Thursday, October 16, 2008

A Halloween Give Away!

With only 15 days to go, I'm having a Halloween Giveaway! Woo-Hoo!The thing is, you just gotta trust me on this one. No pics, no tricks... It'll be a Halloweenie Surprise! If you've ever taken part of my giveaways you know, I don't do Junk! I bought some great stuff for my Autumn Swap buddy and I had enough for TWO baskets and, you guessed it, one lucky blogger is getting the second one.. Leave a comment and post about it on your blog if you want in! You get an extra entry for your post too! When my swap buddy lets me know she has received her goodies I will post the pic of the winner's loot! Drawing will be Next THURSDAY!
NON BLOGGERS: You must leave an email or send me an email with your email address in case you win...
Ahem, Carrie, that means you too, hahaha!
Update: No more entries accepted!


Cornbread and Beans Quilting said...

Ohhh Ohhh I am first =)~ LOL
I would love to be entered and I am posting a link on my blog right now!!!
Happy Almost Halloween !!

Carrie P. said...

I don't know if I can play even though I am leaving a comment only because I don't have a blog yet. My daughter is going to help me come up with one during her fall break. Oh! what am I getting myself into?

Brenda said...

Carrie, you have to add your email to your profile so you can receive emails from bloggers, like me!!!

wonderwoman said...

oooo goody!!! I will try and do a link on my blog, although i'm not usually any good at the technical stuff!!


kathipink said...

Yours will be the first link on my blog! I couldn't think of a better blog I would want to link~~everything you do is wonderful.

Sue Cahill said...

I love surprises!!!
Please enter me, here is my email:
sbonetsue at yahoo dot com
Sue Cahill

Julie said...

Enter me, enter me!! I just posted about it on my blog.

Jeanette said...

Hi Brenda, please enter me in your draw! :-D BTW, I love the flowers that you got yourself in the last post. (And I'm glad you were able to get your hair fixed!!)

Sylvia M Sido said...

I guess I am doomed...I do not have my own blog as I have all I can do reading all the other quilters wonderful blogs. So if this qualifies as an entry, I am in.

Sherri said...

I love of course I would love for you to enter me in your drawing! Thanks!

Gene Black said...

I would love to be entered. Heck, enter me twice, I am posting this on my blog too!

Donna said...

I would like to be enter in the give away. I"ll post a link to the give away. I haven't ever won anything in my life but you never know. I am currently in 2 other giveaways also. They are on my blog if you are interested in them.

jenna said...

Bwahaha Halloween is the best!

jashaw (at) coe (dot) edu

Tim said...

My wife is a quilter and would love this. Thanks for having a great contest. Tim

cpullum said...

Love a Halloween giveaway!!!


Shooting Stars Mag said...

Sounds exciting! Please enter me.

I blogged about this as well:


lauren51990 at aol dot com

Unknown said...

i would also love to enter please! :D

Dawn said...

I love a surprize giveaway! Please count me in. Happy Halloween!

tess said...

I love Halloween! Please add me to the list.

WoolenSails said...

No password this time;)
Who doesn't love a giveaway.
I need to get moving and list my favorite blogs, including yours, so my guests can enjoy them as well.


Linda said...

I like surprises! Good luck everyone! Thank you Brenda for hosting a giveaway!

cpullum said...

Happy Halloween!!!!


The Demanding Doll said...

I love surprises!

Please add me to your entries. I posted a link on my blog.

Kim said...

Girl... you have been busy!! I love all your stuff and your pumpkin quilt is really cute. Would love to enter your giveaway and I will post it on my blog too!
Thanks for the Ugly Mug Award!!!!!

Brenda said...

I love your bolg. I enjoy the pictures that you put up. Thanks for sharing. i would love to be entered in your drawing.

Janellybelly said...

Hi Brenda
What a generous person you are :) I have enjoyed reading your blog, count me in on your giveaway please.
Janelle xx

cheryl said...

I just wandered in here to look at Halloween quilts ... but I would love to enter your Halloweenie giveaway. I posted a link on my blog.

Jingle said...

Oh, that sounds just LOVELY! I would be so excited to win! I love this time of year!

Sew Create It - Jane said...

Please count me in...sounds wicked! :o)

Denise said...

I am new to your blog but I love what I am seeing and reading. Please enter me in the Halloween Give Away.

Happy Halloween,

echoeve said...

I would love to be entered into the drawing.

thanks so much

echoeve at yahoo dot com

Crystal Adkins said...

OMG I'm soooo curious! I just found your site and it is so much fun! I hope to be the winner of your surprise!!
I'm a blogger but just incase my email is
Thanks so much!

lifewithquads said...

Pick me!! Pick me!! If you could see how pittiful my Halloween decorations are you would show me mercy and pick me. (giggle)

DART said...

Definitely lovin' the bloggin' just never know what you'll stumble into! Who doesn't love surprises??? Count me in!!! Great Giveaway!!! My email is on my blog. said...

A Halloween Give Away, please enter my name and I would be honored to shout it out on my blog...Many Hugs, Mary

Ashley said...

Awesome giveaway. Thanks!

