. But I know you are swamped. So I can do something else. I am in Nashua and could come over. But when you are moving.... well life is CRAZY!
Good luck in the move and GP's adjustments to the new home
I remember when we moved from the only house my son ever lived in to a new one. He wasn't happy about it at all. It took awhile before the new house became his home but eventually it happened.
GP isn't going to like it for some time but eventually he will feel at home.
I'm so thrilled for you. It's been quite a journey!
Your new house looks lovely... Soon it will be a home and with familiar items you place in it I'm sure GP will come to love it too. Good luck on the move, I've prayed it will go smoothly. Hugs from California! Liz
Congratulations on the new house! Hope all goes well with the move! :0)
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