If you are ever in need of some serious reading material, then this is the place to go so you don't waste your time reading junk!

Well, in any event. It turn out that she liked this book so much she
decided to buy a copy to share and had a little giveaway; and I WON! Woo-HOO!Can you think of anything better than a good book for a snowy Winter's Day? I'm psyched!
Thanks Sandy for the great drawing and for all the great books you
review for us crafters who need something good to listen to while we make our treasures!
Click on the image of the book to read her review, I'm sure anyone looking for a good read will appreciate it =)
Congratulations! And thanks for sharing the blog find - you know I'm always up for a good discussion about books!!
(Oh, and welcome back!)
Grats Brenda!! You should run out and buy a lottery ticket RIGHT NOW while your luck is HOT =)
Then when you win you can share it with me!!! LOL
So now comes the bad news... The book is not an audiobook. Jessy says that I should not mail it out so you can read it when you come here. That's probably the only time you will have some quiet time (when everyone else is sleeping)to pick up a book with actual pages. It's really worth you reading it in print. So let me know if you want me to mail it or hold it.
well lucky you, what a lovely surprise - i will be on that blog straightaway!!!
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