Re said...

oh this is fabulous! thanks for a great giveaway!

Robin C said...

well I love surprises so please count me in.

Diana Dang said...

Surprises are simply the best!

Julia said...

Hi Brenda,

Just come across your blog for the first time and I love it! I've put a link from my blog to yours - please count me in.


Anonymous said...

This sounds like fun!
Thank you!
onenightoff (at) gmail (dot) com

Pat said...

OOOO.....a Halloween surprise giveaway. I love it. I heard about this from Mary's blog. (Thanks, Mary.) I'm another one who doesn't have a blog...YET. is my email case I get lucky enough to win!!!

Linda said...

I like surprises - makes it even more suspenseful!(<-spell check!)
Good luck everyone!
Thank you Brenda for having a Halloween Giveaway!

Myra said...

Please put my name in the hat. :o) Love your blog and all the lovely eye candy you share.

quiltma said...

A Halloween giveaway. It's my favorite holiday and I was lucky enough to have my oldest daughter born on that day. I don't want to be greedy but

calicodaisy said...

It sounds like a good giveaway. I love all your prim work. I came here by way of cornbread and beans quilting. -- Michele

Jess said...

sign me up!!pls

StitchinByTheLake said...

I trust you! blessings, marlene

ikkinlala said...

I don't have a blog, but I would love to enter if Canadians may.

ikkinlala AT yahoo DOT ca

Angela Harris said...

So exciting! i can't wait to see what it is! Please enter ,me!
Angela Harris

Candace said...

Me too, Please!

Unknown said...

What a fun giveaway! Thank you!
Hopefully I can be entered even though I can't link to a blog. (I don't have an active blog and -hanging head in shame - wouldn't know how to link anyway! :)

Happytime2011 said...

OHHH I would love to enter your giveaway...I do not have a blog (yet) but maybe someday when I can figure out how!, until then I will delight in reading others.

Carol said...

Hi Brenda, Please enter me in your drawing, I would love a chance to win. Funny that one of your featured bloggers is Kim at Stitching by the lake, I had her name for a polka dots and rick rack swap. You might have seen the table runner I made for her on her blog. Happy Cupcake Day!

Carol Lewis

~*~ said...

Me! Me! :) I wanna be entered aaannnnddd I'll post a link on my blog too!!!

Happy Cupcake day!!! :D

emmy said...

I love Halloween! Please enter me!
Thanks so much!

Rachel Elizabeth said...

How exciting. A surprise giveaway!

BitnByAQuiltingBug said...

I'd love to be included in your drawing! You have a wonderful blog.

LovesPINKandPEARLS said...

count me in! and even though my blog is private, ill post a link to your giveaway!

Cathy said...

Hi there,

This is my first visit to your blog by way of Julie in Alabama. She said you were having a giveaway. I'm not the luckiest girl in the world, but I don't mind entering for a "chance" to win something. I love how artsy your blog is. Mine is new, but I'm still working on it. I'll make a comment on my blog to send people to your site.
Have a happy day,

Shar said...

Surprizes are so much fun!! Please count me in on your draw.
Happy Halloween :)


Mishka said...

Sounds intriguing!! Count me in please.

Happy quilting,
Quilting Gallery

Anonymous said...

I would LOVE to be entered - thanks!!


torinem said...

Oh, fun! I love surprises!

tisme said...

I found this blog from a friend of mine! She has posted about the giveaway. I do have a blog and probably deserve the award for the pumpkin table runner I did this weekend. If you need a good laugh, stop on by and read about it.

Jenn Miyamoto said...

I would like to be entered! Thanks!

Osage Bluff Quilter said...

Don't you just love fall? the cool crisp nights, time to make soups and a GIVE AWAY! Awesome. I'll put it on my blog too.

Stacy said...

Count me in! I will post the link on my blog shortly!

Rita E in AZ said...

Oh boy, can I enter your drawing too?
Rita E in AZ
requilt (at) yahoo (dot) com

Rachel said...

Pick me, pick me! :) I found some great Halloween pumpkin fabric on the clearance rack the other day. I think I am going to try to make a scapy quilt soon, maybe I can use it there!

Carrie ~ Cricketwood Prims said...

Happy Fall,

Enjoy your blog.

Hugs, Carrie

Sarah Pead said...

Oh pick me! Pick me! I will definitely post about this on my blog!

TMC said...

I'm in!

Wendy said...

I hope I'm not too late for the giveaway, I just found your blog and I love it. What a cute pumpkin picture as well.

Unknown said...

What a fun giveaway!

Terri S said...

I've posted a link to your give-away on my blog. Please enter me in your drawing.

Mary Beth said...

Sounds fun! I am sure it will be a great "treat" for this holiday!

Mamadoc said...

Everything looks great, count me in!!!

karen b said...

Please draw me....I love surprises!!

Nana's Quilts said...

Thank you, thank you. Count me in.
Nana Marne

Anne said...

Love your blog. When I win, don't worry if I don't check in with you right away...I'll be at Quilt Market in Houston! ;-)

Laurie said...

Oh my gosh!! You Prim gals are so much fun, I enjoy lurking about getting all these awesome ideas, recipes and stuff! I can't get enough!! Thank you!! Laurie

Jackie's Stitches said...

What fun! Thank you for having a contest!

Andrea said...

Yea!!I would like to be entered... Like Christmas in October!! I'll post about it on my blog!! Thanks for sharing!!

antique quilter said...

surprises are exciting and I love halloween. Love this time of year, all the fall colors and seeing all the little kiddies dressed up
and pumpkins just makes me smile

Missy said...

Oh, I love surprises! Happy Halloween!

knitmomma said...

Halloween surprises, huh? Very fun! I'll try to post on my neglected blog tomorrow...

mysteryhistorymom said...

Brenda- You are soooo talented! Please count me in! AND I will post about this on my blog, too!:D Thanks for the FUN! Lori

Momto5 RachelJoy Photography said...

oH i'd love me some autumn loot :) Im a new visitor to your blog. Love it :)

Katrina said...

I would love to be entered! Thanks!

Terry said...

I love a surprise! Please add my name to your giveaway! And I posted about it on my blog too! Thanks!

JoAnn ( Scene Through My Eyes) said...

Great tive-away - and super blog. Thanks

Juanita said...

Sign me up!! I'm posting on my site. Have a blessed day!

Anonymous said...

Put me in.Im not on your list of bloggers because I cant find the follow this blog thingy.LOL!

Preppy Mama said...

Wow, who doesn't love a surprise!!
Count me in!

free indeed said...

I just love tripping around the web and seeing so much eye candy. I followed your blog because of joining the 'Dash'. Count me in for the basket of goodies.

Artfulife said...

What a blast! Sign me up for this fun giveaway, and then drop on by my blog to enter in my Halloweeny giveaway! I will add a button to the side of my blog for your giveaway.

DaiseyB said...

Oh goodie! I want to be in for the giveaway. I am posting a link for your blog on mine right now.

Candace said...

Yippeee... I love Halloween! I'll go right over to today's blog and link it to this with an update! Cheers!

Mother Hood said...

How nice of you to spread the Halloween love! Please count me in. And of course I'll be bloggin' about this, baby!

Asylumgirl said...

I would love to win your "not-junk"! LOL
Count me in.


kamewh said...

I would love to be entered! I love surprises!!

kerin0874 (at) yahoo (dot) com

Robin Beck said...

Lori sent me over here from Morning Glories and moonflowers!
Great blog! Please sign me up for your giveaway! Thanks! :)

Gretchen said...

I love Halloween, please count me in. I'll post a link on my blog too.

Elise said...

Hey, I came by way of Lori's blog. I would love to be entered in your giveaway!!
Thank you!!

Abbie S-Dyer said...

Hello! I came across your blog through snippets of a quilter. what a fantastic giveaway! I've posted about this on my blog as well. if you have the chance, please stop by and visit my blog! please enter me in for the drawing!

Patty said...

Hi, I found a link to your blog while reading another blog and wanted to comment for a chance to win your give away.

I also wanted to mention I really love the pumpkin quilt you blogged about!

Unknown said...

I just had blogger sign up for my House slipper swap and was checking to see if her address was right when I listed her. It was on that I saw where you are having this lovely give away.. so please enter me in.. I would love to win. Ps. Come on by if your interested in my slipper swap :)

maggie said...

Just found your blog and love it. I want to enter your draw and I'll post about it on my blog.

frankenpug said...

I am in! I posted on my blog too. I love surprises!

Great blog by the way:)

Mary said...

Thanks for the opportunity to join in the give-away. I love your blog and read it regularly.


swooze said...

Ooh put me in the draw please!

Mary said...

I love your work..... and the fall stuff is so great.

Bailey and Max said...

Love Autumn and the fall holidays, please enter me in your contest. Fran

DocSly said...

I love your blog and I truly wished I lived closer as I would love to visit your shop. I have a blog related to my recent lapband surgery but I am contemplating a blog about quilting and knitting. I do both. Thanks so much for your time and effort on a remarkable blog.

Bailey and Max said...

I love Halloween! Please enter me. Fran

Anonymous said...

Wow! Lots of commenters here! I'd love to win your giveaway. Please add me to the list.

~Laurie~ said...

wuuuuuuuuuuuuuu! I'm floating in from ghost land to leave a comment on your blog, hoping that you will send me and my ghoulish friends here in the chilly land of Maine a beautiful goody basket. Hope it's filled with lots of tricks and treats!! hAppY HaLLoWeEn!!
A floaty friend :)

Anonymous said...

I would love to be entered in your contest! I just LOVE Halloween....

Anonymous said...

do I have time to enter the giveaway?

Harley Dee said...

Oooh, I wanna toss my name into the witch hat!! :D

Anonymous said...

Hi Brenda, I would love to be in the draw for the Halloween Giveaway. Regards Lyn

Tricia said...

Please enter me in your wonderful Fall Give-away. It is just turning fall here in Alabama ana Halloween is my favorite time of year.

Brenda said...

That's it for entries ladies; this Giveaway is closed! The winner will be announced shortly!

martimez said...
This comment has been removed by the author.